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47 minutes ago, Declan said:

So if a Black Man (in this example under discussion Lewis Hamilton) says he's experienced racism, you start from the position that he could be a racist, because of what aspect of his appearance?

The stupid padlock and chain around his neck....

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1 hour ago, Declan said:

So if a Black Man (in this example under discussion Lewis Hamilton) says he's experienced racism, you start from the position that he could be a racist, because of what aspect of his appearance?


23 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Do you know things that aren't to do with your vocation? I would presume so. I would presume most people do, really.

Well whatever Lewis Hamilton's attributes or otherwise, in a side by side life opportunities assessment with, for instance, Stu Peters, it's a pretty poor argument for white privilege. Life is what you make it.

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3 minutes ago, woolley said:

Well whatever Lewis Hamilton's attributes or otherwise, in a side by side life opportunities assessment with, for instance, Stu Peters, it's a pretty poor argument for white privilege. Life is what you make it.

I don't know about the upbringing of either person, to be honest, but I thought we covered weeks ago that "white privilege" doesn't mean there are no disadvantaged white people and no advantaged non-white people!

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7 minutes ago, woolley said:

Well whatever Lewis Hamilton's attributes or otherwise, in a side by side life opportunities assessment with, for instance, Stu Peters, it's a pretty poor argument for white privilege. Life is what you make it.

I knew wifi on the bus was a bad idea...

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14 minutes ago, HeliX said:

I don't know about the upbringing of either person, to be honest, but I thought we covered weeks ago that "white privilege" doesn't mean there are no disadvantaged white people and no advantaged non-white people!

Good. At least we are making progress.

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55 minutes ago, woolley said:


Well whatever Lewis Hamilton's attributes or otherwise, in a side by side life opportunities assessment with, for instance, Stu Peters, it's a pretty poor argument for white privilege. Life is what you make it.

'' ...Life is what you make it....''    Sure but until Life gives you the opportunity to benefit from your favoured path it is highly likely that you will  benifit from 'privilege' of some sort?

It doesn't have to be colour based privilege, it could be parents who can afford to sub you through higher education, Chinese Higher Mathematics skills or Indians in  Programming!!! Even a young Girls' chances of a Livery Stable job?

There could be Black Privilege in the Rap music industry?

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8 minutes ago, Kopek said:

'' ...Life is what you make it....''    Sure but until Life gives you the opportunity to benefit from your favoured path it is highly likely that you will  benifit from 'privilege' of some sort?

It doesn't have to be colour based privilege, it could be parents who can afford to sub you through higher education, Chinese Higher Mathematics skills or Indians in  Programming!!! Even a young Girls' chances of a Livery Stable job?

There could be Black Privilege in the Rap music industry?

What a load of gibberish. Kopek, you are brighter than your posts suggest.

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2 hours ago, dilligaf said:

This thread has run its course, or did weeks ago. Nothing new.

Yeah, you're quite right.

Let's call it quits, racist, anti racism, let's go back to where we were before all of this, overt/covert racisism. Good old Stu, he got his job back ( for now ), we won over those Black buggers trying to drag him down!!!

Let's have another 100 years of ignoring racialism as long as it doesn't take up space on MF??

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2 minutes ago, Kopek said:

Yeah, you're quite right.

Let's call it quits, racist, anti racism, let's go back to where we were before all of this, overt/covert racisism. Good old Stu, he got his job back ( for now ), we won over those Black buggers trying to drag him down!!!

Let's have another 100 years of ignoring racialism as long as it doesn't take up space on MF??


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39 minutes ago, Kopek said:

Yeah, you're quite right.

Let's call it quits, racist, anti racism, let's go back to where we were before all of this, overt/covert racisism. Good old Stu, he got his job back ( for now ), we won over those Black buggers trying to drag him down!!!

Let's have another 100 years of ignoring racialism as long as it doesn't take up space on MF??

Amazing.  No one in this thread has supported racism, far less feeling that the "black buggers" have been defeated. 

The "black buggers" have had little discussion.  What has been discussed is the nefarious cancelling of an open debate, exchange of views and the incessant cant of BLM.  Nobody is ignoring racism  I certainly am not, but there is a questioning of the BLM movement. 

To date, no one has actually defended or explained them beyond a superficial " well, they are anti-racist". I think most people are, but when questioned, the reply is to educate yourself. 

Well, ain't that a massive abrogation? We say X, you question but we are not willing to engage with you.  Why should we, because what we say is true and right?  We don't  have to defend our position  or even explain it.

Reminds me of extreme religion.  So, it will all end well, won't  it? 

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10 hours ago, Declan said:

I am not a racist and I'm white and I've not been preached at by anti-racists.

You are totally overreacting to the mildest of comments.

Black man says "I've experienced racism"; White man "I've seen no racism"; Black man "then perhaps need to take the time to hear from those that have." And you have a problem with that?

I've been wanting to ask you something throughout this thread, but I've been afraid it will trigger you. But what the heck! You've lived through a period where the perception of racism has changed enormously. I'm thinking you've been adult since the 70's (sorry if that's wrong). So how did you feel about all the campaigns and changes that happened then? Did you support the Race Relations Act? Did you think it was wrong that landlords could refuse to rent to non-white tenants? Did you go to Rock Against Racism gigs?





I don't think that I am over reacting though Declan, there are some very silly things happening due to the BLM organisation, which I believe to be a Marxist disruptive organisation. And I don't mean disruptive in the sense that it will be of benefit to Black people. They are turning people and groups against each other, not uniting them against racism. Lewis Hamilton is being used by them and I don't think he can see it.

There are a lot of virtue signalling attempts going on in response to the campaign, which actually mean nothing in the scheme of things but seem to be intended to drive a wedge between Blacks and Whites rather than unite them. Associated Press, for example, have decided to capitalise the word Black when referring to POC, but when referring to Caucasians, the word white is de-capitalised. Even the Scout Association, an international youth movement which has always expressed its non racial bias, have, whilst expressing their support for BLM, introduced a raft of meaningless initiatives to favour Black members over White. These 'initiatives' and others like them do not, in my  opinion, do any favours to POC, it signals that they need the help of the mighty White man to achieve anything and without that help, they will never succeed!

You're not far off, I became an adult mid to late seventies. I have always been disgusted by racism, and this takes many forms. I have met and worked with many POC and spent time working in the USA, seeing the divisions but never overt racism. I have been the only White in the neighbourhood, which is a novelty but never felt like the odd man out. i supported the race relations act, I believe that all people are equal and deserve respect accordingly. I can't remember attending rock against racism gigs but I would have supported it. On the other hand, I have friends who live in areas where Asians in particular have taken over and treat the place as a separate country to Britain, they have no intention of integrating. This is what feeds racism, not the ordinary Asian majority which live a normal life, getting on with things just as other citizens do. Luckily we don't see it here, and we don't see the racism which goes with it it any great extent, other than the usual knuckledraggers, I hope?

I was shocked that you thought I would be triggered by your question, I'm not that bad surely, I thought I was one of the more reasonable posters on here? At least I try to be.   

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