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Black Lives Matter


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It is a shame that the hooligans with a penchant to find an excuse for violence take over legitimate aims of any protest of significance.

This is nothing unusual, it is an  recognised form  of bandwagoning that will result in right wing excuse for violence in the 'British' society or violence and looting in other societies.

These are nothing to do with veracity of the origional protest but merely that there are those who would use this as an excuse fot their own aims of their right wing  violence  inminging  on any protest that they can latch onto?

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BLM are also racist communist thugs and we all know left wing and right wing are meaningless terms. They both believe in violence and state coercion to meet their ideological ends. We need to differentiate between "Black lives matter" as a concept and "Black Lives Matter" as a political organisation. The concept is okay but the organisation masquerading behind that name is racist, the black equivalent of the KKK, highly political, communist, and should be put on a terrorist watch list.

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11 minutes ago, Zorg said:

BLM are also racist communist thugs and we all know left wing and right wing are meaningless terms. They both believe in violence and state coercion to meet their ideological ends. We need to differentiate between "Black lives matter" as a concept and "Black Lives Matter" as a political organisation. The concept is okay but the organisation masquerading behind that name is racist, the black equivalent of the KKK, highly political, communist, and should be put on a terrorist watch list.

Yes, I get the same. From what I can gather from whom I consider rational sources, it is a far left organisation aimed at toppling Trump ( not a bad objective) and redistribution of wealth, firing up young people to believe in the cause. Have a look at stoptrump.co.uk. 

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23 minutes ago, Gladys said:

You are joking, of course.  See toppletheracists.com. 

No, I'm absolutely not joking. Look beyond the rhetoric and corporate propaganda narrative.

He has been investing in majority black areas with tax incentives for companies to move in and employ.

There are record employment numbers (pre-covid, and hopefully soon again) for people of all races but especially black communities.

Historical criminal justice reform to free black people who were put in prison for victimless crimes (usually drug-related) where they were given disproportionate sentences. He has also taken steps to reduce the number of such sentences.

Previously, black colleges (universities) had to go to the Presidency every year for funding. Trump has guaranteed indefinite funding and increased it dramatically. So he has invested heavily in black educational institutions.

He has the most diverse administration in terms of staffing.

He has tasked Ben Carson (former Republican presidential candidate, brain surgeon, black) with urban development and promoting investment and growth in those areas.

I could go on and on. Most of all, it comes down to economics and job creation strategically focused on helping underprivileged black communities.

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2 hours ago, Zorg said:

No, I'm absolutely not joking. Look beyond the rhetoric and corporate propaganda narrative.

He has been investing in majority black areas with tax incentives for companies to move in and employ.

There are record employment numbers (pre-covid, and hopefully soon again) for people of all races but especially black communities.

Historical criminal justice reform to free black people who were put in prison for victimless crimes (usually drug-related) where they were given disproportionate sentences. He has also taken steps to reduce the number of such sentences.

Previously, black colleges (universities) had to go to the Presidency every year for funding. Trump has guaranteed indefinite funding and increased it dramatically. So he has invested heavily in black educational institutions.

He has the most diverse administration in terms of staffing.

He has tasked Ben Carson (former Republican presidential candidate, brain surgeon, black) with urban development and promoting investment and growth in those areas.

I could go on and on. Most of all, it comes down to economics and job creation strategically focused on helping underprivileged black communities.

Probably time to put TJ back in his box. I see from FB he’s discussing joining Twitter. 

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8 hours ago, TomTucker said:

Another victim of police brutality in Atlanta this time. He was sleeping in his car while drunk at a drive thru Wendy’s 




So a guy who is being arrested decides to fight with the police and steal one of their tasers he then points said tasers at the officer and is then shot.

At what point does some of the blame fall on the "victim"

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7 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

So a guy who is being arrested decides to fight with the police and steal one of their tasers he then points said tasers at the officer and is then shot.

At what point does some of the blame fall on the "victim"

Never, it would seem Thommo. 

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34 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

So a guy who is being arrested decides to fight with the police and steal one of their tasers he then points said tasers at the officer and is then shot.

At what point does some of the blame fall on the "victim"

On the face of that I would agree.

However, you do have to wonder how this situation needed to escalate to a man being shot 3 times in the back.

I assume the guy had been searched so at this stage the biggest danger is that one man has potential use of a taser against two armed police officers who I assume still had a taser and various other defence methods available to them?

Lethal force doesn't need to be the only option here.   I get the concept of only shooting with the intention of killing someone but this could have had a different outcome.

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