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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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6 minutes ago, jaymann said:

You do know Jerseys issues right now have very little to do with border policy? I'm sure they'd be tightening anyway given UK issues right now and I note their announcement of tighter borders earlier today.

Jerseys outbreak stems to people who should have been in isolation who weren't.

There’s no snitcher like a Manx snitcher. Perhaps we should have deployed a specialist snitching unit to Jersey to have assisted them.

In all seriousness, you are right. People didn’t follow the rules. They failed because their people were non-compliant.

I travelled in October and did the 14 days. There was no thought of breaking the rules. Other people’s lives possibly depended on my actions.

You are only as good as your people.

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1 minute ago, b4mbi said:

Shockingly selfish behaviour then. 

Perhaps the authorities didn't clamp down hard enough on offenders like ours did.

Harking back to our case of the guy who broke restrictions, got locked up (if released shortly after), make national headlines, and sent a very strong message that situation was serious.


Jerseys system proved over the summer an effective border strategy, but admittedly it came with some restrictions on day to day life that we did not have here.

It all started here https://www.bailiwickexpress.com/jsy/news/party-royal-yacht-hotel-was-source-covid-cluster/#.X-EfW2nLc0E

One party that should never have happened how it did and Jersey is where it is today. I'm not sure whether anyone there is genome sequencing to see if it has any relation to this new UK super spreading edition of the virus either.

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16 minutes ago, Max Power said:

The same could easily happen here, particularly following Christmas. I may be wrong but I have a feeling that there are too many holes in our repatriation system.


14 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

There’s no snitcher like a Manx snitcher. Perhaps we should have deployed a specialist snitching unit to Jersey to have assisted them.

In all seriousness, you are right. People didn’t follow the rules. They failed because their people were non-compliant.

I travelled in October and did the 14 days. There was no thought of breaking the rules. Other people’s lives possibly depended on my actions.

You are only as good as your people.

Nom is spot on. Its all down to people.

In our case;

- Strict border policy with real freedoms at the end of the 14 days.


- [Previously] Some border restrictions but generally free movement with local restrictions.

I think the local restrictions creates an environment where people are more likely to breach. Here, we do our 14 days and get back our freedoms and I think people respect that enough generally speaking.

The data from Guernsey test and release system should remind us all of the risks though. A number of day 13 positives showing up.

But those people slating Jersey over borders, it really isn't the case. Its people breaking the rules who shouldn't have been doing what they were doing. Those reckless behaviours caused deaths, a thousand plus cases and thousands of contact isolations.

I am deeply concerned by the capability of our test and trace. It was shown during the isolated cluster not long ago there there are flaws here. Our failure to invest in technology to assist this - like Jersey, Ireland and others have done - will heed issues. Even with technology Jerseys test and trace has collapsed under workload.

Edited by jaymann
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Jersey’s border policy included the ridiculous notion of having green, amber and red areas. 

the other day 40% of infection cases were from green areas and 60% were from amber AND red areas combined. 

Think about it - it means the minority of cases weren’t from green areas. Amber or Red, or possibly both, must have been “safer” that the green area. 

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3 minutes ago, The Old Git said:

Jersey’s border policy included the ridiculous notion of having green, amber and red areas. 

the other day 40% of infection cases were from green areas and 60% were from amber AND red areas combined. 

Think about it - it means the minority of cases weren’t from green areas. Amber or Red, or possibly both, must have been “safer” that the green area. 

Regional green amber and red is impossible to work with and it was flawed. Doing it by country far more sensible. Here's today's Jersey map...


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7 minutes ago, The Old Git said:

Jersey’s border policy included the ridiculous notion of having green, amber and red areas. 

the other day 40% of infection cases were from green areas and 60% were from amber AND red areas combined. 

Think about it - it means the minority of cases weren’t from green areas. Amber or Red, or possibly both, must have been “safer” that the green area. 

Equally, green areas were probably far more likely to travel over. If you have an extended isolation period, you'll give coming over anywhere some serious thought.

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5 hours ago, Banker said:

Another key worker case https://www.three.fm/news/isle-of-man-news/one-new-case-of-coronavirus-detected-in-key-worker/


COMIN meeting now to agree any changes, possibly around key workers and testing of arrivals which I’ve never understood why we don’t do it other than to avoid positive cases 

Key worker should mean precisely that, not workers so that someone can carry on building and making profits ! If we have made it so difficult for residents, then Key worker should be Vital ! not dependent on who you are !

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2 hours ago, Max Power said:

Their first priority is improving their own standing and career

They all have at least 3 pandemic genes in common and cannot survive without them:  the 'must be seen to do something'; the 'avoid blame' aka the 'arse-covering'; and the one that dominates all the others- the 'self-preservation at any cost'.

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Key - workers. Department Of Enterprise should be identifying these skills and IOM college providing conversion courses for IOM trades. Employers should have incentives to cover these skill. Why do we have to bring people over to service the islands swimming pool chemical systems? IOM Gov have big list of ‘Key Trades’ and need to use it for future education and training.

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9 minutes ago, Major Rushen said:

Key - workers. Department Of Enterprise should be identifying these skills and IOM college providing conversion courses for IOM trades. Employers should have incentives to cover these skill. Why do we have to bring people over to service the islands swimming pool chemical systems? IOM Gov have big list of ‘Key Trades’ and need to use it for future education and training.

Because there's not enough continuous employment for a swimming pool cleaning operative.

Where exactly will you find the people to do the training - ah, key workers!


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9 minutes ago, Apple said:



Looks like we may have broken the law against those we detained for ..er...breaking the law.

What times we live in.

Let's hope this gets thrown straight out...prison staff have rights too...for them and their families to not be infected.

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