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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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12 minutes ago, tetchtyke said:

You are only permitted to enter Australia if you are an Australian citizen, or travelling from New Zealand via their airbridge. You must quarantine for 14 days on arrival. You must isolate in a hotel and pay for that hotel, with a minimum cost of AUS$3000.


You were saying?

Anyone can apply to travel to Australia for "compassionate and compelling reasons" its un your own link

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Just now, Roger Mexico said:

Worth also saying that there is an enormous backlog of citizens wanting to travel there because of restrictions with flights and isolation accommodation.  So just because you have the right to get back there it doesn't mean you can and no one is allowed to return without having the arrangements in place.  In practical terms they're in a worse situation than we are.

Yep, much much worse, they're still at the stage we were when everyone had to stay at the Comis. Only certain hotels can be used for quarantine, numbers of entries per week are tightly controlled, and if you can't get a hotel you can't travel. The backlog is huge.

There are also hard borders in place between the different states, especially between NSW and the others because of an outbreak in Sydney at Christmas.

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7 minutes ago, Gladys said:

They were rattled, but PM's question was a good one - do we have a super-spreader situation?  PM didn't invent the term and it was right to explore it, but the dynamic duo were clearly not happy.  The role of the press is to ask questions on behalf of the public, and the role of officials is to answer them.  If they treat the press with contempt, they are effectively treating the public with contempt. 



Correct, he does represent the views of a number of people judging by various FB comments, and as such they should answer the questions in a cool, calm and professional manner. Unfortunately he has got under their skin and their personal dislike for him is all too apparent and impacts on the dissemination of information to the public. I honestly do not think that they are aware of how their unprofessional behaviour is perceived by 'the great Manx public', it has become too personal. Hopefully the other media bods will step up to the plate and will start asking clear, forensic and relevant questions, and follow up when palmed off with half answers. Tim Glover did well today. 

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1 minute ago, horatiotheturd said:

Anyone can apply to travel to Australia for "compassionate and compelling reasons" its un your own link

You can apply, though the rules were much tighter than our compassionate rules.

But flights and passenger numbers are tightly controlled, and there's no guarantee a permit will let you book a flight and actually get there.

There are plenty of Aussie residents stuck abroad in the queue to return because they can't get a flight and they can't get a hotel.

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Just now, tetchtyke said:

You can apply, though the rules were much tighter than our compassionate rules.

But flights and passenger numbers are tightly controlled, and there's no guarantee a permit will let you book a flight and actually get there.

There are plenty of Aussie residents stuck abroad in the queue to return because they can't get a flight and they can't get a hotel.

Tougher than not allowing anyone at all? 

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2 minutes ago, Out of the blue said:

Tim Glover did well today. 

He behaved in the exact manner a professional journalist should, he was calm, collected, expressed his viewers concerns without turning it into a personal attack and the answers he received reflected that (albeit wishy washy and deflective)

I think that perhaps the questions should be emailed in say an hour or so before the live conference, then HQ & co will then have the opportunity to research and give out detailed information. This will also remove the personal attack element we currently witness, it’s supposed to be a national pandemic and yet it’s almost like a poor comedy show when it comes to question time.

I often watch the press conference and think I’ve learnt absolutely sod all by watching it, it’s just regurgitated information from previous press releases.


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25 minutes ago, reptar said:

Yes, they're getting arsey about the same, or similar, questions being asked but these questions need to be asked again and again. Especially regarding Dr Glover. I hope they get asked about Dr Glover every single day. And they need to stay cool, stop being so bleeding snarkey, and answer with decency.

It's less important that people of limited intelligence and ability are in charge of the island generally but, at times of crisis like this where lives directly depend on the actions of those in charge, the shortcomings of this crowd are plain to see.

Great post. And spot on description at the conclusion of your opening para. They’re not remaining cool, they’re perpetually snarky, and they most certainly don’t field questions with decency.

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I wouldn't have fielded it with decency. We have a primary schoolkid with as yet no evidence of any transmission to anyone else and dickhead was calling him a "superspreader". Imagine how the poor kid's family were feeling when they heard that.

He's a bellend looking to scare the public in his quest for "the news". He reminds me of the guy from the early die hard movies - Richard Thornburg

Edited by piebaps
apostrophe nazi
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23 minutes ago, piebaps said:

I wouldn't have fielded it with decency. We have a primary schoolkid with as yet no evidence of any transmission to anyone else and dickhead was calling him a "superspreader". Imagine how the poor kid's family were feeling when they heard that.

He's a bellend looking to scare the public in his quest for "the news". He reminds me of the guy from the early die hard movies - Richard Thornburg

But, it is a super-spreader scenario, schoolchild with no symptoms, but lots of contact.  It was not an unreasonable question.

Hope the child is OK and this does not interfere with the other medical treatment they were due to have. 

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For information, a quote from a Guernsey official.

'We know the impact of even one case that enters our community undetected can have a serious impact on the freedoms we currently enjoy. We are not like other jurisdictions who are managing Covid within their communities, we want to preserve the very good position we’re in. We’ve seen how the Isle of Man has had to react, hard and fast, to the identification of just a handful of cases. Personally I commend the swift and decisive action taken by our Manx friends and believe we would do the same, but we want to do everything we reasonably can to avoid that situation.'

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1 hour ago, reptar said:

Yes, they're getting arsey about the same, or similar, questions being asked but these questions need to be asked again and again. Especially regarding Dr Glover. I hope they get asked about Dr Glover every single day. And they need to stay cool, stop being so bleeding snarkey, and answer with decency.

At the end of the day Dr Glover said months ago that there needs to be testing before people come out of self isolation. Which means that someone, somewhere, disagreed with this and did not think that it was necessary. Who was this person, or persons, and do they still think they know better. They must be highly qualified with a wealth of experience to disagree with someone with Dr Glovers qualifications and work experience.

It's less important that people of limited intelligence and ability are in charge of the island generally but, at times of crisis like this where lives directly depend on the actions of those in charge, the shortcomings of this crowd are plain to see.

Exactly this.   Why did they ignore the advice?  Whose decision was it?   I keep banging on about it I know, but I would really, genuinely like to know what the reasoning can possibly have been.    

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