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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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19 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Also, going based on some of the recent trials, Danmask, which wasn't finished when your article was written, was reported as saying masks didn't work. Henegan was lauding this data about saying masks clearly didn't work.

What actually happened is that a study with significant limitations showed inconclusive results. This isn't therefore a great shock. https://rebelem.com/the-danmask-19-trial-masks-not-effective-to-prevent-covid-19-not-so-fast/

Researchers at MIT did a study too which lauded masks as reducing hospitalizations in the US. They then had to withdraw it because hospitalizations shot up despite mask wearing. Oops.

Masks are expensive and uncomfortable but don't do much harm (or any harm to most people). So I get the attitude that we may as well mandate them as the risk is low and therefore the risk/benefit swings in their favour even if the benefits are low too. But there isn't the concrete evidence to support them, the literature is reviews of reviews, and I'm sick of them being mandated instead of easier, simpler, and cheaper solutions like keeping your distance and washing your bloody hands.

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6 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

I am sure someone will correct me but a big risk with covid is obesity etc etc, there should be a big push on getting people to exercise use gyms eat healthy, be a bit proactive (not just the Island but everywhere) rather than be reactive waiting for vaccines etc

Diet is by far the bigger determinant of someone's weight than exercise.  So you're right, obesity is a risk factor for doing badly with covid, but it'd make more sense to introduce rationing than promoting gyms.  Might solve the Tesco battles too.

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3 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

It was my understanding as all construction work is to stop. There could be a u-turn of course

Howie did say unless critical infrastructure!

he also said house moves were off but Ewart corrected him and said they were allowed last time.

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51 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

Some serious questions need to be asked, but the problem is: who will ask them? 

Paul Moulton looks to be the only person in reach of Quayle/Ashford who is not afraid of repercussions.

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