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Benefit Fraud


Would you report someone who you knew was frauduently claiming benefits?  

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In my experence (+ many others i know of) the DHSS are relucant to tell

you/advice  that you are ENTITLED to certain benefits.

Unless you KNOW which benefits you can claim your NOT told.


Some staff employed by the DHSS are more than willing to help you fill out forms, advise which benefit to claim etc but unfortunatley with the many different types of benefit, and all dealt with by different staff, the majority take a "Not my department, can't help you" attitude.


If the DHSS paid people the benefits that they were/are entittled to,

then people would not NEED to commit benefit fraud.

Fraud is only commited by people as they are not paid the benefits that they are entitled to.


For example, a working mother claiming Family Income Supplement (the benefit she is entitled to claim) fails to declare that her boyfriend, who works full time, lives with her. She is being paid the benefit that she is entitled to so why does she need to commit benefit fraud ???? Greed !!!!

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Justifying benfit fraud by saying that the Government would only waste the money on something else is a ridiculous argument.


Im not to sure that is such a ridiculous argument.


The millieium dome remeber? £300 MILLION POUNDS OF TAX PAYERS MONEY, COMPLETELY WASTED ON TOTAL CRAP! :angry: That to my mind is LEAGALISED FRAUD!


Id rather see people "take" moneys from the tax payers to buy prams for the kiddies, help people better there lives ect than have the goverment "take" our money + waste it on totall crap!

Just becaue its "leagal" for the govermnet to abuse/waste our tax money, does not mean it to be any more morally write, the goverment arel just as morally wrong as someone who defrauds the system to use the money for THINGS THAT THEY NEED BUT WHICH THE GOVERMENT ARE WASTING.

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buy prams for the kiddies, help people better there lives ect


Better their lives with prams for the kiddies? You paint such a noble picture.


In reality they better their lives with cans of Tennants Super Strength, packets of Lambert & Butler, sovereign rings from index and Burbery baseball caps.

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LOL :)

Well yes your write mr sausagues, some people do buy some drink with it, but i dont blame em! THEY NEED the drink to help with all the stress of all the goverment coruption + wastage of monies!!!


Again the goverment waste the money people are entitled to, so i see no reason to critisize, blame others for trying to obtain that which they are entitled to.

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LOL  :)

Well yes your write mr sausagues, some people do buy some drink with it, but i dont blame em! THEY NEED the drink to help with all the stress of all the goverment coruption + wastage of monies!!!


Again the goverment waste the money people are entitled to, so i see no reason to critisize, blame others for trying to obtain that which they are entitled to.


Steven, the UK and I suspect the Manx government may well waste money but NOT money that people are entitled to.


People are entitled to what the law and their situation dictates.


Nothing less and most certainly nothing more.


The question of the government being efficient, profligate, prudent, or correct in the use to which it puts tax payers money is a legitimate question to raise but one that has absolutely nothing to do with what people are entitled to receive in the way of state hand outs.


In any case what ans said.

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I DO have a job thanks Ans.

I think the fourm will be VERY VERY PLEASANTLEY surprised by what i actually do do! + for which will be revealed soonish! ;)

Just need to see my advocate first to sort out some legal stuff, to make sure (sorry deleted the rest as its irrelevant)

As for being a drunk? nope not any more, the struggle with the ole bottle has well + truley been fought + won, well just! :) but i can still have a little drop of red wine now n then :)


But about fraud? im not justifieing fraud at all, all fraud is WRONG what im saying is that if people in goverment do it which they do, then we cant blame the public for doing it either?


Rog i fail to see your point, if the goverments are not wasting the pubics tax money, then whoes money is it there wasting?

Tax payers money is the PUBLICS money, NOT the goverments.

The public(99%) did NOT want the £300 million pound dome, yet the goveremnt still wasted it on the dome, in effect THAT was type of "fraud" as they are spending public money, NOT THERES on things that the public dont want.


Agian a lot of the public DO NOT receive the benefits they are entitled to, , I know of many examples, which is not for me to discuse on a public forum, so some people have to commit fraud


I also find peoples attitudes towards people on benefits unfriendly, people are on benefits for reasons ie health problems ect. there not on "hand outs" its benefits that they are ENTITLED to recieve.


Of course there is a small minoritey of people who do abuse the system ie are on DLA for example when there as fit as a fiddle.

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I think the fourm will be VERY VERY PLEASANTLEY surprised by what i actually do do! + for which will be revealed soonish! ;)


Ooh Ooh. I'm all excited. Will you tell us all about this competition you were supposed to win last year that we were all dying to find out about too?



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Thanks upstream ;) but unfortunaltey or fortunatley, i feel a certain need to repley!


Well Ans, i see the mind games have begun AGAIN!!!




As for vader? not sure what happened there, but what i do know is that vaders HONESTEY, INTERGRETY( sorry know ive spelt that wrong) ect is MILES above most people who post on internet forums, hes one of our shining "light" workers :) for the work he does with our little friends :) + i dont feel he gets the credit for which hes deserves!


(sorry back again, had to pour meself a glass of wine + visit the toilet:))


Id like to know what you do for a living Ans? im curious!


Im on sickness benefit.(I work p/t)

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