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No Smoking At The Bar


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It will only work if you make ALL pubs/bars non-smoking.


I think you and I agree about something for once. Definitely everywhere needs to be nonsmoking if it is not going to impact on the business of a particular place. I suspect that as smoking becomes less and less accepted in public places, less and less people will be drawn into it, those who want to quit will find it easier, and the habit will die out.

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Do many smokers actually get that much enjoyment from smoking?


As far as memory serves me.....................................dear god YES!


A meal was never complete until that cigarette at the end - even now, 2½ later, I still feel something is missing after my dinner!


If feeling stressed, nothing like a cig to calm you down - even if medically it made your heart pump faster! - Same with feeling pissed off, or upset - or any kind of mood to be honest.


And actually, at times it tasted fabulous........................................oh god, what have I been missing - I need a fag! :blink:

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Do many smokers actually get that much enjoyment from smoking?


As far as memory serves me.....................................dear god YES!


A meal was never complete until that cigarette at the end - even now, 2½ later, I still feel something is missing after my dinner!


If feeling stressed, nothing like a cig to calm you down - even if medically it made your heart pump faster! - Same with feeling pissed off, or upset - or any kind of mood to be honest.


And actually, at times it tasted fabulous........................................oh god, what have I been missing - I need a fag! :blink:


So why give up?


Seriously, speaking as a smoker for over 30 years, I and most of the smokers I know smoke only because we are addicted. I am coming up to the end of the first period of 24 hours without a fag in my umpteenth attempt to kick the habit, I don't know if banning smoking from pubs is the answer, but if it helps people pack the dreaded weed in, then it's got to be worth it.

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It will only work if you make ALL pubs/bars non-smoking.


I think you and I agree about something for once. Definitely everywhere needs to be nonsmoking if it is not going to impact on the business of a particular place. I suspect that as smoking becomes less and less accepted in public places, less and less people will be drawn into it, those who want to quit will find it easier, and the habit will die out.


C'mon Stuart - I'm sure you're not that naive??


Could apply exactly that argument to drinking!!!


Yup - let's have all the pubs and clubs have a nicotine as well as an alcohol ban - if they all do it, then it will be easier for all of us - and of course it won't have any impact on the business side of it?????????


I can't understand the logic of the anti-smokers if they actually want to go out and pollute their body with drink?


I smoke "rolies" myself, and beleive that they are probably better for the health of those around me as they go out if left in the ashtray (not so sure about my own health - more tar maybe - but certainly less chemicals like potassium nitrate in them).


I'm also on the side of the non-smokers when it comes to eating - there's nothing worse than trying to stuff your face with some yummy food when there's a lot of smoke around you - I wouldn't dream of lighting up if I was at a restaurant with friends and someone was still eating.


I think the whole smoking/non-smoking arguement is a bit similar to the anti/pro cannabis argument - it's very polarised - (maybe a bit like the Smiths) - there seems to be not much in the way of middle ground or compromise - it's either one extreme or the other.


As a smoker I acept that people aren't into it and try to adjust my habit around that - I don't smoke in my place of work, I don't smoke in non-smoking friends houses - I'll go outside to smoke in these situations, but at the same time - if I'm in an environment that permits smoking, I won't sacrifice my right to smoke there just because there are non-smokers present.


- Concrete - I agree with you that there should be a smoking & non-smoking option at pubs - that is a fair deal for both smokers & non-smokers - maybe we could all find some common ground here???

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I think there is a simple fact that non-smokers just cannot get their heads round - you can not make a smoker give it up! The more that smokers - especially long-term and habitual ones - are driven into a corner, the more they will protest their need for as cigarette. Like most smokers, I've tried to give up many times (I even managed 100 days to raise money for charity once!) but, ultimately, I have failed.

One of the reasons for the failure (apart from my weakness of willpower etc) was the number of self-righteous dipsticks who kept asking me how much better I felt! I didn't! I felt awful! It takes months before the craving begins to dissipate - and years before it finally disappears.

It is not like giving up sweets or cakes or even alcohol - any of which I could do with no trouble at all - and being made to feel like a social pariah does nothing at all to help my resolve.

I respect those who have managed to give up (especially those like Survivor who don't preach to the rest of us) but have no time for those who have never experienced the addiction telling us what we ought to do. They know nothing at all about it.

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If they cared so much about second hand smoke they would stay away from pubs etc.  Then we would see 'The brewery' automatically make pubs non-smoking to attract all the peace loving, clean living sherry sippers back into their bars.




I have always been a 'pub' person, but actually, I stay away from pubs which are smokey. Lots of non-smokers do.


When the ban comes in, there may be more customers than now as the non-smokers return.


I have been to Ireland a couple of times recently and the pubs are bouncing, everywhere, not just Dublin. It has made no difference, except for the gaggle of smokers standing outside. They got used to it within two weeks of the ban.


On the plus side, cigarette sales in the Republic have decreased by 20% - so obviously people have given up.

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The point is, yes you will find it hard to give up. That is because you are addicted to it and you need to put the drug into your body to make yourself feel normal. However if smoking had never existed then you would never have taken that drug, and so you wouldn't feel the need for it. So therefore if you give less incentives to start smoking, then gradually less and less people will do it, ok some people will carry on because they always have, but as they die out, so will the habit.


Why did you start smoking in the first place? I bet it was peer pressure, which has since lead to a dependancy on the drug.


And anyway though some of us have not smoked, what makes you think we have not experienced deprivation of certain other drugs which gives us an insight into how difficult it is withdrawing from a dependancy on any sort of drug, and coping without certain chemicals in our systems?


Besides, you complain about us forcing our will upon you. What about all the non smokers who have to tolerate having the health damaging will of smokers forced upon them. You seem to feel that your habit should not make you a social pariah, and yet feel free to force others to choose between putting up with your smoke and not having the enjoyment of a social life.

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That works about as well as the pissing and no-pissing sections in the public swimming pool  :blink:


Not with proper ventilation and a sealed door. Ever wandered around an airport where they have smoking areas? Can you smell it if you're 20 metres away? Nope.


Most pubs will just have their smoking areas outside though, no better ventilation than that.


And Stuart, once again you're displaying your own ignorance of something you've never experienced. Some smokers smoke because they like it, not because they're addicted.

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If they cared so much about second hand smoke they would stay away from pubs etc.  Then we would see 'The brewery' automatically make pubs non-smoking to attract all the peace loving, clean living sherry sippers back into their bars.




I have always been a 'pub' person, but actually, I stay away from pubs which are smokey. Lots of non-smokers do.


When the ban comes in, there may be more customers than now as the non-smokers return.


I have been to Ireland a couple of times recently and the pubs are bouncing, everywhere, not just Dublin. It has made no difference, except for the gaggle of smokers standing outside. They got used to it within two weeks of the ban.


On the plus side, cigarette sales in the Republic have decreased by 20% - so obviously people have given up.


I dont know what pubs you have been to but I can tell you that the profits are way down in alot of pubs in S/Ireland, a lot of pubs do seem busy and that may have something to do with more families going for meals in pubs, but pubs are for having a beer, a bit of banter maybe some four letter words gambling and for a smoke, not to bring kids in. I would never bring my kids in a pub and I dont like to see kids in a pub. I have a lot of friends in Ireland who are in the pub trade and would welcome back the smokers.

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... but pubs are for having a beer, a bit of banter maybe some four letter words gambling and for a smoke, not to bring kids in ...

What tosh - you should see what happens in the civilised areas of Europe. The sooner ignorant peasants with this attitude are booted out the better.

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