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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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18 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

It's not a bad reminder to be prudent though. There's sanitiser in almost every shop, take advantage of that etc.

I was in Dreambird about a week ago, and they were actually collecting details for contact tracing. In light of what might've happened in 1886, it's not a bad idea at all.

They have being doing that long before this incident

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4 minutes ago, alpha-acid said:

They have being doing that long before this incident

Good on them for that. As I stand inside Tesco, spraying my trolley and sanitizing my hands about 10 just walk on by. Same in shoprite. People have stopped caring, much to the detriment of the rest of us IMO 

Edited by dilligaf
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Wife and daughter were christmas shopping all day in Douglas on 23rd and want me to tell them probability of being infected and I have no clear idea. I know it is not 0%....

What concerns me is on 26th in 1886, and if infected others, after 4 day virus incubation I assume such people would be back out last night. Social network group growth is a power function. On paper this seeding event from COVID point is view was both perfectly timed, and found ideal agents. 

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Just now, dilligaf said:

Good on them for that. As I stand inside Tesco, spraying my trolley Nd sanitizing my hands about 10 just walk on by. Same in shoprite. People have stopped caring, much to the detriment of the rest of us IMO 

We agree for once

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23 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

A long way from any steps is what got the UK into the shitstorm it's now in. Late responses, Wackamoles, ever expanding tiers. None of it has worked.

We have the opportunity not to replicate that. A short local lockdown until things are proven one way or the other will be far less damaging than a local epidemic which might go on for months with hospital facilities overwhelmed, considering our demographic too.

You cant just have a lockdown put people's jobs at risks etc on a what if. 

All common sense surrounding covid seems to have been lost. 

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8 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

Of course they did.  Hundreds of them

Precisely. And who got infected and who didn't? Who took it back home and to work and back down the pub and who didn't? Nobody knows, nor will they until the initial spread incubation finishes in ten or so days.

So what do we do, take a chance? If it's all clear, great.

But what if it's not and the cases start to rise with the hospital bed percentage?

This virus has repeatedly proven that it moves faster than Govts can deal with it, nor is it any respecter of political or economic expediency. We can learn from that. Until vaccines are fully online and administered, our levers to pull are limited.


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9 hours ago, Banker said:

Couldn’t have got  infected on Iom as they were in quarantine , if they had been tested day13 would have shown positive and stopped panic 

Ah but they could have been infected by someone who was also not ‘obeying’ the rules, on the IOM - there are plenty, from all walks of life, who think the the rules do not apply to them.  More likely than being asymptomatic for 14+ days and then presenting with symptoms.  It is not fairy dust that infects - and they were in isolation, not quarantine, so no control.

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5 minutes ago, bloodycomeover said:

How did kicking the can and putting off the inevitable work for the UK?

We have already shown that you can get a reasonable level of cases (and unfortunately deaths) and then by locking down eradicate again.

However the consequences of the lockdown required to do that are pretty severe.

If theyvsee a big rise in transmission and hospital admissions then make that call.  It wojld be far too cautious to lockdown based on "what ifs".


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4 hours ago, jaymann said:

I'm not entirely sure how effective that is. They may not test positive today, but could in 3 days time? Creates a false sense of security.

If the swabs are taken correctly (a weak link) and the RT PCR test is conducted properly, ie 25 cycles MAX, then if there is any virus RNA present then a positive result will be achieved.  If there is no virus RNA present then, quite correctly, a negative result will be indicated.  Again, no magical fairy dust, only science.

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3 minutes ago, maybestayover said:

If the swabs are taken correctly (a weak link) and the RT PCR test is conducted properly, ie 25 cycles MAX, then if there is any virus RNA present then a positive result will be achieved.  If there is no virus RNA present then, quite correctly, a negative result will be indicated.  Again, no magical fairy dust, only science.

Isn't the whole point that you have to be shedding to be detectable? Until that point, you will test negative despite exposure.

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3 minutes ago, maybestayover said:

If the swabs are taken correctly (a weak link) and the RT PCR test is conducted properly, ie 25 cycles MAX, then if there is any virus RNA present then a positive result will be achieved.  If there is no virus RNA present then, quite correctly, a negative result will be indicated.  Again, no magical fairy dust, only science.

Another new expert. Welcome aboard.

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