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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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38 minutes ago, Barlow said:

They're having a particularly rough time of it in Wales just now.

I know everyone probably knows this but it is a reminder for those whinging that they want their family to come and see them, and those that want to go on holiday and get off er, "the rock" for a bit of a break, and those that still maintain this is just another 'flu and want to 'get on with life'

Covid: Cardiff health board plea for critical care help

Oh yeah.

Like they have in previous years but when the press were less intent on scaremongering.





Edited by horatiotheturd
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14 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

Oh, so it must be more-or-less exactly the same as any other year then, and all things are equal. It's just another flu. Let's go back to normal as if nothing had ever happened. It will be same as usual. It's all a conspiracy and every country in the world has been taken in or is a part of it.

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6 minutes ago, Barlow said:

Oh, so it must be more-or-less exactly the same as any other year then, and all things are equal. It's just another flu. Let's go back to normal as if nothing had ever happened. It will be same as usual. It's all a conspiracy and every country in the world has been taken in or is a part of it.

Big leap from what you just posted to what I actually think.


Which is that the illness itself is no worse than flu (in fact its milder for most people, yiu don't get flu and not notice) but it appears to be more transmissible and so putting a strain on the health service in some areas.

Some of this strain is down to staff being made to go home and isolate when they would normally be at work.

The spread has no doubt been slowed to some extent by lockdowns and social distancing, although personally I do still wonder about herd immunity of sorts and if the restrictions are massively slowing a return to normality.  (There are only two Premier league teams currently allowed any fans at matches.  Everton and Liverpool.  Both in a city which had some of the highest infection levels a few weeks ago)

Personally I don't think the UK response has been proportionate to the risk, and nearer to home I have genuine concerns about our little Manx bubble which is now full of people who have had zero exposure to a virus that is in the worldwide community for years to come.

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18 hours ago, horatiotheturd said:

15,000 truckers spot tested on their way to France.

How many positive?  Less than .3 of a percent, and none of them felt unwell


I don't think it was anything to do with Covid. I reckon it was the French sabre rattling about fishing rights and Brexit. They got their way and things are moving again. Covid a convenient excuse. 

Edited by Cambon
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1 hour ago, Barlow said:

Oh, so it must be more-or-less exactly the same as any other year then, and all things are equal. It's just another flu. Let's go back to normal as if nothing had ever happened. It will be same as usual. It's all a conspiracy and every country in the world has been taken in or is a part of it.

Wa this meant to be sarcastic or have you been on the funny stuff

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1 hour ago, horatiotheturd said:

Personally I don't think the UK response has been proportionate to the risk, and nearer to home I have genuine concerns about our little Manx bubble which is now full of people who have had zero exposure to a virus that is in the worldwide community for years to come.

UK response has been a disaster unmitigated. I think we would all agree with that.

During a pandemic - real, false, perceived or whatever - at all times a country has to watch what is happening in the rest of the world and particularly neighbouring countries although that is the same thing these days. I can't fault what IoM Government has been/is doing. (I would generally be the first to criticize them).

I see your point of course, but all things considered I'm happy for now to live in the little Manx bubble and be thankful for that, while the rest of the world struggles.

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On 12/24/2020 at 1:17 PM, John Wright said:

My description of the fact of a slightly later start to a vaccination programme likely to run for 2 years in an environment with no community transmission and secure borders which protect the elderly and vulnerable is wholly correct.

If with that you mean that travel restrictions on incoming travel will last for two years as of today, that I am afraid will destroy the island; as a place where anyone of working age and entrepreneurial spirit would, or could, be based, having the choice of location.

The people I know here in the island think that travel restrictions won't last past spring! No one could contemplate what you are suggesting.

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3 minutes ago, Black Mirror said:

If with that you mean that travel restrictions on incoming travel will last for two years as of today, that I am afraid will destroy the island; as a place where anyone of working age and entrepreneurial spirit would, or could, be based, having the choice of location.

The people I know here in the island think that travel restrictions won't last past spring! No one could contemplate what you are suggesting.

Here Here.

I am going to run a book on why we haven't started.

1000 to 1 - it's a clever strategic decision and the clever peeps will have a programme that gets us ahead of the game in a week or two.

500 to 1 - the clever peeps just wanted to make sure everything ran smoothly.

10 to 1 - The cleaner accidentally unplugged the freezer when he was hoovering in the lab and ruined the batch.

5 to 1. The airport was not expecting the flight in and the plane was sent to Guernsey and they have nicked it.

5 to 1 - Ashley shredded the instructions.

Evens. The selfish gits are happy in their bubble and  their families and didn't want Christmas ruined by inconvenience

1 to 5 on. The logistics were not sorted



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11 minutes ago, Black Mirror said:

If with that you mean that travel restrictions on incoming travel will last for two years as of today, that I am afraid will destroy the island; as a place where anyone of working age and entrepreneurial spirit would, or could, be based, having the choice of location.

The people I know here in the island think that travel restrictions won't last past spring! No one could contemplate what you are suggesting.


There will be a mass exodus and skils shortage if they don't get a proper plan in place soon.  People aren't going to stick this for another year, never mind two

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59 minutes ago, Black Mirror said:

If with that you mean that travel restrictions on incoming travel will last for two years as of today, that I am afraid will destroy the island; as a place where anyone of working age and entrepreneurial spirit would, or could, be based, having the choice of location.

The people I know here in the island think that travel restrictions won't last past spring! No one could contemplate what you are suggesting.

I never mentioned how long the borders would remain closed for. It’s a piece of string question.

The test is set. It’s a UK incidence rate of 1 per 5000 or 20 per 100,000. It’s entirely dependent on progress across. I don’t see that changing.

I was specifically referring to the length of time it would take to vaccinate the entire population, or at least those who want. And the fact that there isn’t the same imperative to start vaccinating when we are Covid free as there is when the numbers are through the roof.

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4 minutes ago, John Wright said:

I never mentioned how long the borders would remain closed for. It’s a piece of string question.

The test is set. It’s a UK incidence rate of 1 per 5000 or 20 per 100,000. It’s entirely dependent on progress across. I don’t see that changing.

I was specifically referring to the length of time it would take to vaccinate the entire population, or at least those who want.

Those figures they are apparently working to are ludicrous and were set many months ago when testing criteria and capacity were very different than they are now.

They need to review and publish something more realistic soon before they lose any more public support and credibility.

Lots if people are thoroughly sick of it, but a lot less vocal than the "close the boarders" nutters who clearly live very insular lives.

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