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14 minutes ago, Gladys said:

I hope you are right about the DESC, but current form seems to be to respond with kowtowing rather than a considered change. 

Oh yes, the D of Ed are kow towing to , wage demands and  Black demands for positive desciminiation to level things off?

I seem to remenber Alex Allinson saying the these Black Bastards should just accept their place in life and just serve us whites.

He did . didn't he???

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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

I hope you are right about the DESC, but current form seems to be to respond with kowtowing rather than a considered change. 

See Quilp's clip above re seeing colour.  It is offensive to say that you don't see colour.  It also seems that black people are considered unable to champion their own interests and need young, often female, white people to look out for them.  My suspicion about the Hardy Commission is exactly that.  Does this Commission have any parents of children currently going through school among its members?  You know, the people who are directly affected by these demands? 

Good post Gladys. As for the video, hardly anyone takes the time to watch videos or follow links on here, being too eager to impress their own opinions rather than expand on their own blinkered and hard-wired perceptions. That's precisely why alternative and informative linked articles and reasoned posts such as your own are on a hiding to nothing.

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4 hours ago, Gladys said:

I hope you are right about the DESC, but current form seems to be to respond with kowtowing rather than a considered change. 

It also seems that black people are considered unable to champion their own interests and need young, often female, white people to look out for them.

This is the anomaly in the zeitgeist. Privileged White people insisting that only they, by their clamouring protestation, unrestrained violence and assumed sense of exceptionalism, along with their self proclaimed plumage of enlightenment and virtuous superiority, only with their assistance can Black nations and their peoples be raised in equality and prosperity. This is racialism and racist (there is a difference in both adjectives) in concept. It insinuates that Black people and ethnic minorities can't help themselves, are incapable of getting on in the world unless led by a White power structure. This flawed concept only serves to insult and underestimate Black integrity and resourcefulness. After a good start with a deserving objective, the BLM movement has had some dire influences embroidered into it. It is evolving into something a world away from its initial goals. MLK warned of this decades ago.

And the destruction of statues by predominately White activists. If we have scars on our bodies we are instantly reminded of how they were acquired- the scar being the reminder to an injurious event seldom forgotten. Those 'offending' statues could be construed in much the same way, they are the scars of our history, a standing reminder of other injurious events in our time. Without the symbolism, these historical scars and the stories behind them, of man's inhumanity to his fellow man, might too easily be forgotten. 

Edited by quilp
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On 7/24/2020 at 8:44 PM, Gladys said:

That is a hard one.  Remember Lee Rigby?  That was ordinary soldier killed by Islamic terrorists, not white soldier killed by two black men. 

I suppose it is down to the motivation.  Was the motivation of the youths anything to do with the race of the PC, or was it that they wanted to get away with the crime they were committing?  

Was the ritual execution of Lee Rigby to do with race or religious extremism?

As soon as you introduce race into any situation,  the debate becomes harder, much more nuanced. 

For the record, if there is any group of people I always view with suspicion, it is "travellers", whatever "race" they may call themselves.  Travellers are not gypsies of the Romany lineage, but opportunistic exploiters who have hidden under the cover of "Romany" to create an alternative society mostly involved in anti-social, nay criminal, behaviour.  I have seen many examples.

If I had to choose, I would rather live in a "POC" neighbourhood than amongst travellers. 

You say many wise things, but the bit about travellers is the best yet. Having had a few run ins with them I couldn't agree more.

See the reports today about their attitude to covid and the massive input of help given to a group of them by the local authority.

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6 hours ago, quilp said:

This is the anomaly in the zeitgeist. Privileged White people insisting that only they, by their clamouring protestation, unrestrained violence and assumed sense of exceptionalism, along with their self proclaimed plumage of enlightenment and virtuous superiority, only with their assistance can Black nations and their peoples be raised in equality and prosperity. This is racialism and racist (there is a difference in both adjectives) in concept. It insinuates that Black people and ethnic minorities can't help themselves, are incapable of getting on in the world unless led by a White power structure. This flawed concept only serves to insult and underestimate Black integrity and resourcefulness. After a good start with a deserving objective, the BLM movement has had some dire influences embroidered into it. It is evolving into something a world away from its initial goals. MLK warned of this decades ago.

And the destruction of statues by predominately White activists. If we have scars on our bodies we are instantly reminded of how they were acquired- the scar being the reminder to an injurious event seldom forgotten. Those 'offending' statues could be construed in much the same way, they are the scars of our history, a standing reminder of other injurious events in our time. Without the symbolism, these historical scars and the stories behind them, of man's inhumanity to his fellow man, might too easily be forgotten. 

just brilliant

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20 hours ago, Max Power said:

An interesting analysis of race in the US, not sure that it really transposes to the UK, and the Isle of Man of course....


Thanks for putting that up Max. Excellent article, in-depth analysis and informative. Shame some of the blatantly myopic posters on here won't bother their arse to read it.

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1 hour ago, Max Power said:

A good article on the division which is sweeping through at the moment...


A bit long-winded article but fair enough.

I'm still bemused by the amount of white thrusting (I'm not sure what that word means in context but it seems to fit) young women who are doing all the shouting.

Oh, and I'm glad I'm not one of that woman's 'friends'. I bet she knows where they all live too. She has certainly picked up the spirit of the movement, to be fair.

From the article:




Hah, hah, there's a guy in the middle of that group with a big grin on his face. He's found himself in a target rich environment.

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1 hour ago, gettafa said:



A bit long-winded article but fair enough.

I'm still bemused by the amount of white thrusting (I'm not sure what that word means in context but it seems to fit) young women who are doing all the shouting.

Oh, and I'm glad I'm not one of that woman's 'friends'. I bet she knows where they all live too. She has certainly picked up the spirit of the movement, to be fair.

From the article:




Hah, hah, there's a guy in the middle of that group with a big grin on his face. He's found himself in a target rich environment.

I remember asking my brother about his time as a student and demonstrating I asked him what was his motivation, plenty of good looking totty he replied.

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I'm surprised that Douglas Murray is so anti Black! He has one of the blackest hearts in the Right of Centre! Any group of people can be subject to his self promoting aims.

He probably doesn't like The Manx because we're not 'WASP'?

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