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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Just watching the BBC news about the number of lorries etc stuck in the queues after travel ban from UK into Europe. Boris to hold COBRA meeting later.

The suggestion of testing and vaccinating all those drivers  before allowing them to drive on to Europe was made as a way to get freight moving and allow the foreign drivers to get home for Christmas.

I am not sure of the turn around time for test / results now but is this feasible. ? 

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He wants to see more people allowed in; what did I miss from his post? He's complaining about the restrictions and that the fb "mob" are calling for a tightening-up of the borders. All I'm reading from his posts are consistent impatience with how things are currently, he's clamouring for change and quick to criticise yet vague about exactly what he wants. People are still arriving and leaving, still self-isolating for the alloted time.

Personally, I'm fed up with the petulant impatience and the obsessional repetition by certain posters because there's going to be no quick fix, the virus, the existential crisis and the restrictions that accompany it are going to be prevalent for a long while yet.

People need to stop complaining and get used to it.

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4 minutes ago, quilp said:

People need to stop complaining and get used to it.

Some people are scared.

I take the point and the arguments are futile against the whims of this virus, its adaptability and the sometimes confusing messages sent out and the steps being taken by the government.

From what I read in several reports is that the new strain is out of control and until we can assess the full impact of that and whether the new vaccines have any effect on it we are all in the dark now.

I wish we had Dr Glovers reassuring messages to ponder and give us all some reason to think that things are going to get better, and soon. I'd feel a bit better then.

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18 minutes ago, quilp said:

He wants to see more people allowed in; what did I miss from his post? He's complaining about the restrictions and that the fb "mob" are calling for a tightening-up of the borders. All I'm reading from his posts are consistent impatience with how things are currently, he's clamouring for change and quick to criticise yet vague about exactly what he wants. People are still arriving and leaving, still self-isolating for the alloted time.

Personally, I'm fed up with the petulant impatience and the obsessional repetition by certain posters because there's going to be no quick fix, the virus, the existential crisis and the restrictions that accompany it are going to be prevalent for a long while yet.

People need to stop complaining and get used to it.

I’m not suggesting more people are let in , I’m saying there should be no changes to existing restrictions which allow returning residents including students etc.

there have been several posters on here calling for restrictions to be tightened but they don’t say what or who they want restricted. As I mentioned there is a call from Facebook mob for level 5 borders which would be similar to last year when we stopped our own residents returning home.

As long as everyone is doing 14 days I do not see what the problem is

Edited by Banker
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14 minutes ago, Banker said:

I’m not suggesting more people are let in , I’m saying there should be no changes to existing restrictions which allow returning residents including students etc.

I'd agree with that and I'd also hope that testing, tracking and tracing are up to the job. Especially so now that an apparently more virulent strain of the virus is 'on the loose.' 

14 minutes ago, Banker said:

there have been several posters on here calling for restrictions to be tightened

Can't say I've read as such from posters on here, generally the mood is the same as you have posted above. At the same time any strategy has to suit the circumstance, a level 5 situation could easily occur if people don't abide by the rules.

14 minutes ago, Banker said:

... there is a call from Facebook mob for level 5 borders which would be similar to last year when we stopped our own residents returning home.

So when our own residents weren't allowed home this year, was our system in place at the time for testing and tracing? Even the Isle of Man is a bit more up to speed on the requirements. It still hasn't been clarified that, since the departure of Dr. Glover, has our turnaround of Covid test-results risen from <6hours to +48hours? In the event of an outbreak any delay in results might hinder intelligence-gathering, track and trace, etc.

14 minutes ago, Banker said:

As long as everyone is doing 14 days I do not see what the problem is


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Of all the places in the world, fighting the tentacles of the Covid pandemic, London & the South East just happen to develop a mutated strain of the virus, right at the flop in the EU negotiations, three times more virile than anything ever seen before, forcing our 'friends' across the channel to shun & distance us - who'd have thunk it.

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Turns out students took shit seriously on the whole, after all the wailing and gnashing of teeth. Probably cos they're theoretically fairly bright. Interesting little report.


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25 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

Of all the places in the world, fighting the tentacles of the Covid pandemic, London & the South East just happen to develop a mutated strain of the virus, right at the flop in the EU negotiations, three times more virile than anything ever seen before, forcing our 'friends' across the channel to shun & distance us - who'd have thunk it.

After seeing the palava it has caused I am willing to bet in the coming days a government official will come out and say that this new strain (which has been known about since September) isn't as bad as first thought. 

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The repeated line about this variant (for that is what it is, not a new strain) being known about since september is a little bit disingenuous. If you read up on it it is technically true, but it was november that it was realised quite how common it had become.

There is a site nextstrain.org which has been tracking all the various mutations and variants, and there are plenty of far more qualified people than me out there offering explainers of what, why and how this development is important. 

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3 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

The repeated line about this variant (for that is what it is, not a new strain) being known about since september is a little bit disingenuous. If you read up on it it is technically true, but it was november that it was realised quite how common it had become.

There is a site nextstrain.org which has been tracking all the various mutations and variants, and there are plenty of far more qualified people than me out there offering explainers of what, why and how this development is important. 

.... but now, the European nations decide to slam the door shut. How coincidental.

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1 minute ago, TheTeapot said:

The repeated line about this variant (for that is what it is, not a new strain) being known about since september is a little bit disingenuous. If you read up on it it is technically true, but it was november that it was realised quite how common it had become.

There is a site nextstrain.org which has been tracking all the various mutations and variants, and there are plenty of far more qualified people than me out there offering explainers of what, why and how this development is important. 

Just seems all very coincidental that Boris gets a bit of backlash over the Christmas 5 day bubble and then suddenly this new strain is a massive issue, it's almost like they don't want to say you know what maybe we got it wrong and we shouldn't have announced a relaxation over Christmas. I called it near the time that Boris would do a u turn and cancel it, it's what he does. 


Maybe I am being a bit to cynical but when you have the likes of Scotland not going into their highest tier until Boxing day, giving near enough a week for this new strain to spread then it all looks a little suspicious.  

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1 minute ago, Nom de plume said:

.... but now, the European nations decide to slam the door shut. How coincidental.

The transmissiblity of this new variant is what's alarming the EU and other countries. Apparently there's conjecture about its lethality and whether the current crop of vaccines can deal with it. When more is confirmed the restrictions will change again, it's a fluid situation. Italy is also rife with it. Caution rather than conspiracy.

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1 minute ago, thommo2010 said:

it's almost like they don't want to say you know what maybe we got it wrong and we shouldn't have announced a relaxation over Christmas. 

They definitely don't want to say that! Even though they should.

It is very coincidental, there's no doubt, and you've got dickheads like Hancock making absurd statements about 'act like you've got the virus' and equally dumb shit really not helping. But there is a wealth of information out there about this variant, lots of analysis that is well worth a look. Some of it goes over my head, but it's still worth trying to understand what all this additional concern is about.

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