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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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2 hours ago, quilp said:

Quayle almost faints in a coil at the mere mention of Dr. Glover. The eye-roll and the Wallace-esque grimace of Ewart doesn't create a good impression. Most significant of all is the headmaster attempting to close Moulton down.

Democracy anyone..? 

Maybe they should be glad they’re not being questioned by Jeremy Paxman!  

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2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

You're making the rather generous assumption that Quayle could answer or even understand an intelligent question that was designed to produce relevant information. 

What we should be asking ourselves is the same question that we've asking since March - what the hell is Quayle doing there anyway?  Such briefings about the progress of an outbreak should be left to the medical and professional staff dealing with it, not be an opportunity for the CM to preen himself in front of the cameras again. 

If political input is required it should be from the appropriate Ministers, though maybe none of them are prepared to defend the failures of the policies that Quayle has been imposing over the last months.

I thought Allinson was there as with his Education hat on, yet was answering questions that Dr Ewart should have been answering. At one point HQ even asked her if she anything to add to a question that was for to answer , not by the Education Minister.

Edited by dilligaf
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1 hour ago, quilp said:

Exactly. They want opinion to be served as they like it and any dissent or scrutiny wlll not be tolerated. Well said Gladys...


They don't like it because they're not used to it.

This crisis has brought out some crisis-level questioning (regardless of how you rate PM) and it's a thousand miles removed from batting aside or ignoring questions in Tynwald or the DOI telling us that all is fine and dandy with the Prom and just carrying on as normal. It's not MR or iomtoady.

This is a health crisis which will potentially put lives on the line and people get very interested at this juncture because it might just be them next. They expect the correct decisions to be made and people to be especially accountable.

Which is not exactly established culture...

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16 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

I thought Allinson was there as with his Education hat on, yet was answering questions that Dr Ewart should have been answering. At one point HQ even asked her if she anything to add to a question that was for to answer , not by the Education Minister.

Allinson likes the sound of his own voice and was muscling in on the ego trip there. He's a knowall and knows everything and has got more than 6 O'levels so trumps Quayle in every department and that.

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2 hours ago, tetchtyke said:

Yep, much much worse, they're still at the stage we were when everyone had to stay at the Comis. Only certain hotels can be used for quarantine, numbers of entries per week are tightly controlled, and if you can't get a hotel you can't travel. The backlog is huge.

Isle of Man needs to go back to the Comis scenario if it ever pulls itself out of the current situation. 

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2 hours ago, Gladys said:

They were rattled, but PM's question was a good one - do we have a super-spreader situation?  PM didn't invent the term and it was right to explore it, but the dynamic duo were clearly not happy.  The role of the press is to ask questions on behalf of the public, and the role of officials is to answer them.  If they treat the press with contempt, they are effectively treating the public with contempt. 



You state that like treating the public with contempt is something new

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12 minutes ago, Barlow said:

Isle of Man needs to go back to the Comis scenario if it ever pulls itself out of the current situation. 

We certainly need a quarantine area/facility for inbound pax, it's a basic protocol. You can't, for example, wander in and out of a pathogen lab (not even if you're a roofer 😂 ) without going through various areas of decontamination and checks. It's just a bigger version of that and it is basics. 

Isolate incomers and test at scientifically proven points before you release into the community. We should have been doing it months ago  particularly in light of the infection source next door. It needs to be getting set up NOW.

Edited by Non-Believer
extra bit
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2 hours ago, Annoymouse said:

I assume whoever is doing the genomic analysis in Liverpool is currently inundated with samples from the Uk hence the delay in receiving results. 
Short of doing all the testing on island (won’t happen without Dr Glovers input) then we will always be on the back foot.

We know the new strain is here now. The treatment for the new strain is the same. Lockdown. We don't need to know any more

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1 minute ago, quilp said:

The 'new' strain was identified by the head girl as having been in existence here since September. 

Yes from a patient transfer but the media headline seems to be Uk COVID variation already here ie implying it’s spreading around without any evidence 

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3 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

We know the new strain is here now. The treatment for the new strain is the same. Lockdown. We don't need to know any more

Well that isn’t quite true, we need to know if the new strain was in the community before lockdown, at the moment they’re testing people on perhaps day 3 or day 5 after being identified as a close contact when it’s known this strain incubates for far longer, people therefore could be receiving false negative tests.

I suppose it also depends on whether 111 tells them to carry on isolating after a negative test, we had a poster tested on here (name escapes me, sorry!) who was told after their negative test that they could exit isolation.

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