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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Just now, TheTeapot said:

I hope you've all had a skeet at this? https://covid19.gov.im/general-information/stay-responsible/

The image/pdf in the middle, that's the important bit. Lockdown remains an option. Pubs shut again with a 10+ cases 3 days in a row, full lockdown with 20. 

Here we go again. Yes we get it .. the end of the world didn’t happen the first time round. But some can now all pray for a second go at viral Armageddon! 

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9 minutes ago, Mr Newbie said:

Here we go again. Yes we get it .. the end of the world didn’t happen the first time round. But some can now all pray for a second go at viral Armageddon! 

You've got the wrong end of the stick there yessir. Again.

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50 minutes ago, Mr Newbie said:

Would there be a loss? It’s their airline. I would imagine it’s all about trying to kickstart tourism. 

This flight is probably gonna be costing Aurigny somewhere around £6.5k per return before APD and airport fees, to give you an idea, thats on their ATRs. Their jet plane will be more probably around £8-10k.

I agree that its right we allow it. But we shouldn't be supporting it. Brian Kelly and Aurigny want it... they can run the risk on it.

Edited by NoTailT
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1 hour ago, TheTeapot said:

I hope you've all had a skeet at this? https://covid19.gov.im/general-information/stay-responsible/

The image/pdf in the middle, that's the important bit. Lockdown remains an option. Pubs shut again with a 10+ cases 3 days in a row, full lockdown with 20. 

Yes, I mentioned this document a few days ago. If the cases go over a 21 average over three days we get another full lockdown! What has been learnt over the last three months that justifies another potential act of state self harm. It is based upon the fear that ITU may be overwhelmed, but surely if another outbreak occurs, and we immediately shield the vulnerable and rely on what we have learnt regarding treatment, distancing etc. Full lockdown is only required if the ITU is actually filling up, which in theory shouldn't happen if the vulnerable are shielded and it is the younger, fitter who get the virus. The rest of us will mainly feel various degrees of sickness, but ending up on a ventilator is statistically unlikely. 

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We must not go backwards. Places all over are going backwards right now, everyday it seems somewhere else is putting restrictions back in place, on smaller more local outbreaks than full national lockdowns, but still...

Some people here seem to think it's over. It really isn't though. It I'd be so pissed off if we had to start putting restrictions back in place, it'll actually kill people.

I quite fancy a trip to Liverpool to take part in a massive party cos THEY WON THE LEAGUE, but won't be going.

Edited by TheTeapot
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1 hour ago, NoTailT said:

This flight is probably gonna be costing Aurigny somewhere around £6.5k per return before APD and airport fees, to give you an idea, thats on their ATRs. Their jet plane will be more probably around £8-10k.

I agree that its right we allow it. But we shouldn't be supporting it. Brian Kelly and Aurigny want it... they can run the risk on it.

Funnily enough I sent an email through to Online Travel Group run by Brian Kelly, as want to see flight prices and times etc as interested in a short break ....... escape the rock. Needless to say I’m still waiting for a reply. Still at least there are other travel agents who are open, and do get back to you, KEEP IT LOCAL - HaHa!

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It's nothing to do with tourism, it's our Govt checking out if an Aurigny/Manx Airlines combo could provide IOM/England services to provide a better service than at the mo.?

That's my conspiracy theory anyway.


PS. I'm not an 'Open Skies' fan!

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3 hours ago, Out of the blue said:

Yes, I mentioned this document a few days ago. If the cases go over a 21 average over three days we get another full lockdown! ...

As far as I can tell, figuratively nothing was ever implemented from their first two road maps, why would this be any different?



It's pretty bonkers that the Government is talking about possibly re-imposing lockdowns (with all the associated economic damage that this will cause) with scant little scientific evidence to support them, but the Government document fails to encourage people to wear masks, despite the strong scientific evidence that they are an effective tool to reduce the risk.


This quote from Peter Franklin's "Why heroes should wear masks" perfectly captured this madness for me:


To begin with, risk. The main excuse given for not recommending masks was the lack of a conclusive evidence base. However, governments didn’t have proof that the lockdown measures that they did take would work either — but they went ahead with them anyway. Putting entire populations under house arrest? No probs! Pitching millions of people out of work? Needs must! Bringing whole industries crashing down? We’ll work it out later! But requiring people to wear a small piece of cloth over their mouths? No, for some reason, that was crossing the line. A measure with almost no downside risk, but a potentially huge upside in terms of saving lives and shortening lockdown was not only not taken, but actively discouraged.


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The economy and local businesses are simply not in a position to shut down and open up at the first sign of another case or cases of coronavirus.

The true extent of damage done by the lockdown is still to be fully revealed.    It is highly likely we will get more cases at some point.  I suspect the larger office based companies will be very slow to get staff fully back to the office and equally as quick to panic amd shift them home again.

The government are going to have to think very carefully.

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8 minutes ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

The true extent of damage done by the lockdown is still to be fully revealed.

More likely exaggerated. Since there are real signs of the V shaped recovery - as reported in the FT this week. And of underlying resilience.

And, of course, ultimately what matters for the economy is always public confidence. ie  that the virus is under control. That it is not here.

The worst outcome for the economy would be a sense that it was not really safe to be at work, in a shop, eating out etc

In a small economy like this, it would be really stupid to blow the advantage of being virus free.

Edited by pongo
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5 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

I hope you've all had a skeet at this? https://covid19.gov.im/general-information/stay-responsible/

The image/pdf in the middle, that's the important bit. Lockdown remains an option. Pubs shut again with a 10+ cases 3 days in a row, full lockdown with 20. 

This obsession with pubs being the centre of infections. You spend 2 hours in a pub (at H&B prices :lol: ) -  or 2 hours out shopping - or 8 hours a day with working colleagues in the same work environment. FFS, will they get real. The only way this can be controlled or monitored is with strict incoming quarantine conditions and a proper testing regime.

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5 hours ago, Golfer said:

Has anyone seen the roadmap on borders reopening that Howie said would be published this week? He said he hops to agree we go to level 4 next week which is the unrestricted travel with 14 days isolation when you return. 

I think the ‘roadmap’ is now scheduled for release in the week ahead. You appear to be correct that it will focus very much on the scope/process for easing the border aspects of lockdown for those of us who are resident here. Opening the border to non-residents still seems remote. This is as one would expect. Many qualified observers are predicting a distinct (some say very significant) spike in English cases following their substantial forthcoming relaxation on 4th July. IOM Government has never (no doubt deliberately) postulated when it may reopen the border to unrestricted non-resident access. Others contributing to these pages may have ‘inside information’, I don’t, but I’d say a fully open border to non-residents looks to be a considerable distance off.

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12 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

We must not go backwards. Places all over are going backwards right now, everyday it seems somewhere else is putting restrictions back in place, on smaller more local outbreaks than full national lockdowns, but still...

Some people here seem to think it's over. It really isn't though. It I'd be so pissed off if we had to start putting restrictions back in place, it'll actually kill people.

I quite fancy a trip to Liverpool to take part in a massive party cos THEY WON THE LEAGUE, but won't be going.

Hmmmm. Gatherings of Liverpool fans in a pandemic.  Sounds like natural selection at play possibly.  

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