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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Am I missing something in the briefings? Whether or not the genomic analysis for the new strain needs to feed into the surveillance in the UK, it's still valuable data we aren't getting in a timely fashion.

Surely, with genomic analysis, we'd know within 24 hours where the two new cases picked up their COVID from, and therefore, whether it was in fact linked to the clusters. I'm also under the impression you can figure out an idea of how many links/mutations there were between the two, giving a clearer picture of whether it has been bouncing around before getting to little Jimmy.

Instead, they really don't want to and draw excuses that aren't necessarily relevant out of the hat to avoid the elephant in the room.

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57 minutes ago, Barlow said:

Without wanting to sound hysterical....bring back a Comis type scenario for returnees?

This would put us more in line with what New Zealand are doing.

They seem to have managed Covid control very well. I note they also require a pre departure negative test for people going there from UK and USA, with effect from 15 January.

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The problem with Moulton, is although he asks some relevant questions, his tone borders on hysterical and he tends to use inappropriate and sensationalist language. It is getting to the point that it is becoming cringeworthy, and HQ & Co now treat him so dismissively and with contempt, it effectively means the answers get diluted/dodged/fudged. 

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They were rattled, but PM's question was a good one - do we have a super-spreader situation?  PM didn't invent the term and it was right to explore it, but the dynamic duo were clearly not happy.  The role of the press is to ask questions on behalf of the public, and the role of officials is to answer them.  If they treat the press with contempt, they are effectively treating the public with contempt. 



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5 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Am I missing something in the briefings? Whether or not the genomic analysis for the new strain needs to feed into the surveillance in the UK, it's still valuable data we aren't getting in a timely fashion.

I assume whoever is doing the genomic analysis in Liverpool is currently inundated with samples from the Uk hence the delay in receiving results. 
Short of doing all the testing on island (won’t happen without Dr Glovers input) then we will always be on the back foot.

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4 hours ago, horatiotheturd said:

Once Covid free we could have implemented a robust policy that still allowed people to travel here (like australia and plenty of others) and used out little rock geography to our advantage and had one of the healthiest economies in the world.

You are only permitted to enter Australia if you are an Australian citizen, or travelling from New Zealand via their airbridge. You must quarantine for 14 days on arrival. You must isolate in a hotel and pay for that hotel, with a minimum cost of AUS$3000.


You were saying?

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1 minute ago, Out of the blue said:

The problem with Moulton, is although he asks some relevant questions, his tone borders on hysterical and he tends to use inappropriate and sensationalist language. It is getting to the point that it is becoming cringeworthy, and HQ & Co now treat him so dismissively and with contempt, it effectively means the answers get diluted/dodged/fudged. 

You’re right. Quayle, Ashford and Ewart are appalling at responding in a reasonable and professional manner to legitimate questions of public interest. But those important questions are being asked by a borderline imbecile. They need to come from a credible articulate journalist. They’re too important to be left to Moulton.

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3 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

But shouldn’t Moulton be asking intelligent questions instead of trying ( and often succeeding) to bite HQ”s ankle by repeating the same questions that he himself doesn’t actually understand.?

You're making the rather generous assumption that Quayle could answer or even understand an intelligent question that was designed to produce relevant information. 

What we should be asking ourselves is the same question that we've asking since March - what the hell is Quayle doing there anyway?  Such briefings about the progress of an outbreak should be left to the medical and professional staff dealing with it, not be an opportunity for the CM to preen himself in front of the cameras again. 

If political input is required it should be from the appropriate Ministers, though maybe none of them are prepared to defend the failures of the policies that Quayle has been imposing over the last months.

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2 minutes ago, Gladys said:

They were rattled, but PM's question was a good one - do we have a super-spreader situation?  PM didn't invent the term and it was right to explore it, but the dynamic duo were clearly not happy.  The role of the press is to ask questions on behalf of the public, and the role of officials is to answer them.  If they treat the press with contempt, they are effectively treating the public with contempt. 



Exactly. They want opinion to be served as they like it and any dissent or scrutiny wlll not be tolerated. Well said Gladys...


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Also, 111 are giving conflicting advice.  Someone in my household has been booked to have a test (not a traveller) after calling 111.  They were told that they would have to isolate but providing they stayed on their own room and had their own bathroom, I could go out.  I looked on the website and in these very circumstances ALL the household should isolate (in red) so I rang 111 last night and it was pretty indefinite, but the upshot was to stay in until the results came back. 

I am happy to do the right thing as long as I know, but if I don't know and the guidance is not clear, it is not helpful.  The only difficulty I have is to walk two rather elderly dogs who like their daily amble.

Anyway, tested today and I again asked what the rules were, the nurse taking the swab said it was contradictory and again we should await the test results. 

The information is not great if you are not a traveller.

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4 minutes ago, tetchtyke said:

You are only permitted to enter Australia if you are an Australian citizen, or travelling from New Zealand via their airbridge. You must quarantine for 14 days on arrival. You must isolate in a hotel and pay for that hotel, with a minimum cost of AUS$3000.


Worth also saying that there is an enormous backlog of citizens wanting to travel there because of restrictions with flights and isolation accommodation.  So just because you have the right to get back there it doesn't mean you can and no one is allowed to return without having the arrangements in place.  In practical terms they're in a worse situation than we are.

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Yes, they're getting arsey about the same, or similar, questions being asked but these questions need to be asked again and again. Especially regarding Dr Glover. I hope they get asked about Dr Glover every single day. And they need to stay cool, stop being so bleeding snarkey, and answer with decency.

At the end of the day Dr Glover said months ago that there needs to be testing before people come out of self isolation. Which means that someone, somewhere, disagreed with this and did not think that it was necessary. Who was this person, or persons, and do they still think they know better. They must be highly qualified with a wealth of experience to disagree with someone with Dr Glovers qualifications and work experience.

It's less important that people of limited intelligence and ability are in charge of the island generally but, at times of crisis like this where lives directly depend on the actions of those in charge, the shortcomings of this crowd are plain to see.

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