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Black Lives Matter


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46 minutes ago, Chef Raekwon said:

Saying "all lives matter" as a response to hearing "black lives matter" is the sure sign of someone being an idiot.  Possibly a bigoted idiot, possibly a stupid idiot, possibly some combination of both.  But definitely an idiot.

See also people who use the terms "remoaners" and "snowflakes".

It's genuinely depressing how people can not understand the fundamental difference between black on black deaths, white on black deaths and the situation where you have the actual Police killing black people (at a completely disproportionate level to how many white people they kill).  It's also depressing how people seem to think that "black live matter" somehow means that other lives don't matter.  It literally doesn't.

I don't think I've ever seen so many misleading, disingenuous and downright pathetically shit arguments as I have in response to what's happened over the past week or so.

Do you have the stats on police killing black/white people? I seen something a few days ago that showed police in usa kill more white people

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Its not worth the effort Thommo (IMHO). The country is crazy. Their solution to firearms is more firearms. They elected Trump FFS. I know Howard has his critics but he's not a looney. Trump tear gassed a crowd so he could pose for a photo outside a church.

Trying to draw any conclusions from USA unnatural deaths is a lottery.

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40 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

Do you have the stats on police killing black/white people? I seen something a few days ago that showed police in usa kill more white people

Of course they kill more white people, there are a great many more white people there. One of the many issues is one of proportionality, and the stats seem to show that black people die in proportionately higher numbers in police incidents. And in a number of other situations too. Like The 'Rona. 

There are tons of stats floating about, they frequently show this, but be careful looking them up, there is more propaganda and disinformation floating about in the US right now than the whole of human history.


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I found a post on Twitter today, it was by a "Medic" whose tent had been trashed by the evil copper overlords (probably on instruction from Trump himself...) - she used her own name and a quick internet search showed me that she wasn't a doctor at all, no, she was an actor. Now this could be one of several things, maybe she changed career (but I doubt that because one of the items they had in their medi-camp was an ENT, is that a medical thing other than ear nose and throat consultant? I doubt you'd get much call for one of them on a riot) or perhaps it is propaganda, but from which side? I was too easy to discredit for it to be actual protestors (unless they are properly stupid) but 59,000 people have watched the clip and 8,000 have shared it. 

I'll be too busy working to join the protest but I am completely bemused by brutality, people are people, indigenous people & freed slaves have been down trodden for so long it's become acceptable for them to be treated in the most vile of ways almost to the point that some people think it's the down trodden peoples fault.

Kneeling in public though...oooh ya sauce ;) 

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19 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

I expect the protest will be in front of the U.S. Embassy in Douglas - otherwise an IOM protest about police brutality in Murrica makes no sense except as a virtue signalling snowstorm.

In other news (saw this on a graph earlier) , in 2018 the USA had around fifty thousand white on black violent crimes, compared with four hundred thousand black on black and around 550,000 black on white violent crimes.

ALL Lives Matter!

What point are you trying to make with those statistics? That decades of being intentionally disadvantaged by a systemically racist country has made black people on average poorer and more likely to turn to crime than white people?

Well,  uh, no shit?

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"All lives matter" is missing the point by a country mile, by the way. CLEARLY all lives matter. That's not in doubt. It does seem to be in doubt in the US, and particularly in the police force, whether black lives matter or not. Hence that's the slogan. Because seemingly they don't realise it.


Also just heard a clip of Stu saying on the radio he hasn't had any more privilege than a black person. None so blind I suppose.

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11 hours ago, thebees said:

I found a post on Twitter today, it was by a "Medic" whose tent had been trashed by the evil copper overlords (probably on instruction from Trump himself...) - she used her own name and a quick internet search showed me that she wasn't a doctor at all, no, she was an actor. Now this could be one of several things, maybe she changed career (but I doubt that because one of the items they had in their medi-camp was an ENT, is that a medical thing other than ear nose and throat consultant? I doubt you'd get much call for one of them on a riot) or perhaps it is propaganda, but from which side? I was too easy to discredit for it to be actual protestors (unless they are properly stupid) but 59,000 people have watched the clip and 8,000 have shared it. 

I'll be too busy working to join the protest but I am completely bemused by brutality, people are people, indigenous people & freed slaves have been down trodden for so long it's become acceptable for them to be treated in the most vile of ways almost to the point that some people think it's the down trodden peoples fault.

Kneeling in public though...oooh ya sauce ;) 

Have you got the Tweet, the person's name, or any other details or are we to take your word for it? ;)

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When is this protest going ahead ?   I do hope they adhere to social distancing and remember how many people have stayed in, not worked etc to get us where we are. No doubt there will be the usual suspects in the front row waving a poster and grinning at the cameras.   I believe in peaceful protest as long as they happen in a calm and civilised way.  Most people are back at work now so I would not expect great numbers there will probably be more queing to get served at McDonald’s.

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15 hours ago, Rog said:

It's interesting how the phrase "Black Lives Matter" implies that there is a general belief that black lives don't matter and it is necessary to correct that opinion.  Such is most certainly not the case but it does add justification to the rioting and looting that is happening.

It's also interesting that the demands for "justice" are in fact demands for revenge.  Also that the civil disturbances are bring out people more intent on looting than "demonstrating".

Black lives matter?  ALL lives matter.  Equally.

Who says the demands for justice are demands for revenge?

A very small minority of people attending the protests are looting. Thumb through Twitter videos for an hour, the vast majority of protests are non-violent. Until the police start violencing people anyway.

BuzzFeed is a shite source obviously, but it's all direct links to Tweets so this is more of a source aggregation than BF itself being the source:


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The protests for anything start off with the best of intentions by good people but are soon infiltrated by thugs and hooligans who apparently do not work as they are always on tap half the time they do not know what they are protesting about just enjoy looting and causing mayhem.

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5 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

The protests for anything start off with the best of intentions by good people but are soon infiltrated by thugs and hooligans who apparently do not work as they are always on tap half the time they do not know what they are protesting about just enjoy looting and causing mayhem.

Without wanting to be too "out there", some of the protesters causing violence etc are far-right individuals trying to discredit the entire protest.

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27 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

When is this protest going ahead ?   I do hope they adhere to social distancing and remember how many people have stayed in, not worked etc to get us where we are. No doubt there will be the usual suspects in the front row waving a poster and grinning at the cameras.   I believe in peaceful protest as long as they happen in a calm and civilised way.  Most people are back at work now so I would not expect great numbers there will probably be more queing to get served at McDonald’s.

As well as the usual suspects I would be surprised not to see one or two of our illustrious politicos at the demonstration, a chance of some invaluable free publicity which will burnish their ‘oooh so right on’ credentials. 

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