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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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5 minutes ago, Banker said:

People need fresh air outside otherwise we will get more illnesses, reported today suicides on increase in uk with 4 17 years old yesterday, lockdown increases mental health issues and locking people in makes it even worse 

Well, UK have been in various forms of lockdowm for months.

I would suggest anyone who can't suck up being indoors for 3 weeks is more of a snowflake than someone who wants to see family they haven't seen for over a year, but I guess we all have different priorities in life.

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11 minutes ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

We did it during the first lockdown. 1 hours exercise a day and no travelling by car to exercise. I do expect this to comeback in soon along with mandatory masks and a speed limit when people start getting hospitalised in a couple of weeks.

I don't think there actually was an express 1 hours exercise limit in lockdown 1. Howie suggested it in a briefing but it wasn't in the regs or directions

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1 minute ago, Lxxx said:

Even without a face covering walking outdoors away from other people the risk of transmission is 0.

0 is a bold claim.

More trips to the petrol station, using lifts and stairwells in flats unnecessarily. 

I agree risk is minute but since the public can't be trusted to apply common sense you either let them crack on or ban everything for a few weeks.

Lots of things that are equal or less risk to people's precious exercise have been banned.

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26 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

If mask wearing/face coverings are going to be part of the solution then people need to be told how to do so correctly.


Even though this morning on the radio his words were "wear a mask if you can", Minister Dr Allinson MHK would be the ideal person to carry out a demonstration and explanation during one of the briefings, including the relative effectiveness of a surgical grade mask - easily available these days - and a make shift T-shirt type or whatever.

Message should be: don't argue.... just wear a mask.

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4 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

0 is a bold claim.

Is something is so infinitesimal then statistically it's effectively zero.

You could always wear a crash helmet when out walking too, on the off chance anything fell from the sky, if it would make you feel better. 

Edited by Lxxx
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4 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

Buy a treadmill or exercise bike, or just suck it up for a couple of weeks.

God forbid any of these exercise addicts ever get ill and bed bound.

More people walked past here yesterday than a normal Sunday.

You are assuming that everyone is pro lockdown and agree with the current restrictions. Increase the restrictions, increase the likelihood of outright disobedience. If it ever came down to mass dissent we do not have the ability to enforce it down to a relatively small police force. Therefore gaining and maintaining consent is important, and keeping people locked up for extended periods is neither healthy or likely to be listened to after a few weeks of incarceration. We fortunate that there is currently a lot of goodwill for the current measures due to the ability to go outside, the limited timeframe, coupled with the vaccine rollout. As is being said over and over, practice good hygiene, keep your distance and use your common sense. Stricter lockdown will only be counter productive if this goes beyond three weeks as I suspect it will.

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54 minutes ago, Gladys said:

So what time is Howie o' clock today?

I assume we can all go back to starting drinking as soon as he is finished? 

Personally I find it a valuable tool for limiting my lockdown consumption and at least something to look forward to everyday. 

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11 minutes ago, Out of the blue said:

You are assuming that everyone is pro lockdown and agree with the current restrictions. Increase the restrictions, increase the likelihood of outright disobedience. If it ever came down to mass dissent we do not have the ability to enforce it down to a relatively small police force. Therefore gaining and maintaining consent is important, and keeping people locked up for extended periods is neither healthy or likely to be listened to after a few weeks of incarceration. We fortunate that there is currently a lot of goodwill for the current measures due to the ability to go outside, the limited timeframe, coupled with the vaccine rollout. As is being said over and over, practice good hygiene, keep your distance and use your common sense. Stricter lockdown will only be counter productive if this goes beyond three weeks as I suspect it will.

All very sensible and I agree.

So why is my business which I could operate perfectly safely legally had to close like lots of others.

Either let people use common sense and stay safe, or close everything.

Picking out certain industry to suffer when others aren't isn't fair and leads to exactly the sort of resentment you talk about.

A window cleaner isn't allowed to earn any money but a woman can sell Mars bars online and deliver them to your house.

That is why a portion of society are dead against the current restrictions and the way they are implemented.

Those of us who have been shut down by law, and who risk a criminal record if we perfectly safely try and earn a living want to see the rest of you do everything you can to keep this as short as possible.

Instead we have people on full pay working from home and going to the shop five times a day, which is higher risk than what others have been legally stopped from doing.

Edited by horatiotheturd
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5 minutes ago, The Phantom said:

I assume we can all go back to starting drinking as soon as he is finished? 

Personally I find it a valuable tool for limiting my lockdown consumption and at least something to look forward to everyday. 

Some friends have the gin bottle primed at the start!

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9 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

People needing instruction in how to wear a mask once again reminds me of Wonko the Sane and my admiration for him.

Unfortunately, these people exist - along with the covid deniers and the massed ranks on Snaefell over the weekend.

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21 minutes ago, Lxxx said:

You could always wear a crash helmet when out walking too, on the off chance anything fell from the sky, if it would make you feel better

This was exactly Dr Allinson's words regarding wearing a mask pre lockdown ONE.


16 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

People needing instruction in how to wear a mask once again reminds me of Wonko the Sane and my admiration for him.

Hah hah. Yes it would be a bit like John The good doctor would be the ideal person to deliver the message.

To be fair though, in this here pandemic, there is a lot more to wearing a mask than 'just putting it on'.

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24 minutes ago, Lxxx said:

Even without a face covering, walking outdoors away from other people the risk of transmission is 0.

Lower but not none existent.  There is a lack of case studies. However, there is an added factor with the cold still air. Like the air in a meat plant where the virus has run rampant on many an occasion. The issue is l, even though we are one year on, we simply don't know enough because there aren't enough studies into cold weather transmission of covid so why take the risk by not wearing a mask?

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9 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Some friends have the gin bottle primed at the start!


6 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:


Even Howard doesn't hang on until he is finished!


The terror of when they delay Howie O'Clock... 


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