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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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13 minutes ago, Black Mirror said:

That is what I said with my last two postings, that what is happening in the UK is not peculiar; and I got accused of being a conspiracy theorist!

It's not uncommon for viruses to mutate, but when they mutate to become significantly different to what they were before, that's the concern. Why would Boris try and segregate the UK from Europe? Surely, it wouldn't come from within if that was the plan.

The problem last time was they left doing anything til the horse hadn't just bolted, but had gone off for an adventure abroad.

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2 hours ago, quilp said:

The new strain probably arrived in the UK in a rubber dinghy. 

Maybe it travels on jetskis. In rucksacks. Hope we've got a programme to swab all jetskis. Maybe that's why all our trackers are so busy.

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3 hours ago, Black Mirror said:

I also find some of you as naive: taking at face value whatever the government present you with.

Isn't that pretty much the sheeple argument which arrogant conspiracy nutters are always so keen on?

Which in many ways is a modern version of seeing faeries or hearing voices - the thing which only they can see or understand.

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4 hours ago, Black Mirror said:

I also find some of you as naive: taking at face value whatever the government present you with.

I think the mistake we all make is believing that politicians and civil servants are particularly clever and capable. Their first priority is improving their own standing and career, despite being driven by a set of completely random circumstances. They don't particularly give a stuff about you or I if there are no benefits in doing so for themselves! 

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Jersey just hit over 1000 active cases.

Over 600 are symptomatic, its in their schools, 30 in hospital and over 60 cases in care homes and sadly 6 more deaths over recent weeks taking their toll to 38.

Anyone else quite glad we stuck to our guns with the border policy?

Unfortunately their gamble appears to have backfired, but of course hindsight is always 20/20 vision.

Hope they can get control of it, iom and guernsey have shown them how...

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12 minutes ago, b4mbi said:

Jersey just hit over 1000 active cases.

Over 600 are symptomatic, its in their schools, 30 in hospital and over 60 cases in care homes and sadly 6 more deaths over recent weeks taking their toll to 38.

Anyone else quite glad we stuck to our guns with the border policy?

Unfortunately their gamble appears to have backfired, but of course hindsight is always 20/20 vision.

Hope they can get control of it, iom and guernsey have shown them how...

You do know Jerseys issues right now have very little to do with border policy? I'm sure they'd be tightening anyway given UK issues right now and I note their announcement of tighter borders earlier today.

Jerseys outbreak stems to people who broke the local rules.

Edited by jaymann
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Shockingly selfish behaviour then. 

Perhaps the authorities didn't clamp down hard enough on offenders like ours did.

Harking back to our case of the guy who broke restrictions, got locked up (if released shortly after), make national headlines, and sent a very strong message that situation was serious.


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5 minutes ago, jaymann said:

You do know Jerseys issues right now have very little to do with border policy? I'm sure they'd be tightening anyway given UK issues right now and I note their announcement of tighter borders earlier today.

Jerseys outbreak stems to people who should have been in isolation who weren't.

The same could easily happen here, particularly following Christmas. I may be wrong but I have a feeling that there are too many holes in our repatriation system.

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