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I grew up in the UK where we had a few Traveller communities. None of this surprises me , I knew them , went to school with them in some cases when they deemed to turn up under duress. They march to a different drummer to the rest of us. But of course they are a race. Most of the ones I came across were British. On the other hand ( I was brought up in a rural community ) we had some real Romanies in the area , nice people , polite but not really wanting to mix with settled people. Kept stealing our potatoes though but only enough to feed themselves! Then came to get paid to pick them come potato season. We didn’t mind that much.

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5 hours ago, Anyone said:

I grew up in the UK where we had a few Traveller communities. None of this surprises me , I knew them , went to school with them in some cases when they deemed to turn up under duress. They march to a different drummer to the rest of us. But of course they are a race. Most of the ones I came across were British. On the other hand ( I was brought up in a rural community ) we had some real Romanies in the area , nice people , polite but not really wanting to mix with settled people. Kept stealing our potatoes though but only enough to feed themselves! Then came to get paid to pick them come potato season. We didn’t mind that much.

Of course you didn't mind, they're just loveable rogues after all.

Take the Barras family. Thanks to parental homeschooling Fred Barras was a career criminal by age twelve. He was dead by sixteen shot by farmer Tony Martin as he was being burgled for the umpteenth time. In one of the pockets of the deceased career criminal they found a bail form issued when he had been arrested for theft two days earlier. 

Two years later his father, Fred Barras snr, was jailed for fourteen years for his part in a "professional" armed robbery. At his trial he pleaded "mitigating circumstances" because of the death of his son.

Yep, just loveable rogues, the whole lot of them...

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7 hours ago, Max Power said:

And here's the Oxford BLM leader showing her true colours again....


Seems a good time to recall that only a couple of months ago the same organisation tried to have Stu Peters sacked from Manx Radio; and were allowed to march along Douglas Promenade with the blessing of the Manx Constabulary, while the Island was in lockdown.   

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1 hour ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Seems a good time to recall that only a couple of months ago the same organisation tried to have Stu Peters sacked from Manx Radio; and were allowed to march along Douglas Promenade with the blessing of the Manx Constabulary, while the Island was in lockdown.   

Yes, but BLM is a shape shifter. Sometimes, it is a movement, sometimes an organisation with a structure and raison d'etre, I.e. you can't pin anything on them!


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2 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Seems a good time to recall that only a couple of months ago the same organisation tried to have Stu Peters sacked from Manx Radio; and were allowed to march along Douglas Promenade with the blessing of the Manx Constabulary, while the Island was in lockdown.   

Bit harsh to try tar the douglas protest with the more madcap elements of BLM. It wasnt like that here. There's nutjobs in each camp. They will always be the loudest voices. The march over here was respectful and dignified.


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8 hours ago, P.K. said:

Of course you didn't mind, they're just loveable rogues after all.

Take the Barras family. Thanks to parental homeschooling Fred Barras was a career criminal by age twelve. He was dead by sixteen shot by farmer Tony Martin as he was being burgled for the umpteenth time. In one of the pockets of the deceased career criminal they found a bail form issued when he had been arrested for theft two days earlier. 

Two years later his father, Fred Barras snr, was jailed for fourteen years for his part in a "professional" armed robbery. At his trial he pleaded "mitigating circumstances" because of the death of his son.

Yep, just loveable rogues, the whole lot of them...

It's interesting to juxtapose that case with the killing of P.C. Andrew Harper. His killers 'got away' (to ringing cheers outside the courtroom) with the charge of manslaughter; while Tony Martin was convicted of murder and went to prison. Both are watershed cases in British justice.

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Just now, Shake me up Judy said:

It's interesting to juxtapose that case with the killing of P.C. Andrew Harper. His killers 'got away' (to ringing cheers outside the courtroom) with the charge of manslaughter; while Tony Martin was convicted of murder and went to prison. Both are watershed cases in British justice.

Personally I thought Tony Martin deserved a prison sentence.

He only wounded one of them...

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The Chief constable should never have let that march go ahead, one minute people were getting banged up for not isolating and being made to isolate in a hotel with limited excercise the next this march happened against the law regarding crowds. It made the whole thing two faced and ridiculous.   If the march had been against abortion or anything else I bet it would not have happened.    All respect out of the window as far as I am concerned.

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3 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

Bit harsh to try tar the douglas protest with the more madcap elements of BLM. It wasnt like that here. There's nutjobs in each camp. They will always be the loudest voices. The march over here was respectful and dignified.


While I kind of agree with you, the fact is that BLM is a blanket term for some amorphous group of people. Who knows whether BLM here sign up to the published and unpublished objectives of the US BLM? 

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15 minutes ago, Gladys said:

While I kind of agree with you, the fact is that BLM is a blanket term for some amorphous group of people. Who knows whether BLM here sign up to the published and unpublished objectives of the US BLM? 

I suppose by judging them on their actions and statements.

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On 7/22/2020 at 3:21 PM, gettafa said:


"A black man running...he must have stolen something"

Just to clarify, this is a quite from a 1970 film, Watermelon Man, about a white guy who wakes up one day to find he has turned black, and shows how life and people's attitudes changed towards him .

Maybe a bit too poignant for many at the time, probably even now.

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9 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

It's interesting to juxtapose that case with the killing of P.C. Andrew Harper. His killers 'got away' (to ringing cheers outside the courtroom) with the charge of manslaughter; while Tony Martin was convicted of murder and went to prison. Both are watershed cases in British justice.


9 hours ago, P.K. said:

Personally I thought Tony Martin deserved a prison sentence.

He only wounded one of them...

How very 'liberal' of you. Had the offenders been black you'd never have joked nor commented in such blasé fashion. 

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On 7/24/2020 at 8:44 PM, Gladys said:

That is a hard one.  Remember Lee Rigby?  That was ordinary soldier killed by Islamic terrorists, not white soldier killed by two black men. 

I suppose it is down to the motivation.  Was the motivation of the youths anything to do with the race of the PC, or was it that they wanted to get away with the crime they were committing?  

Was the ritual execution of Lee Rigby to do with race or religious extremism?

As soon as you introduce race into any situation,  the debate becomes harder, much more nuanced. 

For the record, if there is any group of people I always view with suspicion, it is "travellers", whatever "race" they may call themselves.  Travellers are not gypsies of the Romany lineage, but opportunistic exploiters who have hidden under the cover of "Romany" to create an alternative society mostly involved in anti-social, nay criminal, behaviour.  I have seen many examples.

If I had to choose, I would rather live in a "POC" neighbourhood than amongst travellers. 

You say many wise things, but the bit about travellers is the best yet. Having had a few run ins with them I couldn't agree more.

See the reports today about their attitude to covid and the massive input of help given to a group of them by the local authority.

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