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No Smoking At The Bar


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That's another thing about the wise Irish. They have stopped using plastic bags in shops - brown paper bags are provided.


Much less litter, waste and expense.


People bring their own re-usable bags to shops.


As to FCMR and pubs - I go to pubs to drink bitter - pubs with kids, meals, sofas, curtains and ceiling fans are anethema to me.


But pubs - in Ireland - traditional - still with the same characters, but smoking outside - are magnificent.

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... but pubs are for having a beer, a bit of banter maybe some four letter words gambling and for a smoke, not to bring kids in ...

What tosh - you should see what happens in the civilised areas of Europe. The sooner ignorant peasants with this attitude are booted out the better.


Well why dont you xxxx off and live in Europe and let us have our Traditional British Pubs Back. We only have to look at the way the non Traditional beer drinker behaves .

It todays UK Paper 46 pubs a month are shutting down in England alone.

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We only have to look at the way the non Traditional beer drinker behaves .


With British drinkers being the worst in europe for drink related violence, I don't think we should be holding up British drinkers as shining examples to our European counterparts.


I much prefer the continental approach to a night out drinking and enjoy it a lot more when I'm there.

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Well why dont you xxxx off and live in Europe and let us have our Traditional British Pubs Back. We only have to look at the way the non Traditional beer drinker behaves .

It todays UK Paper 46 pubs a month are shutting down in England alone.

I do live in Europe - Switzerland actually but am regularly back for some bracing weather and real beer which gets ruined by selfish neandertals who just don't have the decency to die out :angry: and allow civilisation to take over.


At least a ban on areas of pubs where food is served and consumed would be a start, but with the present bunch of jokers in power I doubt it'll happen like. Not that most IOM pub grub is worth eating anyway...

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Debate all you like about smoking but please quit the car fumes/drink analogies - they just don't work.

You're right - they don't work at all. I'm an ex smoker (not one that preaches to others but one who is glad to be an 'x' all the same). As a smoker, I always knew that smoking in public places wasn't fair on those around me who chose not to smoke - the health issues have been well documented for many years now and it simply is not fair to force other people to inhale life threatening fumes simply because it is your own choice to do so.


Anybody can choose to smoke, it is a personal life choice and I totally respect everyones right to make that choice. They don't, however, have the right to make that choice for others and that is what happens every time someone lights up in a confined area surrounded by others.

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I much prefer the continental approach to a night out drinking and enjoy it a lot more when I'm there.

How very true.

I don't so I guess for me it's how very false.


You don't suppose it's horses for courses do you?


Where I live there are pubs for blokes to drink in, swear, smoke and so on and pubs for families to have meals in. Each publican targets the clientele he is after. Interestingly one of my favourite pubs, The Albion in Chester, states it is child unfriendly but you wouldn't say it was anything like spit-and-sawdust. But to expect all UK pubs to ban smoking and so forth and to adopt Continental-style practices just because one market sector prefers it is quite simply ludicrous.

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I don't think the continental approach is something which can be 'adopted' as some sort of pub policy.


I think, what Ans was referring to, was the whole attitude towards drinking culturally.

The fact that children are introduced to alcohol at a young age with a glass of wine with their meal, etc which leads to a more measured approach to drinking later on.

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I don't like the Continents lager beers. With the exception of The Czech Republic.


I don't think drink related voilence has much to do with smoking at the bar. Or have I missed something?

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If you had a smokers pub and a non smokers pub in the same street you would still get the non smokers in the smokers pub bitching on.

As in Ireland

Car fumes are just as bad for your health but should we all return to the horse and cart days just for the sake of our health.

I agree cancer is a horrible way to die, but why blame it all on the smokers, Sellafield is just a stones throw away from the Island and fish caught off the coast at Sellafield have been heavely deformed and suffering from cancer, how often do you see a cod with a fag in its mouth.


Here come the cartoons :rolleyes:

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And Stuart, once again you're displaying your own ignorance of something you've never experienced. Some smokers smoke because they like it, not because they're addicted.



Bullsh1t!! you don't know what I've experienced in the past, and what chemicals I've had to put into my body/cope without in my body. But at least I wasn't inflicting them on others who didn't want them.


Smokers like smoking because they are addicted, and to be without the presence of nictotine in the system would be abnormal. To pretend they smoke because they like it, and not because they don't like being/ can't cope without it (addiction) is the biggest load of bullsh1t spouted on here.

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Bullsh1t!!  you don't know what I've experienced in the past, and what chemicals I've had to put into my body/cope without in my body.  But at least I wasn't inflicting them on others who didn't want them. 


Smokers like smoking because they are addicted, and to be without the presence of nictotine in the system would be abnormal.  To pretend they smoke because they like it, and not because they don't like being/ can't cope without it (addiction) is the biggest load of bullsh1t spouted on here.


No argument with most of that, Stuart - although I would contend that there are certain times when I genuinely enjoy the taste and the kicking-in of the nicotine.

And yes, it would be nice if everyone was able to kick the habit and we could live in a smoke free world.

The fact is though, that it isn't going to happen - at least not in the foreseeable future - and the intrusion of nanny-state rules to tell us when and where we can or cannot indulge our habit is simply self-defeating.

As an example, a man who owns and drives one lorry - and never allows anyone else into the cab of it under any circumstances - would still be breaking the law in Ireland because it is defined as his 'workplace.' With all due respect, that is absolutely ridiculous!

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I agree, it must be difficult coping without, but as time progresses, if smoking was made less commonplace, then less people would start, then as time went by it would be less of a problem. Really the way to stop the problem is to stop it before it starts. But the government makes too much money to want to get rid of smoking totally.



I do agree that it does seem a little ridiculous stopping a lorry driver having a cigarette in his own cab. But that's the literal rule for you.

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