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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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18 minutes ago, jaymann said:

I do wonder if 1886 were contacted or 'someone who works at 1886'.


Reminds me of a time that dreadful Ray Kniveton made a claim about several businesses in the area of Old Nobles. 

As a director and company secretary of one of the businesses I tackled him about the claim, as we’d never been contacted. 

Turns out he’d just phoned someone who had retired 20 years earlier. 

I wonder if the government phoned the DO or similar, or just phoned the bar on one of the busiest evenings of the year. 

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31 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

Rumours scotland are going into a lockdown similar to march

 They have had huge restrictions for the past couple of months probably worse than England and still the cases have risen. Not quite sure what else they can restrict as pretty much everything is closed


It's completely obvious.

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27 minutes ago, jaymann said:

I do wonder if 1886 were contacted or 'someone who works at 1886'.

Here we have a case where someone has entered the Island under a relocation pathway, ie they are new to the Isle of Man. I still fail to see how adequate contact tracing can be carried out because I would assume that the individual(s) wouldn't know to identify all that many people?

Here's the press release from iomtoady which includes the statement from a spokesperson at 1886. And also the statement from Harbour Lights which gives an indication of the conflicting advice given to them at the time...




Edited by quilp
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1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

I'm sorry, but Quayle doesn't get to decide if the advice was clear.  The only thing that tells you if advice was clear is how the public at large understands it.  If they (or even a reasonably large percentage of them) are confused, then the advice wasn't clear.  That's what 'clear' means.

It's typical of the arrogance and stupidity of those who are in charge of running the Island, both politicians and civil servants, that they think all they need to do is issue a single statement  at 13 to midnight on New Year's Eve and then everyone on the Island will telepathically know exactly what the meaning of it is and what to do.  And if they don't it's the public's fault.

The whole technique of public information is that you have to keep on repeating the message you want to get across and monitor how it is received and what queries people have and alter your message accordingly.  You don't just put out a long, confusing Facebook post at the last possible minute and sit on your arse for days in the belief that everyone must understand you because you are a Terribly Important Person.

Excellent post Roger. This particular little cameo is a brilliant exposition of all that is wrong about Quayle.

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3 hours ago, John Wright said:

Howie just gets ruffled by anything or anyone that isn’t fawning yes man flavoured.

That sound you just heard was your gong flying past....😉

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52 minutes ago, jaymann said:

I do wonder if 1886 were contacted or 'someone who works at 1886'.

Could it be that management at 1886 were informed at the time government said but the front-line staff weren't..?

There is definitely more to this story...

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33 minutes ago, The Old Git said:

I wonder if the government phoned the DO or similar, or just phoned the bar on one of the busiest evenings of the year. 

Probably rang the bar and got a member of staff. After hearing how low-risk and rosy everything was, said staff member probably shrugged their shoulders and promptly forgot all about it. (Anyone know if Banker works there?)

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1 hour ago, wrighty said:

Rachel is a molecular biologist. She’s not an epidemiologist. That’s not to downplay her opinion, just to correct her occupation. 

You're right that I'm not an epidemiologist in the traditional sense, but I'm not just a molecular biologist.

The Isle of Man Government doesn't currently employ an infectious diseases epidemiologist (and why would they need to, normally?).

However, half of my PhD and professional experience over the past 15 years has been in biosurveillance and genomic epidemiology (aka tracking pathogens by testing for them, sequencing their genomes and using modelling and statistics to infer the connections between them).

Believe it or not myself and an ex-DEFRA colleague were the people who taught Public Health England how to do it back in the day. Ten years on genomic epidemiology has finally hit the big time. 

Edited by rachomics
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1 hour ago, jaymann said:

Whatever her role, I'd rather have her working with me during this crisis than criticising me.

I criticised them while working with them (and not even that badly - if I was tackling the same concerns now I would be shouting much louder and with more details and voracity).

That's why they've dug their heels in over the genomics and are sending them to Liverpool (who arguably have less experience in viral genomics than my company does). Hell will freeze over before they call me; as many have already said, it would involve them admitting they might have handled the whole relationship between me and the DHSC less than well.

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4 minutes ago, rachomics said:

I criticised them while working with them (and not even that badly - if I was tackling the same concerns now I would be shouting much louder and with more details and voracity).

That's why they've dug their heels in over the genomics and are sending them to Liverpool (who arguably have less experience in viral genomics than my company does). Hell will freeze over before they call me; as many have already said, it would involve them admitting they might have handled the whole relationship between me and the DHSC less than well.

I suppose, the big question everyone would ask you at the moment is: are you concerned by the current situation and how it's being handled?

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27 minutes ago, Zarley said:

Probably rang the bar and got a member of staff. After hearing how low-risk and rosy everything was, said staff member probably shrugged their shoulders and promptly forgot all about it. (Anyone know if Banker works there?)

Can you imagine anyone there answering the phone or reading e-mails on a packed New Year’s Eve?

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