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5. The Hon. Member for Arbory, Castletown and Malew (Mr Moorhouse) to ask the Minister for Infrastructure –
What plans he has to review the red line outside Arbory Parish Hall?

This makes me genuinely, really, really, really sad.

What is the fucking point of giving a shit about the island when we have a second term of this type of brain dead questioning of things that really make no difference to the island?


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22 minutes ago, forestboy said:

Another anti SP poster. 
Give the man a chance. 
You also get a life. 

I am of the view a leopard does not change their spots and especially when they have effectively said that and are proud of it. Yes SP gets a bit of stick on here but far less than the majority of MHK's who appear to get nothing but abuse.

I am also realise that SP probably enjoys a fair bit of it hence his occasional trolling and posting on here. I think he would be pretty upset if he did not get a reaction and was basically just ignored. The once who get most wound up appear to be those who take him far to seriously. 

I main issue with SP is that along with a some others we have a few complete non entities as MHK's when we could actually do with people with a fair bit of ability standing. A parliament of 100 and yo can have a few who have little to contribute. With 24 ideally we need them all to have something to bring to the table. 

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10 minutes ago, Boris Johnson said:

5. The Hon. Member for Arbory, Castletown and Malew (Mr Moorhouse) to ask the Minister for Infrastructure –
What plans he has to review the red line outside Arbory Parish Hall?

This makes me genuinely, really, really, really sad.

What is the fucking point of giving a shit about the island when we have a second term of this type of brain dead questioning of things that really make no difference to the island?


Tbf, that red line is stupid.

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10 minutes ago, Boris Johnson said:

5. The Hon. Member for Arbory, Castletown and Malew (Mr Moorhouse) to ask the Minister for Infrastructure –
What plans he has to review the red line outside Arbory Parish Hall?

This makes me genuinely, really, really, really sad.

What is the fucking point of giving a shit about the island when we have a second term of this type of brain dead questioning of things that really make no difference to the island?


I hope a simple one word response of "None" was given 

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12 minutes ago, Boris Johnson said:

5. The Hon. Member for Arbory, Castletown and Malew (Mr Moorhouse) to ask the Minister for Infrastructure –
What plans he has to review the red line outside Arbory Parish Hall?

This makes me genuinely, really, really, really sad.

What is the fucking point of giving a shit about the island when we have a second term of this type of brain dead questioning of things that really make no difference to the island?

But maybe the red line outside Arbory Parish Hall was the DoI's crayonista gateway drug into the multi-coloured extravaganza that the Prom has become.  If only we had listened to Jason at the time.

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45 minutes ago, Boris Johnson said:

5. The Hon. Member for Arbory, Castletown and Malew (Mr Moorhouse) to ask the Minister for Infrastructure –
What plans he has to review the red line outside Arbory Parish Hall?

This makes me genuinely, really, really, really sad.

What is the fucking point of giving a shit about the island when we have a second term of this type of brain dead questioning of things that really make no difference to the island?


Before the general election there was a Manx Radio Agenda programme with Phil Gawne (former MHK) chatting to former Castletown MHK Richard Ronan.

Richard Ronan was making the not unreasonable point that too many MHKs think they are there to sort out trivial local matters, rather than playing on the international stage. It seemed a thinly veiled poke at Mr Moorhouse, the Minister of Silly Questions.

I wonder how Phil, and indeed Richard felt when Jason topped the poll?

Sick as proverbial parrots I would think.




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2 hours ago, Barlow said:

I wonder how Phil, and indeed Richard felt when Jason topped the poll?

Sick as proverbial parrots I would think.

Though not as sick as self-designated Chief Minister Cregeen, I would imagine.  Of course Ronan didn't even stand in 2016 (despite announcing that he would) when he realised how unpopular he was.

This is probably the wrong topic to discuss this on, but I can't be bothered to start one entitled "Red Lines Matter".  However the details of the answers that Moorhouse got from Cregeen about the Arbory red line a year ago do show the problems that were coming along, later affecting the Curragh Road and Prom and their unconventional markings:

The Isle of Man Constabulary has not had any dialogue with any other party about the ‘red line’ outside Ballabeg Parish Hall. However, the Constabulary would not have expected to have had dialogue about it as it has no enforcement or other policing implications.

[...] Road traffic law in terms of parking enforcement does not extend to ‘red strips’ on a road or other highway, unless statutory measures to restrict parking or waiting are in place. Given that the Constabulary has not had any discussions with any party about the ‘red strip’ it cannot answer the part of the Question about the use of the ‘red strip’ as a safe crossing point. The Constabulary does not hold information about other ‘similar  crossings.’[1]

In other words it was were completely useless and pointless.  But you can't help wondering if the police had been more vociferous about these sort of markings and the problems they might cause, maybe the tragedy at St Johns and the mess of the Prom could have been avoided.


[1]  Cregeen, in his usual tone when annoyed of ineffective bitchiness, then threw in a remark (twice) that as Moorhouse had been a member of the DoI at the time, he could have complained then. But maybe he did or maybe he knew nothing about it till it appeared.

Edited by Roger Mexico
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3 hours ago, Ramseyboi said:

You can be at work and use a phone every now and then.

plus semi retired 

SP is not semi retired, he took up a full time post, if he isn’t going to disagree with a topic or agree or elaborate, then he should just shut up and do what his mates voted him in for.  It’s not a joke topic, it’s a Black Lives Matter thread. 

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17 minutes ago, buncha wankas said:

SP is not semi retired, he took up a full time post, if he isn’t going to disagree with a topic or agree or elaborate, then he should just shut up and do what his mates voted him in for.  It’s not a joke topic, it’s a Black Lives Matter thread. 

You DO talk tripe. I don't have enough 'mates' in Middle to have got me elected. And don't you dare lecture me on how and when I should work - apart from sittings I'm responsible for my own diary. Which is why I often work at the weekends and in the evenings and from home while you're chuntering in the snug over a bottle of brown ale. You really DO need to lighten up. Before idiots like you got so puritanical and self righteous we used to enjoy some banter and a bit of a laugh on here.

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10 hours ago, Lost Login said:

That is unfair. 

I am sure that he does not restrict it just to social media.

I would not worry about SP. You know what you are probably going to get with SP. A pensioner stuck in his ways who is probably going to do as little as possible to continue the payments coming in for as long as possible. He will have little affect on policy or any decisions taken in the IoM over the next few years. Be far more concerned about those who want to make decisions and change things, be it MHKs or government officials, and can then muck things up big time. 

SP is effectively the embarrassing uncle at a wedding. Many would prefer him not to be there but he is not really going to cause any problems as long as you keep his drink topped up. 

Next Saturday's lottery numbers please.

With your prescience they should be a breeze....

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13 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

You DO talk tripe. I don't have enough 'mates' in Middle to have got me elected. And don't you dare lecture me on how and when I should work - apart from sittings I'm responsible for my own diary. Which is why I often work at the weekends and in the evenings and from home while you're chuntering in the snug over a bottle of brown ale. You really DO need to lighten up. Before idiots like you got so puritanical and self righteous we used to enjoy some banter and a bit of a laugh on here.

Stu peters, we are still waiting for you to talk, talk about local issues, talk about what you are doing to earn over a grand a week.  But nothing, here you are making humour on a Black Lives Matter thread.  Puritanical and self righteous??   Why because we expect you to do your job, which is to lead and represent a community rather than get a old has been radio presenter missing his freedom of expression (cough) tripe. 

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