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Benefit Fraud


Would you report someone who you knew was frauduently claiming benefits?  

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I'm sure Ms English will suffer enough in the shame that will follow in the community, local shop etc.


I wonder if she was a forum member?

Name splashed all over here.

And believe me, she will pay every penny back by reduced benefits she IS entitled to.


A frightfully distasteful thread....he who has not sinned cast the first stone.

In my opinion these people who have been caught deserve to have the finger pointed and be made to feel ashamed.....they have after all broken the law!


Name splashed all over the forum? So what? The story has already been reported in the local press so her identity is hardly a secret. If she is a member then hopefully her shame has deepened when she's read this thread.


A frightfully distasteful thread? What I find distasteful is the people who have actually comitted the crime in the first place by claiming benefit they knew they weren't entitled to.

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[A frightfully distasteful thread?  What I find distasteful is the people who have actually comitted the crime in the first place by claiming benefit they knew they weren't entitled to.


Exactly Minnie, well said.


I started this thread as I was interested to hear other peoples opinions about a subject that indirectly affects everyone - How can that possibly be seen as distasteful?

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[A frightfully distasteful thread?  What I find distasteful is the people who have actually comitted the crime in the first place by claiming benefit they knew they weren't entitled to.


Exactly Minnie, well said.


I started this thread as I was interested to hear other peoples opinions about a subject that indirectly affects everyone - How can that possibly be seen as distasteful?


Have you nothing better to do?

Ever tried living on benefits?


Iv'e lost count of the number of times clients of mine have had to pay back benefits, usually the fault of the DSS in saying that they were entitled to them in the first place.

Thousands over here have got to pay back tax credits, mostly because they didn't inform the DSS of a change of circumstances eg.a move to full time work, promotion etc.

Are they to have thier names splashed over the papers....nah because they work...pillars of society etc.


Its easy to judge those that don't work and are on benefits, but you will never know thier true circumstances and you have no right to.


Frankly i don't think there's much differance between someone adding a few miles to their travel expenses form or paying the taxi driver the £4 fair and asking for a reciept for £6 in what this woman is supposed to have done.


Fair do's if its gone to court and she's been convicted, then she has done wrong.


She's been punished enough....and is going to be pretty poor for a while.

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Its easy to judge those that don't work and are on benefits, but you will never know thier true circumstances and you have no right to.


If they're on benefit then someone acting on our behalf has the right to know their true circumstances

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I know plenty of people who, legitimately, claim benefit. They are honest, hardworking people who know it's wrong to break the law and wouldn't dream of taking the p*ss out of other honest, hardworking people by making false statements and claiming money to which they know they are not entitled.


No, we don't have any right to know their personal circumstances but it's clear from the atricles mentioned in this thread that these women have knowingly claimed a substantial amount by means of fraud. Don't automatically assume that these people don't work and are on the poverty line and unable to feed their children....to claim income support you have to work a minimum number of hours per week and the DHSS tops their wage up to what they think is a suitable amount for the family to live on. Perhaps people shouldn't live beyond their means?

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Frankly i don't think there's much differance between someone adding a few miles to their travel expenses form or paying the taxi driver the £4 fair and asking for a reciept for £6 in what this woman is supposed to have done.


No difference in ripping off your employer as opposed to ripping off the Government and taxpayers? Poor anology.


I've lived on benefits years ago. I know just how tough it can be. I know exactly how I could have cheated the system and got more money.


But I'm not a thief.

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Quote from the Isle of Man Courier....................


"English received £21,383 more than she was entitled to in a four month period, the prosecution alleged. Advocate Ian Kermode said Mr Langton wasn't permanently resident with English so the amount was only £10,000.

/end quote


They then go on to say it was ignorance and the money was not squandered.




Unless the Courier has made a huge mistake this stinks and I feel that if I am supporting scroungers getting that sort of money from the DHSS then I will give up work myself, struggle for 6 weeks and then claimoff the rest of you paying NI contributions.


grrrrrrrrrrrrr its so bloody annoying :(


I find this quite difficult to believe.


£21,383 some £5,345.75 per month.


Even at £10,000 some £2,500 per month.


Having had experience of benefits both on and off the Island, these figures are pure fantasy.

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Frankly i don't think there's much differance between someone adding a few miles to their travel expenses form or paying the taxi driver the £4 fair and asking for a reciept for £6 in what this woman is supposed to have done.


No difference in ripping off your employer as opposed to ripping off the Government and taxpayers? Poor anology.


I've lived on benefits years ago. I know just how tough it can be. I know exactly how I could have cheated the system and got more money.


But I'm not a thief.


Not quite sure what you are trying to say Ans.

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There are people at every level of society who know how to 'work the system' to their own advantage. No-one seems to care if someone manages to fiddle their tax return so that they don't pay the proper amount - it's normally one of those 'nudge nudge, wink wink' moments - but they are stealing from the kitty every bit as much as those who cheat the benefits system.

As Ans implied, it's all stealing - and it's all stealing from the rest of us.

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