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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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14 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

It will depend upon todays and tomorrows results. If all negative (or just odd ones) then we might just get lucky and catch it in time. However I suspect its been spreading since Christmas and I expect there to be more bad news today. If that's the case then I agree 6 weeks to see the whole lifecycle through and away.

Didnt help that all the pubs and restaurants in Douglas were lively last night...cringe!

Three drink drivers nicked last night apparently.

Must be idiots heading to the pub after work for one last blowout.

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24 minutes ago, jaymann said:

This won't be for 3 weeks. 21 days no cases required for local elimination.

Realistically this is going go be a 5-6 week slog at a minimum.

Was thinking the same myself. Last time there was two virus cycles - 2 x 14 days - after the last case was detected before lockdown finished. 

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23 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

And longer if people are being dicks about the restrictions and requirements. From Manx Radio, Point 3 seems quite clear?

No, because it’s not what the government are saying. Like last time, there’s confusion over what is law and what isn’t. Like when the police made up the no overtaking rule. 

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Govt need to clarify then, they're leaving too many loopholes for the, "it doesn't apply to me" brigade. This is how we got to this situation in the first place.

It boils down to common sense, if you want to reduce the chance of spreading it if you've got it, (and nobody knows if they have for a good while) or breathing it in from somewhere if you haven't - wear a mask.

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17 minutes ago, slinkydevil said:

These guys look like they'll suffocate soon. You're just being a dick.






A little extra googling might show you that these mask wearing shots were at the presentations and roll outs and in their competition/team bubbles, they didn't wear them while racing. But hey if you want to look like a prick carry on. 

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1 hour ago, Banker said:

Try wearing one whilst cycling quickly and see how long you last , idiot 

I have and many people do on the Island already. A lot of people cycling at the moment are using snoods to cover their mouths and nose or other similar face coverings because it's freezing. Now there is a simple trick to successfully wearing one whilst exercising - you have to keep breathing.

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2 minutes ago, tetchtyke said:

You gave me some studies that show correlation and claim that proves causation.

What's your basis for that?

One of the things I did include for you was a literature review, which collates the knowledge and research of a given topic, presenting the evidence that exists.

Here's the conclusion:

Although the literature about the utility of masks to slow the spread of COVID-19 in community settings is expanding rap-idly, there is copious evidence that community masking reduces the transmission of COVID-19. Although most of the benefit of wearing a mask is conferred to the community and to bystanders through source control, a mask also can protect the wearer from infection to some extent (guidance from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, November 10, 2020). There also is emerging evidence that masks can reduce the severity of COVID-19 by decreasing the dose of viral inoculum to which a bystander is exposed. Cloth face masks and paper surgical masks provide significant protection that increases as the percentage of people in the community who wear masks increases. Multilayer masks provide the adequate protection to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in the community, and masks are preferred to bandanas, neck gaiters, and face shields. The debate about the usefulness of masks to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 shouldn’t be a debate at all. On balance, the benefits of community mask wearing to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 outweigh the risks. As trusted leaders of our communities, physicians and other health care providers should communicate clearly about what the literature tells us about the utility of masks in mitigating the community spread of COVID-19

The paper itself conveniently cites all the studies and experiments this conclusion was based upon. https://wmjonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/119/4/raymond.pdf

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