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No Smoking At The Bar


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The Government have made money for years from the tax on fags so they should spend some of it if it will help some people quit and it would maybe save money on cancer treatment. What is the total tax on fags and why is the tax on fags on the Island paid to the UK


LDS I like that quote tax payers money, if you dont smoke its not your tax

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So you think that every time you buy a packet of fags your tax is going into a smokers health scheme? i used to work with a guy that used to decide he was going to give up smoking every month for the 5 years or so that i worked with him,everytime he tried he went to the hospital to see a nurse and get more patches. I wonder how much time and money people like this have wasted over the last few years? surely this is money that could be spent on education or something more worthwhile.

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Well said FCMR you are right and because fags have made the government rich they are duty bound to help smokers


Why don't they boot out a few illegals and save a bit..


Cut back on government admin waste ( at the top levels), then the state could be rich and not via people's addictions



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I dont see why the government should use tax payers money to provide free nicoteen patches to smokers, we never made them take up smoking in the first place so why we should pay for them to stop?


The government uses tax payers' money to provide a FP clinic which provides free contraception to teenagers. It also provides money to fund a VD or STD clinic (whatever you call it) a maternity unit, baby clinics, health visitors etc. I didn't ask them to have sex in the first place either, but I'd rather my money was spent on that than jollies for MHK's - like Pam Crowe's forthcoming trip to the Vatican to give the Pope some stamps or something!

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