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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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12 minutes ago, Kipper99 said:

Theres more than one simple commercial answer to her beef about DHSC wanting to place full liability on her firm. Put the contract in a shell company, or agree, get fully insured, and add on the cost. Offer an alternative pricing structure. X with no liability, 10x X with liability.

My view, for what it’s worth, is that both sides need heads knocking.

I think if I was an insurance company I'd think twice about insuring a shell company that had only one customer.

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5 minutes ago, Declan said:

Recognising that a second lockdown will have a massive negative impact on the Mental Health of people isn't smart?

It may be neccessary to go into lockdown, as the lesser of two evils, but this isnt something to be celebrating. This isn't a victory for the hysterical mob. It's going to have real impact on people.

Lockdowms are awful and I think we are very lucky that we hardly had one.  It nearly tipped me over the edge.


I still think a short break to life now (which is the least busy time of the year anyway) is a good shout while we figure out what the situation  really is and so potentially avoid a much longer one in a few weeks

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4 minutes ago, pongo said:

Pejoratively characterising people as hysterical makes no sense in the context of pretending to care about issues around mental illness.

Nobody is celebrating anything.

I think there’s a few who will be celebrating at lockdown so they can say look we were right etc etc

Same people who are presently clearing the shelves at Tesco etc  

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We don't have to look too far from these shores to see the result of procrastinating, dithering, faffing and generally hoping for the best. It seems the choice we have is (potentially) too much too soon versus (potentially) too little too late. If nobody's really sure what the true position is, then I think we should be cautious (even if inconvenient) while we work it out. 

Difficult decisions for our esteemed leaders to make - but hey, them's the breaks!

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1 minute ago, Banker said:

I think there’s a few who will be celebrating at lockdown so they can say look we were right etc etc

Same people who are presently clearing the shelves at Tesco etc  

I can't blame too many people for being gleeful about proving you wrong, if that is the case.

I wonder if lockdown rumours are to quell any opposition to masks and social distancing, but I don't think manx whispers are that subversive.

Realistically, we know that to keep the freedoms we have over here, we need to stay in for 3 weeks at the coldest time of year, so we can go back to normal.

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2 minutes ago, madmanxpilot said:

Probably to avoid clashing with BOJO and the dynamic duo.

If I start listening at 6:55 he might have got the history lesson and news round ups done and have something to say worth listening to ..






although I doubt it.

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22 minutes ago, Kipper99 said:

She would have to learn how to negotiate and play her cards and behave commercially. I don’t think she has a clue.

Im sure she has the science nailed.

But all this public posting won’t get her anywhere. It keeps on rubbing salt in the wound.

I start to wonder if she is on the autism spectrum. Obsession and impaired social skills.

She needs to shut up publicly, if she’s to get back and help the rest of us.  It’s just poor politicking as it is. She’s harming her professed objective. 

Theres more than one simple commercial answer to her beef about DHSC wanting to place full liability on her firm. Put the contract in a shell company, or agree, get fully insured, and add on the cost. Offer an alternative pricing structure. X with no liability, 10x X with liability.

My view, for what it’s worth, is that both sides need heads knocking.

Agreed except for the insurance bit - if a government won't accept the risk, why would insurers?  Unrealistic to expect this to be solved by insurance, government needs to be pragmatic about risk and not seek to exclude it entirely, they are the insurer of last resort after all. 

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28 minutes ago, Kipper99 said:

start to wonder if she is on the autism spectrum. Obsession and impaired social skills.

But the government supports people with autism or at least that’s what they suggest, as an ‘equal opportunities employer’ 

Given some of the leading scientists have been recognised as having some sort of autism trait it’s certainly a possibility, but now we understand it better we can see they actually use it as a ‘super power’ to their advantage, proving far more intelligent than common folk.

From what I can make out Dr Glover was quite happy to act in the background and only spoke out publicly when she feels she wasn’t listened to, which seems foolish given she’s at the top of her game, she’s also been frustrated by how slow they’ve been to react.


Edited by Annoymouse
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Having a company on island who can, I imagine, examine the genomics of these new cases and identify if they came from the original strain, a genetic variant or one that may have possibly emerged from the recent vaccination campaign would be absolute dynamite in addressing this emerging situation.

The fact said person and company are on island but in exile is an embarrassment to our government and one would hope common sense would now prevail.  

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