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Black Lives Matter


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Nice post Max.

I was asked in either this thread or another,  whether I was frightened by change.  I replied setting out the changes that you and I have seen over our lives.  Far more fundamental changes than later generations can even contemplate. 

But what I am seeing now is a sinister change where discussion is suppressed if it isn't in line, or blindly supportive of "the truth".

This isn't about racial equality, it is about destabilisation with no honourable objective.  The publicised founders of BLM are all stated to be Marxists.  

Whilst the BLM movement are busy disrupting, cancelling and toppling statues, how many are disrupting the sweat shops in England, human trafficking and economic rape of many under developed countries?  Forget about evils 200 years ago and focus on the evils happening now.  But, hey, that might actually need some thought to be applied. 


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7 hours ago, HeliX said:

I had thought I had done a better job of defending BLM than just saying "they're anti-racist".

Not so sure that anyone has actually explained or defended their objectives, apart from some wishy washy statements. 

I am increasingly seeing racism and BLM as two very different issues. 

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27 minutes ago, Gladys said:

I am increasingly seeing racism and BLM as two very different issues. 

Absolutely correct; and they have been from the outset.

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25 minutes ago, Max Power said:

People claiming BLM are Marxist doesn't make them Marxist.

I'm asking for examples of Marxist ideologies they've fought for...


How this was written in that article with a straight face I'll never know:

"The group’s radical Marxist agenda would supplant the basic building block of society — the family — with the state and destroy the economic system that has lifted more people from poverty than any other. Black lives, and all lives, would be harmed."

Just above that quote the article quotes that BLM want community to replace nuclear family, not the State. And describing capitalism as "the economic system that has lifted more people from poverty than any other" while living in a country that puts children into debt over their lunches would be funny were it not desperately sad.

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5 minutes ago, HeliX said:

People claiming BLM are Marxist doesn't make them Marxist.

I'm asking for examples of Marxist ideologies they've fought for...


How this was written in that article with a straight face I'll never know:

"The group’s radical Marxist agenda would supplant the basic building block of society — the family — with the state and destroy the economic system that has lifted more people from poverty than any other. Black lives, and all lives, would be harmed."

Just above that quote the article quotes that BLM want community to replace nuclear family, not the State. And describing capitalism as "the economic system that has lifted more people from poverty than any other" while living in a country that puts children into debt over their lunches would be funny were it not desperately sad.

Putting children into debt?

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