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Black Lives Matter


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It's interesting how the phrase "Black Lives Matter" implies that there is a general belief that black lives don't matter and it is necessary to correct that opinion.  Such is most certainly not the case but it does add justification to the rioting and looting that is happening.

It's also interesting that the demands for "justice" are in fact demands for revenge.  Also that the civil disturbances are bring out people more intent on looting than "demonstrating".

Black lives matter?  ALL lives matter.  Equally.

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10 minutes ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

Isn't it? Why not? 

Because it's non of our business and a thing that doesn't affect us and since the brouhaha is taking place thousands of miles away in a different country there's SFA we can or should do anything about.

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Mike Tyson stated that if white people rioted every time a black man killed them, we'd never have any peace
Is Mike Tyson correct? Let's look at the stats.

Black or African Americans make up 12.6% of the US population.

Black or African Americans commit 26% of all crime perpetrated in the US....

Black or African Americans commit 52% of all the murders perpetrated in the US.

Black or African Americans commit 28.4% of all the rapes perpetrated in the US.

Black or African Americans commit 50.9% of all the robberies perpetrated in the US.

Black or African Americans commit 35.9% of all violent crime perpetrated in the US.

Black or African Americans commit 41.5% of possessions of illegal weapons in the US.

Finally, Black or African Americans murdered 533 white people in 2016. 243 Black or African Americans were murdered by whites.

That means that despite being only 12% of the total population, Black or African Americans murdered more than double the number of Black or African Americans murdered by whites.

Mike Tyson is correct.
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40 minutes ago, 2112 said:

No all I am saying is what is point of going to the trouble of nominating, proposing and seconding someone for public office, then when it comes to the vote, totally ignoring that person, and they end up bottom of the list with 0 votes. It’s not positive or negative, but quite ‘shitty’ really. Embarrassing for the candidate to receive no support from those proposing you. Unless MHKs are trying to send messages to their constituents that they like to practice equal opportunities in the work place etc, say one thing in public but do the opposite.

Maybe they sounded like a good candidate but when they started their campaigning, they didn't come up to the mark?

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4 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

I expect the protest will be in front of the U.S. Embassy in Douglas - otherwise an IOM protest about police brutality in Murrica makes no sense except as a virtue signalling snowstorm.

In other news (saw this on a graph earlier) , in 2018 the USA had around fifty thousand white on black violent crimes, compared with four hundred thousand black on black and around 550,000 black on white violent crimes.

ALL Lives Matter!

To be fair this is a big issue, the majority of crimes appear to be committed by black people. There is quite probably an underlying cause of this which should have been addressed decades ago. Even in London, when stop and search was terminated, black crime escalated, including black on black murders.

Any change needs the full issue to be addressed out in the open, only then will there be equality.

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Saying "all lives matter" as a response to hearing "black lives matter" is the sure sign of someone being an idiot.  Possibly a bigoted idiot, possibly a stupid idiot, possibly some combination of both.  But definitely an idiot.

See also people who use the terms "remoaners" and "snowflakes".

It's genuinely depressing how people can not understand the fundamental difference between black on black deaths, white on black deaths and the situation where you have the actual Police killing black people (at a completely disproportionate level to how many white people they kill).  It's also depressing how people seem to think that "black live matter" somehow means that other lives don't matter.  It literally doesn't.

I don't think I've ever seen so many misleading, disingenuous and downright pathetically shit arguments as I have in response to what's happened over the past week or so.

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58 minutes ago, Neil Down said:


Mike Tyson stated that if white people rioted every time a black man killed them, we'd never have any peace
Is Mike Tyson correct? Let's look at the stats.

Black or African Americans make up 12.6% of the US population.

Black or African Americans commit 26% of all crime perpetrated in the US....

Black or African Americans commit 52% of all the murders perpetrated in the US.

Black or African Americans commit 28.4% of all the rapes perpetrated in the US.

Black or African Americans commit 50.9% of all the robberies perpetrated in the US.

Black or African Americans commit 35.9% of all violent crime perpetrated in the US.

Black or African Americans commit 41.5% of possessions of illegal weapons in the US.

Finally, Black or African Americans murdered 533 white people in 2016. 243 Black or African Americans were murdered by whites.

That means that despite being only 12% of the total population, Black or African Americans murdered more than double the number of Black or African Americans murdered by whites.

Mike Tyson is correct.

The Mike Tyson tweet is fake apparently, but you cannot argue with the figures that there are staggeringly disproportionate levels of crime committed black on black and black on white. We know that there are issues of inequality that drive this in part, but it is still a huge disparity. It's not realistic to aspire to overcome human nature and wipe out racial strife, but you would think it would be possible to drive it out of law enforcement agencies. Apparently not.

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5 hours ago, Manxberry said:

That's kind of the point and the ONLY reason I'm actually ok with the protest. I don't give a fuck about blacklivesmatter, I think all lives matter - however the police have been UTTER twats in their draconian enforcement of simple rules. So in that regard, go nuts, protest. I'm glad they're getting off their ass and protesting about something! I wish I had the heart to be bothered enough to do it myself. 

Fair enough I agree. Personally I wish there were 3,000 people angry as fuck in Strand Street already asking why they have no jobs and why has lockdown totally fucked my business. But that time will certainly come. 

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1 hour ago, Max Power said:

Maybe they sounded like a good candidate but when they started their campaigning, they didn't come up to the mark?

Funny you should say that and you may be right.

I would say, you would think that the people proposing, seconding and nominating would in all honesty have taken the time to get to know the person who they plan/want to be elected for a 5 year term. Did they have wacky ideas? Distasteful ideas? Or were there any skeletons rattling around. I can and do accept that some people are not natural orators, Or campaigners but I’m sure they have other skills.

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1 hour ago, 2112 said:

No all I am saying is what is point of going to the trouble of nominating, proposing and seconding someone for public office, then when it comes to the vote, totally ignoring that person, and they end up bottom of the list with 0 votes. It’s not positive or negative, but quite ‘shitty’ really. Embarrassing for the candidate to receive no support from those proposing you. Unless MHKs are trying to send messages to their constituents that they like to practice equal opportunities in the work place etc, say one thing in public but do the opposite.

You clearly were not meaning that.  You said MHKs mindset and intelligence is stuck in the 1970s.  


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14 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Funny you should say that and you may be right.

I would say, you would think that the people proposing, seconding and nominating would in all honesty have taken the time to get to know the person who they plan/want to be elected for a 5 year term. Did they have wacky ideas? Distasteful ideas? Or were there any skeletons rattling around. I can and do accept that some people are not natural orators, Or campaigners but I’m sure they have other skills.


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