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Benefit Fraud


Would you report someone who you knew was frauduently claiming benefits?  

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So at what point is what you do morally acceptable when help up against the Benefit Cheats, which you obviously decide isn't ?


Just wondering, like ?...




If I do anything that is illegal then I fully accept that if found out I will pay the price.


One example is speeding. If I exceed the speed limit then I accept that if caught I will be fined.


If I run my car and a 75/25 gas oil to derv mix then I accept that if caught and unable top blag my way out I will pay the price for that.


If I find that someone is cheating the benefit system then THEY have been found out and so THEY must face having to pay the price. It is my public duty to dob ‘em in and a duty that I have NEVER failed to perform. If someone were to dob ME in then fair game. That’s life.

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If I do anything that is illegal then I fully accept that if found out I will pay the price. 


One example is speeding. If I exceed the speed limit then I accept that if caught I will be fined. 


If I run my car and a 75/25 gas oil to derv mix then I accept that if caught and unable top blag my way out I will pay the price for that.


If I find that someone is cheating the benefit system then THEY have been found out and so THEY must face having to pay the price.  It is my public duty to dob ‘em in and a duty that I have NEVER failed to perform.  If someone were to dob ME in then fair game.  That’s life.


Fair enough comment but just because something is illegal doesn't mean that it's bad. I wouldn't "dob" someone in for smoking a spliff for example as most people wouldn't. Anyway it's wrong to dob!!

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You've made a number of ridiculous statements - but that one really deserves a prize!

If, for example, you found out that a child was being abused by someone, are you saying that you wouldn't report it because "...it's wrong to dob!!"


Whole different ball game. That would be right but for things that don't directly harm others I wouldn't dob. As I've said before benefit-scroungers are merely ensuring the Government doesn't waste the money on another half-baked scheme costing millions.

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As I've said before benefit-scroungers are merely ensuring the Government doesn't waste the money on another half-baked scheme costing millions.


Like hospitals and healthcare? Education? Cancer research?


You can justify theft all you like, it's still theft. If I steal £100 out of your house, it's ok isn't it, because you were only going to waste it on cheap beer and prostitutes. Right? Idiot.

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Like hospitals and healthcare? Education? Cancer research?


You can justify theft all you like, it's still theft. If I steal £100 out of your house, it's ok isn't it, because you were only going to waste it on cheap beer and prostitutes. Right? Idiot.


We've had this discussion before. I'm talking schemes like building massive domes, invading countries for their oil, spending huge amounts of money building expensive public toilets...


If you can find 100GBP in my house then tell me so I can spend it on beer and prostitutes please.

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We've had this discussion before.  I'm talking schemes like building massive domes, invading countries for their oil, spending huge amounts of money building expensive public toilets...


I can't remember the last time the Manx Government (which is where MY taxes get paid to) invaded the Middle East or built a massive dome.


Sorry, you're talking absolute rubbish. What you don't seem to be able to get into your admirably thick head, is that if benefit theft was completely stopped overnight, even if the Government wasted 90% of that on whatever, there is still an extra 10% to put back in to police the streets, educate our children or heal the sick.


In 2004 in the UK, there was over £3 BILLION pounds taken out of the system by cheats and thieves. Do you honestly believe that if this money was available, at least a part of it wouldn't be put to good use? I can't see any figures for the Island so I don't know how it compares.

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As I've said before benefit-scroungers are merely ensuring the Government doesn't waste the money on another half-baked scheme costing millions.


More rubbish! All they're doing is ensuring that honest tax payers have to dip deeper into their pockets to pay for the essential things in life.

I don't much like the idea of reporting someone to the authorities for wrongdoing and. given the chance, I'd prefer to warn them that if they don't stop, then that is what I will do - but, in the end, it's no use making a threat unless you're prepared to carry it out, so that is what I would have to do.

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There is such a thing as "theraputic working hours" in that u are allowed to work a certain number of paid hours per week + claim sickness benefits at the SAME time as long u get the backing from your Dr, as i have.

In other words one can claim benefits + work at the same time, which can prevent people from commiting fraud which may otherwize be neccerssery!

Just make people aware of this who are not already?


But I dont really think that the health authurities spending £70,000 on a large piece of rock to be used as an "ornemental" display in a hospital grounds (which was spent recentley) to be tax money well spent?

To my mind it is a total inapropriate misuse of funds.


Why not use all that money for somthing like a " touch/stoke" dog? (sorry not sure what the exact name for these kind little friends!) but these dogs are brought round the hospital for people who are seriousley Ill to stroke + pat ect via theraputic touch?

There is A VERY LARGE AMOUNT OF EVIDENCE TO PROVE that these kind dogs which offer companionship/ friendship + love to the patient, HELP PEOPLE TO HEAL + recover far faster from illness :)

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