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David Icke banned from YouTube


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I think removing Icke from Facebook and YouTube (he's still on Twitter, for now) sets a dangerous precedent. Whether you agree or disagree with some of his fringe conspiracy theories, the man has never said or promoted anything that would lead to any form of hate speech or violence. His theory on reptilians is literal, not a euphemism for any race of people.

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3 hours ago, Zorg said:

the man has never said or promoted anything that would lead to any form of hate speech or violence.

That may be true but it has lead to harm.  Harm to everyone who believes his nonsense and harm to everyone else who has to put up with his followers constantly spouting nonsense.

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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

That may be true but it has lead to harm.  Harm to everyone who believes his nonsense and harm to everyone else who has to put up with his followers constantly spouting nonsense.

Utter rubbish. Not one word from David Icke has ever caused "harm". The man is a proponent of people coming together from all walks of life, all backgrounds, all races, all religions, with a message of infinite love and unity. He brings people together and that's what we need more of, not the division and hate being promoted by the mainstream media who lie about him and pushed for his removal because they're afraid of alternative media replacing them. I hear more nonsense from people who watch Good Morning Britain and Britain's Got Talent than the people who listen to David Icke.

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43 minutes ago, quilp said:

I'd say the same about the bible, koran, a-hadiths and the torah. They've all contributed to "harm" and will continue to do so...

True. At least David Icke, whatever you may think of his ideas, talks about love and how we're all aspects of infinite consciousness. You don't find him singling out any races, genders or religions and spreading hatred. He's not calling for people to be stoned to death, or for inquisitions against heretics. He's just an ex-footballer who's a bit esoteric and thinks the queen's a reptilian. I don't see how that's any crazier than Catholics thinking a wafer is the literal body of Christ or Muslims thinking their fake prophet Muhammad having sex with a nine year old (married her at age six) is somehow morally acceptable. The selective way in which people scoff at some ideas while thinking other ideas are perfectly normal never fails to amaze me.

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@Zorg I don't believe in any religion and think they are all equally nuts.  Icke is verging on a conspiracy theorist.

The harm done by Icke is a mental harm (as is most religion until it gets used to justify hate or war) and its indoctrination.

How f$#ked up do you have to be to believe that the Queen is a lizard?  She doesn't even have any real powers left that has all been devolved to Parliament other than a few symbolic ceremonies. 

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On 6/12/2020 at 6:33 PM, manxman1980 said:

@Zorg I don't believe in any religion and think they are all equally nuts.  Icke is verging on a conspiracy theorist.

The harm done by Icke is a mental harm (as is most religion until it gets used to justify hate or war) and its indoctrination.

How f$#ked up do you have to be to believe that the Queen is a lizard?  She doesn't even have any real powers left that has all been devolved to Parliament other than a few symbolic ceremonies. 

What "mental harm" is Icke causing? Have you even read any of his books or watched some of his six-hour long lectures or are you just one of those lazy people who dismiss and scoff at anything that sounds like it's non-conventional?

He's one of the best researchers and journalists out there. People call him an ex-journalist but really he's as close to the real deal as we may find in any newspaper in this day and age. He's a far better political commentator than anybody in any of the newspapers or who appear on the BBC or Good Morning Britain.

He doesn't believe the Queen is a "lizard". He believes she's a human and reptilian shapeshifter hybrid and while that might ostensibly sound absurd you may want to look into the historical background on the whole notion of "royal blood" and how these royal families do see themselves as being different to the general population, something which goes well beyond mere heredity or privilege. You should also look into the royal family's own historical claims about their ancestry, because it doesn't all begin in 1066 with William the Conqueror. It goes back to ancient Sumeria and their god-kings who, lo and behold, the ancient texts tell us were amphibious serpent-like beings who came to this earth and mixed with humans.  Even the Bible in Genesis speaks of "sons of god" (god, in the Hebrew here, is elohim, which actually means "gods", plural) coming down and mixing with the daughters of men (humans). You have to look at the historical background to all of this and the claims of the royal families themselves and the continuity of it all before you laugh at Icke for simply bringing up what other people already knew.

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On 6/12/2020 at 6:33 PM, manxman1980 said:

[the Queen] doesn't even have any real powers left that has all been devolved to Parliament other than a few symbolic ceremonies. 

The above comment is a load of rubbish too. The Queen's powers are not merely ceremonial. Remember, it is "her" government. The permanent and unelected British Civil Service owe allegiance direct to the Crown, not to Parliament. Even Parliament is ruled over by "her" government, "her" Prime Minister, "her" opposition. Sovereignty resides in Queen-in-Parliament, not in Parliament. No legislation can pass without her stamp of approval. You may think she just rubber stamps things that come to her, but that isn't the case. Reading newspapers now, we might get that impression but if you actually do research and read autobiographies, diaries and letters of former prime ministers you will see that the monarch has continued to have massive influence on the formulation of policy. This goes on behind the scenes but you find out about it if you bother to read books by the key power players.

Also, through her global business interests, which are considerable, she has even more power and influence on the world stage than any British monarch who preceded her.

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7 hours ago, Zorg said:

What "mental harm" is Icke causing? Have you even read any of his books or watched some of his six-hour long lectures or are you just one of those lazy people who dismiss and scoff at anything that sounds like it's non-conventional?

He's one of the best researchers and journalists out there. People call him an ex-journalist but really he's as close to the real deal as we may find in any newspaper in this day and age. He's a far better political commentator than anybody in any of the newspapers or who appear on the BBC or Good Morning Britain.

He doesn't believe the Queen is a "lizard". He believes she's a human and reptilian shapeshifter hybrid and while that might ostensibly sound absurd you may want to look into the historical background on the whole notion of "royal blood" and how these royal families do see themselves as being different to the general population, something which goes well beyond mere heredity or privilege. You should also look into the royal family's own historical claims about their ancestry, because it doesn't all begin in 1066 with William the Conqueror. It goes back to ancient Sumeria and their god-kings who, lo and behold, the ancient texts tell us were amphibious serpent-like beings who came to this earth and mixed with humans.  Even the Bible in Genesis speaks of "sons of god" (god, in the Hebrew here, is elohim, which actually means "gods", plural) coming down and mixing with the daughters of men (humans). You have to look at the historical background to all of this and the claims of the royal families themselves and the continuity of it all before you laugh at Icke for simply bringing up what other people already knew.

And don’t forget the dragons and the White Walkers. Apparently they have their origins in a pub cellar in Dudley as the great book of Whan-Kher makes so very clear.

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9 hours ago, Zorg said:

He believes she's a human and reptilian shapeshifter hybrid and while that might ostensibly sound absurd you may want to look into the historical background on the whole notion of "royal blood" etc


9 hours ago, Zorg said:

You should also look into the royal family's own historical claims about their ancestry ... it goes back to ancient Sumeria and their god-kings who, lo and behold, the ancient texts tell us were amphibious serpent-like beings etc

I've had a look on  their website and there is nothing about that.

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You have to go back through the European dynasties and to some of the mythological claims made by different dynasties to give themselves perceived legitimacy at the time, usually because they lacked genuine legitimacy.

The key word being mythological because I'm not actually suggesting they are genuinely descended from the ancient Sumerian kings, nor was I suggesting that Icke was correct about the Queen being a reptilian-human hybrid. On the contrary, I fully reject Icke's claims and am a staunch royalist.

But do look at some of the wild claims made by European monarchs (most if not all of whom are related to the current Queen) over the centuries and they are even more bizarre than the reptilian theory. The claims include being descended from Charlemagne, King Arthur, Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Aeneas, the Ptolemaic dynasty of Ancient Egypt, and on and on. If you go back far enough, those early monarchs claimed mythological origins from god-kings. The European royal families all made claims to being descended from these ancient figures. I am not saying they were. They said they were. Is it any wonder Icke would come up with his theory when the royal families themselves were totally mental and made up mythological origins about themselves?

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