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Don't worry Kipper, one day, if certain people have their way, he will be erased from the internets and libraries etc.

I must say, I liked his comparisons of the SNP with Nazis. Can't really argue with some of the logic

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1 hour ago, Max Power said:

I am doing the same, and the more I see, the less support I can find in my heart for this whole movement. I am not, and never have been a racist and I refuse to be preached to as if I am and have my history rewritten to satisfy the false sentiments of an uneducated racist mob!   

It is the condescension that really gets to me.  We are told to educate ourselves, as though we are ignorant buffoons.  We are accused of being racists if we do not actively support BLM, or if we counter with all lives matter.  I had a bit of a do on FB when the burning house analogy was thrown at me.  I countered with my standard argument that there are many houses on fire and should I ignore the others?  I was then told to look at the house nearest to me, to which I questioned how they knew which house was nearest to me.

Then we had the cancer argument, to which the simple reply is people tend to support the fight against the form of cancer which they have the most connection to, but would not attack others who focus on another form, wishing them all the best and hoping that if they find a cure it will benefit all sufferers. 

I worked for 16 years for an organisation whose work was in the delivery of aid projects, pretty much worldwide, and some of the examples of corruption by recipient countries, political posturing by donors and a complete disregard for the interests of the "end user" by both would make your toes curl. It was a lesson in understanding there are twats of every colour and creed. 

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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

It was a lesson in understanding there are twats of every colour and creed. 

Absolutely nailed it. I think I’ll start a campaign RATT - Rage Against The Twats. Never mind, black, white, Christian, Moslem etc. etc.  we just need to marginalise and neutralise the twats, that’s all. Starting with Johnson. 

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11 minutes ago, Uhtred said:

Absolutely nailed it. I think I’ll start a campaign RATT - Rage Against The Twats. Never mind, black, white, Christian, Moslem etc. etc.  we just need to marginalise and neutralise the twats, that’s all. Starting with Johnson. 

Campaign song for you


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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

This really naughty, but unless I could be sure about the safety of the rest of the flock, sorry cliff sheep, but you will have to take your chance, otherwise the whole lot will be over the cliff. 

That’s what I thought when I saw the sheep analogy.  What sort of dopey shepherd leaves his flock of 99 sheep unprotected while looking for one that’s run off?

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So is there going to be trouble tomorrow at Tynwald Hill ? Saw that clown HM Sole  put a video on Facebook of the building of that huge figure and was encouraging everyone to come and protest as is the right, according to him,  of all Manx people. He included himself in that.

The post had over 90 replies before being frozen and I think all were against him.

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3 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

So that's why they don't want us to come this year.  There's an enormous Wicker Man.

OR, it could turn out to be an effigy of everyone’s friend T Cowin 

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47 minutes ago, wrighty said:

That’s what I thought when I saw the sheep analogy.  What sort of dopey shepherd leaves his flock of 99 sheep unprotected while looking for one that’s run off?

A bad shepherd, (as opposed to a good shepherd).

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