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Black Lives Matter


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1 minute ago, Neil Down said:

I care not a jot what you think. Idiots like yourself do not bother me one bit. Predictably though, as you don’t or can’t have an original thought of your own, you have joined the sheeple. I abhor racists, BLM are a dangerous racist group. Quite understandably, you can’t see this

I have no doubt that some of the people involved in the BLM movement are probably racist yes, that's one of the reasons I'm watching the Storyville program about the Panthers to help me understand some of the more militant mindset, but as no one seems to know who the people behind the group actually are it's hard to really claim that. The fact there are huge amounts of young people of all colours and backgrounds joining the protests should tell you that the key bit of the movement - the demands for a fairer society for ALL - is hugely important. 


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6 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

I have no doubt that some of the people involved in the BLM movement are probably racist yes, that's one of the reasons I'm watching the Storyville program about the Panthers to help me understand some of the more militant mindset, but as no one seems to know who the people behind the group actually are it's hard to really claim that. The fact there are huge amounts of young people of all colours and backgrounds joining the protests should tell you that the key bit of the movement - the demands for a fairer society for ALL - is hugely important. 


On that I’ll agree. Problem is that a lot of unsavory shite have surfaced using BLM as an excuse to vent their anti-white rhetoric. Notably Lewis Hamilton and Joshua. Two idiots who have benefited greatly from their white oppressors

you say that there are a huge amount of young people. Sorry but the same young people follow the latest trend be it racism or gay themed.

Homophobia and racism has no place whatsoever in society. However, pulling down statues and trying to erase history does them no favours

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3 minutes ago, Gladys said:


I make no comment,  other than to question why disruption of the nuclear family has anything to do with race?

I don't know either. Sounds like that was written by someone pretty young to me. 'cisgender' privilege makes it in there. Sometimes well meaning people and groups can be pretty dumb. I broadly support the ideas behind animal rights groups, but then you hear some nutters break into a mink farm and set them all free, because all animals matter and the mink promptly kill everything in a 10 mile radius. Sigh.

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9 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

I don't know either. Sounds like that was written by someone pretty young to me. 'cisgender' privilege makes it in there. Sometimes well meaning people and groups can be pretty dumb. I broadly support the ideas behind animal rights groups, but then you hear some nutters break into a mink farm and set them all free, because all animals matter and the mink promptly kill everything in a 10 mile radius. Sigh.

Yes, but people in very many countries are behind this movement, and it has a great deal of support at all levels.  But does anyone know what it is really  about?  Does that not concern you? 

I, too, support animal rights and environmental causes.  But, does that mean I would support the release of mink into the wild?  No, that is just plain stupid and actually environmentally more damaging.

I do not support racism, but because a group has established itself under the auspices of anti-racism with objectives hidden behind pyscho-babble which could actually mean the equivalent of releasing mink into the wild, do you not want to question it? 

So, why are we blindly supporting a group with pseudo-ideologies or stated ideologies that amount to no more than an incoherent stringing together of zeitgeist words and phrases?  Why have they jumped on transgender/homosexual causes?  Were any of the black men inhumanly killed by US cops either? Or is that another string to the bow of gaining populist acceptance?

What is so wrong with the western ideal of a nuclear family that they need to disrupt it?

What is it really about, who is really behind it and what are the real, achievable objectives?  Not hard questions to answer really. 

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7 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Yes, but people in very many countries are behind this movement, and it has a great deal of support at all levels.  But does anyone know what it is really  about?  Does that not concern you? 


What is it really about, who is really behind it and what are the real, achievable objectives?  Not hard questions to answer really. 

It most certainly does concern me. I'm suspicious, especially because there doesn't appear to be an obvious and open leadership structure. Who is running the campaign? Is it a psy-op? Where is all the money raised going?

I've got a bit of a conspiracy theory kind of outlook I suppose in terms of geopolitics, global events and movements. I don't really trust anything on face value, I certainly don't trust governments, or massive multinational corporations. The world is absolutely packed with propaganda and disinformation, it has become a 'post-truth' world. 

I believe that spontaneous protests against injustice can still spring up, but much of this current situation is not one. I'm getting a bit fed up with the world really.

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1 hour ago, Gladys said:


I make no comment,  other than to question why disruption of the nuclear family has anything to do with race?

You need only check the statistics for single parent and or multi-father families among the black community.  Haven't you noticed that nearly every double-barreled name you hear nowadays belongs to a coloured person; a reflection of their mutli-familial origins?  They nuked  the nuclear family decades ago and now they want to the rest of us to do likewise.

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3 hours ago, Neil Down said:
3 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

Yeah Burnley. The football club itself isn't impressed. https://www.burnleyfootballclub.com/news/2020/june/club-statement

The talk on the twitters is suggesting that the person who hired the plane may be Blackburn fan. Regardless, its needlessly and deliberately provocative.

Pretty much like the rentamob hiding behind BLM

So it really stands for Blackburn Lives Matter?

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2 hours ago, Gladys said:


I make no comment,  other than to question why disruption of the nuclear family has anything to do with race?

Well what it actually says is: 


We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

So with luck it means more babysitting if you've got any you're offloading.

It's all pretty horrible as prose  and as so often with American 'liberalism' tends to ignore the greatest drivers of inequality (economic and class ones) in favour of identity-based minor differentials.

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7 hours ago, Gladys said:

What is so wrong with the western ideal of a nuclear family that they need to disrupt it?

I don't think the nuclear family exists for many people now.  It is a Conservative ideal.

Due to globalization,  increased social mobility and the displacement of people due to conflict or economic hardship many families no longer live within the same community. 

Therefore the traditional nuclear family support network simply is not available to many.  

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23 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

I don't think the nuclear family exists for many people now.  It is a Conservative ideal.

Due to globalization,  increased social mobility and the displacement of people due to conflict or economic hardship many families no longer live within the same community. 

Therefore the traditional nuclear family support network simply is not available to many.  

Agreed(ish), but why disrupt it?  Why not say that the nuclear family is not achievable for many and to have as an objective the availability of "a village" support network for those who need it?  

Probably, because that will then be more like a creche idea and is not sufficiently "radical" to count as a counter-culture objective.

I agree- ish with you in that to say it is a conservative ideal smacks of politicising a model of the family that has existed for a long time and is for many parts of society everywhere the societal norm and is probably stronger in many non-western societies. 

Or, perhaps it is to remove any notion of parental responsibility?

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Obviously I did not write their ideals but perhaps the term 'disrupt the nuclear family' is used incorrectly and maybe it is more to do with disrupting the Conservative (Christian/Catholic) ideal of the nuclear family as a way of seeking support for those isolated from extended family.

I know a few people from the Isle of Man who have moved to the UK for job opportunities and have met partners from the UK and other parts of the EU.  As a result the closest family is often hours away in a car/train or even in two different countries (e.g. Isle of Man and France).  It means that even in a stable relationship those couples are reliant on support of friends (babysitting, help with childcare during the day etc) rather than direct family.

32 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Or, perhaps it is to remove any notion of parental responsibility?

Would you like to elaborate on this point?  I don't want to respond to it without giving you an opportunity to explain further.

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But we are asked to actively support these ideals  which are incoherent and non-specific.  I know that the ideal of a nuclear family is difficult for many, for many reasons.  However, what you are referring to is the extended family - aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins etc. 

They specify the nuclear family - parents and children.  If your objective is to "disrupt" that, then it is disrupting the concept of parental responsibility, surely?

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