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14 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

It's not a mutant just a different strain



14 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

Isn't that the case with all viruses.  Some would apply to dogs cats etc. Its a risk sure but considered quite low.

This new 'version' of Covid19 is considerably more infectious/transmissible than the strain the science has had to deal with up till now. Whether the vaccines being administered now will be able to deal with it still needs to be answered.

What's that about cats and dogs? 

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16 minutes ago, quilp said:



This new 'version' of Covid19 is considerably more infectious/transmissible than the strain the science has had to deal with up till now. Whether the vaccines being administered now will be able to deal with it still needs to be answered.

What's that about cats and dogs? 

I was saying that any creature that breathes could inhale the virus and pass it (physically) to others. 

They seem to be saying that the vaccine will be effective as the new variant has the same genetic code.  Fingers crossed that they are right:sweatingbullets:

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1 hour ago, Happier diner said:

I was saying that any creature that breathes could inhale the virus and pass it (physically) to others. 

They seem to be saying that the vaccine will be effective as the new variant has the same genetic code.  Fingers crossed that they are right:sweatingbullets:

The vaccine targets a specific part of the virus, namely the spike. As long as that stays the same shape, your body can recognise it as that nasty the vaccine taught it about.

A more contagious strain makes perfect sense if you think about it. Most people are wearing masks and social distancing, which reduces the spread, and thus the likelihood of it spreading. There's an evolutionary pressure for the virus to spread more readily in the circumstances it finds itself in. When the right mutations happen, the strain that spreads more easily in a world with COVID-Secure (hate that term) will be the one that runs around gleefully.

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4 hours ago, Cambon said:

I virus will get back into the community quite soon as a result of the vaccination program. 

The vaccine does not stop you catching the virus. It prevents you getting a bad dose of it. But, you still get it, still shed it. Until you have had the virus you are not immune. 

So, once everyone is vaccinated, the virus must be allowed in to do its work. Or, is it a case of the vaccine giving you a mild dose? Will it make you contagious? 

Very many unanswered questions.

There hasn't been enough time for a lot of data about it yet, but infectiousness seems to be linked to your viral load, or how much of the virus you're spitting out.

If the vaccine reduces your viral load, it makes it significantly harder for you to pass it on, even if you have it. With HIV, suitably medicated, you have an effectively zero chance of passing it on, even without protection.

The answer is that we need more time to work out exactly how that landscape looks. Though, if you're asymptomatic, it looks like you shed the virus for a significantly shorter time. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanmic/article/PIIS2666-5247(20)30172-5/fulltext

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5 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

There hasn't been enough time for a lot of data about it yet, but infectiousness seems to be linked to your viral load, or how much of the virus you're spitting out.

If the vaccine reduces your viral load, it makes it significantly harder for you to pass it on, even if you have it. With HIV, suitably medicated, you have an effectively zero chance of passing it on, even without protection.

The answer is that we need more time to work out exactly how that landscape looks. Though, if you're asymptomatic, it looks like you shed the virus for a significantly shorter time. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanmic/article/PIIS2666-5247(20)30172-5/fulltext

Exactly. This isn't measles which has an R-number in the teens. If you have a high viral load then you're going to infect a few people (R=3-5). We know so little about this virus and I'm really hoping that COVID is a wake-up call to the general population that science isn't finished yet and we can't know everything instantaneously. 

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4 hours ago, Hmmmm said:

Odd how The CM stated at the end of his Thursday briefing, that it would be the last briefing until the New Year.  Is there a standstill agreement with the virus until 2021? I think not.  

Well things are going so well in the UK, there will be very little change in the next 2 - 3 months.

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4 hours ago, Hmmmm said:

Odd how The CM stated at the end of his Thursday briefing, that it would be the last briefing until the New Year.  Is there a standstill agreement with the virus until 2021? I think not.  

How about get Paul Moulton to do an Isle of Man TV live Covid briefing broadcast at the same time as the Queen's Speech on Christmas Day. Do it from Howard's castle in Crosby.

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13 hours ago, Roxanne said:

Isn’t everyone?

Its the final adventure for me although I do appreciate others may not see it that way.

But despite all the discussions in this thread covering every single topic ever been discussed about CV - sometimes five times over - a future scenario after 3/4/5 waves has never been discussed once.

Thats what I was curious about. 

My personal opinion is people need to get used to this and 2021 will be pretty much the same as 2020. There is no other strategy than lockdown. The uk want to keep schools open so will have lockdowns every school holiday and come summer there will be some normality as infections lower due to the time of the year then it will be back to the new normal next winter 

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8 minutes ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

I wonder if the collapse of the situation in Jersey was due to this new more infectious variant, after all their main transit hubs are the South East/London.

The new variant may turn out to to be a blessing in that whilst initially more infectious it may run out of hosts sooner

Don't think it works like that.

Unless it was killing or hospitalising the people it infects then being more easily spread will not make it run out sooner. It isn't going away, ever.

We will get the vaccine and then have to accept that it kills thousands worldwide each year like Flu and other diseases.

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He will be "advised to leave" and "may get arrested" all sounds a lot like "we're not sure we can arrest him and just want him to go away". https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/jet-skier-will-be-advised-to-return-to-uk/ Surely when he arrived he was already arrested under exactly those rules? Arrest him again for the same entry? 

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1 hour ago, Amadeus said:

He will be "advised to leave" and "may get arrested" all sounds a lot like "we're not sure we can arrest him and just want him to go away". https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/jet-skier-will-be-advised-to-return-to-uk/ Surely when he arrived he was already arrested under exactly those rules? Arrest him again for the same entry? 

Surprised he didn’t get an exclusion order. 


How times have changed. There was a point when we were doing one a week of them 

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