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Black Lives Matter


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20 minutes ago, gettafa said:

They are fascistic.

And Helix our kid, you're starting to lose the not inconsiderable respect you were gaining.

For pointing out that something not to do with Marxism isn't to do with Marxism? Hmm.

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It looks to me that people are using Black Lives Matter - an organisation in America, and a few people in that organisation - to dismiss the entire Black Lives Matter movement - a worldwide protest against racism. It's not clear whether they are doing that because they think challenging racism is a bad thing or because they're nievely influenced by alt-right social media.

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2 hours ago, Declan said:

It looks to me that people are using Black Lives Matter - an organisation in America, and a few people in that organisation - to dismiss the entire Black Lives Matter movement - a worldwide protest against racism. It's not clear whether they are doing that because they think challenging racism is a bad thing or because they're nievely influenced by alt-right social media.

I think from the point of view of the majority of people on here it's not challenging racism that's the issue, that is laudable, it's some of the aims of the BLM organisation in general and that includes the British version. I may post some social media items but much of it is echoed elsewhere. Personally, I think it is some of BLMs supporters who are being Naive Declan.  

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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

Is BLM a US organisation or a worldwide movement? 

The difficulty is that it's both. There is an organisation named "Black Lives Matter", but most of the worldwide demonstrations/movements have very little if any association with them.

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1 hour ago, Max Power said:

I think from the point of view of the majority of people on here it's not challenging racism that's the issue, that is laudable, it's some of the aims of the BLM organisation in general and that includes the British version. I may post some social media items but much of it is echoed elsewhere. Personally, I think it is some of BLMs supporters who are being Naive Declan.  

It looks like you are re-posting trivial points about the American organisation, which you've found on alt-right facebook pages to discredit all anti-racism activity.

All this blathering about Marxism is about a tiny part of the whole. Even if the originators were Marxist, the movemnet has outgrown them. And Marxism isn't a great worry - Marxist organisations in the west always splinter and schism before they they get near power. Besides the dominant political movement of the age isn't Marxism or Liberalism or even Conservativism. What worries me far more is this ...


Trump claiming in the forthcoming election to be defending America against Marxist Bogeymen. Then if he doesn't win alleging election fraud by a Marxist conspiracy and refusing to stand down.

That's what I think all this Marxist shit is about.



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More than two-thirds of BLM donations ($millions) to the mother organisation go towards salaries and "consultant" fees.  Says it all (apologies if this has already been discussed).

Whatever the original intentions, the "BLM" brand is just being used as a political and money making vehicle by a vast number of opportunists.

But "the left" won't allow criticism of BLM: to criticise BLM = being a filthy racist. A person can be anti-racist AND anti-BLM at the same time. 


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2 minutes ago, Declan said:

It looks like you are re-posting trivial points about the American organisation, which you've found on alt-right facebook pages to discredit all anti-racism activity.

All this blathering about Marxism is about a tiny part of the whole. Even if the originators were Marxist, the movemnet has outgrown them. And Marxism isn't a great worry - Marxist organisations in the west always splinter and schism before they they get near power. Besides the dominant political movement of the age isn't Marxism or Liberalism or even Conservativism. What worries me far more is this ...


Trump claiming in the forthcoming election to be defending America against Marxist Bogeymen. Then if he doesn't win alleging election fraud by a Marxist conspiracy and refusing to stand down.

That's what I think all this Marxist shit is about.



Okay, I promise not to bring up the Marxism thing again Declan, and slap me down if I do. I still have extreme reservations about the BLM organisation, their aims and the way they go about things. I believe that many people within the UK wing do genuinely believe that they are effectively fighting racism and have very laudable aims. Unfortunately, there are also many who are in seemingly senior positions in BLM who are perpetuating racism by their very words and actions, influencing otherwise well intentioned followers.

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5 hours ago, HeliX said:

The difficulty is that it's both. There is an organisation named "Black Lives Matter", but most of the worldwide demonstrations/movements have very little if any association with them.

The difficulty is that there is one banner and publicised set of values, beliefs etc., so how can a BLM march in Douglas not say it is associated with or subscribes to those beliefs?  There was quite a quick rebrand to IOM POC, was there not?

As has been said many times, the militant and fascist approach by BLM, worldwide is doing little but foment more racial divisions. 

The Black Panthers started with honourable, empowering and benevolent objectives,  but quickly became hijacked by extremists.  The same thing seems to be happening with BLM. 

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1 minute ago, Gladys said:

The difficulty is that there is one banner and publicised set of values, beliefs etc., so how can a BLM march in Douglas not say it is associated with or subscribes to those beliefs?  There was quite a quick rebrand to IOM POC, was there not?

Objection, asked and answered!

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