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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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I can't think of a single jurisdiction during this pandemic that has thought 'we really locked down too early'.  Plenty did the opposite.  Messing about with tier 3, tier 4, wear masks, take-away beer only, keep your distance etc demonstrably doesn't work.  If the rumour mill is correct - we have multiple locations and community spread - then I'd advocate a strict, complete lockdown - just like in March - for a short time, instead of too-ing and fro-ing for a couple of weeks while cases build such that we have to lock down.

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1 minute ago, the stinking enigma said:

If howie and ashie dont go cap in hand to dr glover now they both need sacking. Time for a bit of genuine leadership

The thing is, if approached sensibly, Dr Glover would leap at the opportunity to help out.

Not because she has any respect or like, or professionally repeatable opinion of CM and Ashie, but because she wants to help the people of the Island, despite their government.

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3 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

Upon receiving a negative test will you still be required to isolate? If I’ve learnt anything so far it’s that you can be tested too early and get a false negative particularly with this new strain.

No....amongst the legal spiel that was read out to me, if the test returns negative (24hr turnaround stated) then the isolation conditions are revoked. I share your concerns though, if they're not updating the protocols to suit the new strain/conditions, it's pointless.

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1 minute ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

The thing is, if approached sensibly, Dr Glover would leap at the opportunity to help out.

Not because she has any respect or like, or professionally repeatable opinion of CM and Ashie, but because she wants to help the people of the Island, despite their government.

Shes been awfully quiet today, maybe she's at the negotiating table.

(Wishful thinking, I suspect).

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