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Benefit Fraud


Would you report someone who you knew was frauduently claiming benefits?  

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Just checked with the press and the sums stated in the press are correct. £21383-00 over paid and claimed during a four month period, she was allowed to claim the £10000.00.

But work it out if she had been living alone with her two kids in a Willaston house she would have recieved the £21383-00 that works out at £1336.43 per week on top of what she earns at her part time job. Something is wrong here is she related to an MHK or something. Even at £10000-00 she would still get £625 on to of her wages, how is it done.

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Jesus fcucking christ.

Makes you sick, everyone I've ever known who has legitimately tried to claim benefits during a short period of joblessness after paying into the kitty for years has not managed to claim a single penny despite spending hours filling in forms etc.

Whilst those I know on full time benefits (all of whom are lazy workshy sods as it happens...though I'm sure they're not all like that) laugh about how they don't even have to glance at the 'paper despite the new name of "Jobseekers".

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Do you honestly think that the goverment are paying single mums with 2 children £64,149 per annum?


The case may be an exceptional one, but i'm sure its not the norm.


I think you'll find the papers may have got it a little wrong.

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My mate who has worked all his life and paid into the fund was struck down with cancer last year, He has also worked for me for the last ten years. For the first 10 weeks off he got £55 pw from the DHSS plus what I paid him and he lives on his own in a flat. he now gets £115 pw from the DHSS.

All I can say is thank god he has good mates

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My mate who has worked all his life and paid into the fund was struck down with cancer last year, He has also worked for me for the last ten years. For the first 10 weeks off he got £55 pw from the DHSS plus what I paid him and he lives on his own in a flat. he now gets £115 pw from the DHSS.

All I can say is thank god he has good mates


Indeed the grim reality of life on benefits.


All i'm trying to say in all of this is..


The girl is guilty of fraud.


She has recieved a punishment in keeping with her circumstances.


She will have a reduced benefit for a long period, in order to pay back her fraudulant claim.


She has been publically shamed...and you can only begin to imagine the stick her kids are getting at school.


Will always find it difficult getting a job.


The amount wrongly claimed, as stated by the press, appears well off track, i only think the figures can add up if the money included grants etc.


Anyway i think the girl has been punished enough.

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I have never claimed benefits of any kind in my life but I do have genuine sympathy towards those who have no option. What I do have a problem with is those that cheat the system - it's theft plain and simple.

I am lucky enough to be in a profession where I have never had a problem finding work (nursing) but regarding "Jobseekers Allowance" I agree with Alex to some extent - If I ever did have to claim it despite many years of paying into "the kitty" I am sure it would be no easy task.

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I have never claimed benefits of any kind in my life but I do have genuine sympathy towards those who have no option.  What I do have a problem with is those that cheat the system - it's theft plain and simple.

I am lucky enough to be in a profession where I have never had a problem finding work (nursing) but regarding "Jobseekers Allowance" I agree with Alex to some extent - If I ever did have to claim it despite many years of paying into "the kitty" I am sure it would be no easy task.


Quite right it aint easy.


I was out of work for two months (Nursing)


I tried to claim for 2 months jobseekers and housing benefit, they asked me how much my final paycheck was, and i was told it was more than enough to last the period until my new job started, it didn't matter that i still had maitainance to pay etc.

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A good few years ago I was involved in a car accident that put me out of action for half a day. It happened on my day off but they didn't let me out of hospital until lunch time the following day, so I phoned work to explain that I would be late in. When I arrived for work they took one look at the injuries to my face and said I should go home until the swelling had gone down because it might scare the customers, so I agreed and took three days of my paid holidays.


I can't remember exactly what forms I was sent both by my employers/solicitors/insurance company but I filled them all in honestly and went back to work as normal on the Thursday. By the following Tuesday I received a cheque in the post from Social Services, I think it was for around £45.00 and I put it to one side because I thought it was a mistake. (Actualy I thought it was a tax rebate at first and it near caused me to faint).


I never did bank the cheque as I didn't think I was entitled to it. As it turned out the company didn't deduct my days off from my holiday entitlement and I received my normal salary inspite of my days off, which was very kind of them. Twelve months to the date I also received a cheque from the other cars insurers by way of compensation, again a nice suprise.


But it still bugs me when I think about how quick the social services were to hand out the cheque? I keep hearing about lots of people who rightly deserve or NEED money to help them to live and yet can't seem to get any help from the Government. Who is running this system and what do they think they are doing? <_<

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I need to bank in the same bank as you. When's the next shuttle to your planet?


Lol :P


On a serious note FCMR I think the DHSS might of been a little bit suspicious if she had banked all that money somehow therefore something tells me she probably didnt!!

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What if she banked this money, it could earn her £16-45 pew week in interest

Sixteen pounds and fourty five pence pew week interest


I need to bank in the same bank as you. When's the next shuttle to your planet?



Maybe you should ;);) and my planet is right here on the IOM

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