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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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6 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

Assume all your friends and family live here as well then, and you don't ever need to travel for business?

Should probably broaden your horizons a bit.  The lack of travel has nearly sent me loopy.

Its a tiny rock with very little going on on it.

Thank you for the advice. I'm sure that some folk do require a trip off the island for, 'fun', or to see relatives.

My oldest is a director of Who in Copenhagen. One has his own business in LA. Two are in UK and one is on the island, all complete with their families. 

I have travelled to many, many other countries for pleasure and business over the years.

So, you see, your presumptions are wrong.

I am however mature, patient and realistic.

Thanks again, sorry it is all getting you down, with luck we will all be able to visit our loved ones and they will be able to visit us as soon as things improve, (hopefully).


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3 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Its been 10 months

I think everyone need to accept that many many people that live and work here do so because it is an amazing and beautiful 'base'.

That- in normal times - is easily accessible to get to and from as and when you want or need to.

I can certainly see why people are going crazy over it. I won't ridicule them for it and nor should anyone else. Their being here on our Island is likely a benefit to us economically and helps to maintain a wider quality of life for everyone else.

Edited by jaymann
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5 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Its been 10 months


I rarely do 10 days without a trip away normally.

You live your life and I live mine.

It would appear your lifestyle has been much less impacted by these unnecessary restrictions than mine has.

And yes, lots of business is being lost at the moment to other jurisdictions 

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1 hour ago, Barlow said:

I can't believe that can be true.

Please tell me you are on a wind up. Please.

It not wind up, believe me. They will come back with a good tan that for sure. You will see these people around. They would stick to quaranteen, but amazes me lack of empathy some people have. Funny thing is I thought guy was OK, wife bit of air head but that usually case when guy got bit of money.

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1 minute ago, BenFairfax said:

It not wind up, believe me. They will come back with a good tan that for sure. You will see these people around. They would stick to quaranteen, but amazes me lack of empathy some people have. Funny thing is I thought guy was OK, wife bit of air head but that usually case when guy got bit of money.

There's a decent amount of private jet movements on a near daily basis between IOM and European sun destinations.

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2 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

I like to go away too

Me too. Been all over. Quite happy to be here now and working remotely with clients abroad.

This is a great place to work remotely from. I can't understand the sort of people who still need a face-to-face or a handshake.

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5 minutes ago, pongo said:

Me too. Been all over. Quite happy to be here now and working remotely with clients abroad.

This is a great place to work remotely from. I can't understand the sort of people who still need a face-to-face or a handshake.

Thats fine.  Good for you

Working remotely doesn't work for me or the businesses who were going to relocate here and haven't.

Just checked and I did 24 flights and 8 ferry crossings before lockdown last year.

Being stuck here is shit and unnecessary 

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7 minutes ago, jaymann said:

There's a decent amount of private jet movements on a near daily basis between IOM and European sun destinations.

Exactly, been flying all time. Traveling to see close family one thing, but traveling to find distraction of otherwise pointless existence putting themselves and others at risk is another matter. Producing photos of social gatherings like its Christmas 2019, is another matter again.

You have a decent number of people of working age who only moved to Isle of Man for tax reasons, and since they arrived have found nothing constructive to do with themselves. I would estimate 30% households which have kids in Buchan have no one "working" (being a silent partner/director and spending 4 months on holiday a year in my book means you are not working). These people are likely going mad here, and hence skew moral judgements.

[Going to get into trouble posting this, but what the hell] 

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1 hour ago, TheTeapot said:

There's some interesting stuff on this twitter thread. CoMin, rob fucking callister and martyn perkins voted against more testing? Wankers.

To make it worse the motion actually passed and CoMin then did sod all about it - which shows you how much notice the civil service takes of Tynwald.  Thomas's basic motion was a bit of a placeholder to allow debate on the response to Covid to take place (and make the point that there had been very little debate) but Shimmins put forward an amendment (l 2638):

Tynwald is also of the opinion that –

1. further urgent consideration should be given for all arrivals to be tested for COVID-19 with additional testing to take place at intervals after arrival within the 14-day isolation period to enable exploration of additional options to manage infection risks and other considerations; and

2. an Emergency Advisory Group should be set up to provide broad advice and input to support decision making in a collaborative and transparent manner.’

It's worth looking through the debate to show the extraordinary attitudes of CoMin - Quayle is even more bizarre than usual.  But both parts passed.

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6 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

To make it worse the motion actually passed and CoMin then did sod all about it - which shows you how much notice the civil service takes of Tynwald.  Thomas's basic motion was a bit of a placeholder to allow debate on the response to Covid to take place (and make the point that there had been very little debate) but Shimmins put forward an amendment (l 2638):

Tynwald is also of the opinion that –

1. further urgent consideration should be given for all arrivals to be tested for COVID-19 with additional testing to take place at intervals after arrival within the 14-day isolation period to enable exploration of additional options to manage infection risks and other considerations; and

2. an Emergency Advisory Group should be set up to provide broad advice and input to support decision making in a collaborative and transparent manner.’

It's worth looking through the debate to show the extraordinary attitudes of CoMin - Quayle is even more bizarre than usual.  But both parts passed.

What date was the debate, it does look like we have been misled by Howie & ashie 

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1 hour ago, horatiotheturd said:


I rarely do 10 days without a trip away normally.

You live your life and I live mine.

It would appear your lifestyle has been much less impacted by these unnecessary restrictions than mine has.

And yes, lots of business is being lost at the moment to other jurisdictions 

You erm, do realise that the UK, and indeed the rest of the World is going through hell just now?
I think you need to spend a bit of time somewhere - anywhere - else for a few weeks, then you will see IoM is not so bad, even in its lockdown. 

Sorry if that sounds patronising, but I think you have lost a sense of perspective.



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