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Tt Police


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come to their senses and ban what now amounts to a blood sport.



That does it for me really and just goes to further the point that you seem to really be completely away with the fairies. Amusing in a way but sort of sad at the same time.


You might want to have a look into what blood sports actually are. They usually involve people betting or being entertained by the deliberate and usually tortuous demise of some unfortunate creature. From this you are apparently suggesting that every man, woman and child that gets any pleasure from the TT races is therefore pleased and entertained by the fact that people die in it.


That's effectively what you have said and to me that suggests (quite strongly) that you're either a bit sick and perverse yourself to entertain that notion, or just rather mentally impaired.

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I can't make my mind up which camp our friend falls into: either right wing extremist who has a stongly held belief on just about every topic or a wind up merchant!


I am beginning to doubt the former as it is becoming increasingly clear that he cannot read and interpret information provided to him by other posts or from the web. I would have thought that would be a prerequisite for the positions he has apparently held, leading me to consider his MF personna as a fiction and I, for one, shall not be replying to any more of his postings. No more feeding the troll!! That will be hard because he as the knack of raising my hackles with just about every post!!!

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I ride bikes but would not ride on the open road any more, you have more chance being killed on the open road than you do racing on the roads. At this weeks UGP riders were reaching laps speeds of 126mph in heavy rain and no one was killed and the UGP is a road track just like the TT.

For many years I have had bikes racing at the TT and MGP and I have also lost riders at these events, I will no longer have bikes racing at the TT or MGP not because its a danger but for the fact that the people in charge of these events dont take enough responsibility as to the safety of riders and spectators in the event of a crash unlike the clubs in Ireland who put safety first.

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Unfortunately, I have met others who share Rog's view about the TT. Therefore, I have to admit the possibility that he is sincere in his belief that it ought to be stopped.

Having said that, I should also add that most of those people have formed their opinions from a distance - basing it mostly on sensationalist reporting in some of the UK's newspapers.

Personally, I don't like motor bikes. I have never ridden one and never will because I have a phobia about it - but I still support the rights of those who wish to race their machines. No one can pretend that the course is 'safe' or that it ever could be - but accepting that kind of challenge is something that a lot of people really want to do.

I am heartily sick of the health & safety freaks who can't bear to see anyone take any kind of risk in case they hurt themselves. In the name of H&S they ban 'conkers' from school playgrounds, try to make everyone wear lifejackets whilst rowing on 18 inches of water at Silverdale, put speed bumps on roads so pitted and potholed that no one would be able to exceed the speed limit in any case, and so on and so on, ad infinitum.

As for the costs to the UK health service - if that wonderful organization got rid of it's top-heavy managerial structure, employed its own cleaners instead of farming it out to private companies whose only interest is in profit, stopped wasting money on unnecessary 'cosmetic' treatments, and charged the private health sector a proper rate for using its facilities, then there wouldn't be any shortage of money to deal with real needs.

Whether he is 'trolling' or not, Rog raises points that other people discuss in our society and I don't itsa good idea to just bury our heads in the sand and ignore them. They have to be answered - preferably by someone who knows more about the subject than I do.

As for being right-wing - he admits to being somewhat to the right of Genghis Khan (which is still far to the left of the Thatcher creature that he admires so much!)

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I said elswhere that I am not anti-TT, but in common with the majority these days am not interested anymore. How many people in the average city/county/country are motorcycle let alone TT enthusiasts? After all, ownership of a motorcycle puts you in a small minority in itself. The TT sadly belongs in same era of the Irish/Scottish Wakes, Day Trippers etc. It started dying in the 70s. RIP


I think we Manx cling to it because it takes place in the Isle of Man and we therefore feel somehow that we own it and are somewhat superior when it comes to the TT, or indeed motorcycles in general.


The Island needs to move on.

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Funny, the vast majority of people I know LOVE the TT. As it's the only time the Island comes alive and there are things to do and places to go over here, it's not a surprise.


Young people love it. Maybe once you get older you start feeling a bit blase about it, maybe not.


Wouldn't say that being not interested was in common with the majority though, no way.


Actually I don't think I know a single person who doesn't like the TT. I'm talking about the whole festival mind, not just the bikes.


Even those of my mates who have moved away always try to get back over for the TT - even from Oz!

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Unfortunately, I have met others who share Rog's view about the TT. Therefore, I have to admit the possibility that he is sincere in his belief that it ought to be stopped.


Thanks for that, I am.


Having said that, I should also add that most of those people have formed their opinions from a distance - basing it mostly on sensationalist reporting in some of the UK's newspapers.


Not me. I have good and personal reasons to hold the opinions that I do.



I am heartily sick of the health & safety freaks who can't bear to see anyone take any kind of risk in case they hurt themselves. In the name of H&S they ban 'conkers' from school playgrounds, try to make everyone wear lifejackets whilst rowing on 18 inches of water at Silverdale, put speed bumps on roads so pitted and potholed that no one would be able to exceed the speed limit in any case, and so on and so on, ad infinitum.


Agreed, but this is not in the same league.


As for the costs to the UK health service - if that wonderful organization got rid of it's top-heavy managerial structure, employed its own cleaners instead of farming it out to private companies whose only interest is in profit, stopped wasting money on unnecessary 'cosmetic' treatments, and charged the private health sector a proper rate for using its facilities, then there wouldn't be any shortage of money to deal with real needs.


All true but beside the point. Here is something that is unnecessary, and introduces unnecessary risk, does not benefit the UK in any way and simply ends up as being a bottom line hit on a cash strapped service. Why should the British tax payer pay for something that is simply of benefit to the Isle of Man?


Whether he is 'trolling' or not, Rog raises points that other people discuss in our society and I don't itsa good idea to just bury our heads in the sand and ignore them. They have to be answered - preferably by someone who knows more about the subject than I do.


Thanks for that.


As for being right-wing - he admits to being somewhat to the right of Genghis Khan (which is still far to the left of the Thatcher creature that he admires so much!)


Nah. Mrs Thatcher was the best thing that happened to the UK. We need another such person to clean up the mess (if possible) when NuLabour eventually get kicked out. After all, they are only in office by 20 odd percent of the electorate having voted for ‘em.

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Funny, the vast majority of people I know LOVE the TT. As it's the only time the Island comes alive and there are things to do and places to go over here, it's not a surprise.


Maybe the only people you know are those who like bikes and getting drunk. I guess it depends on what you need to entertain yourself if you think it's the only time the Island offers you something to do.


I have a very varied set of friends, some are fanatical about the TT and some would prefer it never to be held again. I'm indifferent to it as (traffic aside) it doesn't affect me at all but I wouldn't be sorry to see it go.


FinloYessir has made some very good points too.


Oh, and can the 'Rog is a troll' crap. You might not agree with him (hell, I rarely do) but his opinion is his own, not some manufactured device to cause menace.

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Alex -


You are talking from the perspective of being on/from the Island, the "typically insular" attitude we are all assumed to have on an Island.


If the TT is purely a Manx festival then that's relevant, but it's not supossed to be just for the Manx people - in fact it was once a glittering international sporting event.


If you read the Manx papers over the TT period you get headlines about the heroic local riders, and that's about it.


Most people off the Island, if they've ever heard of the TT, (or the IOM come to that) think it's a noisy place all year round, with roads closed all the time and full of inebriated bikers. Not an image we may wish to encourage.


The reality is not so much different, if you think about all the other events the roads are closed for now - rallies, bike races, bicycle races, even film making for goodness sake.


Think about that, and then look at successful holiday destinations with similar weather, and wonder what they have got that we have n't.

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