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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

As I understand it that is simply the LGBTQ community trying to take control over the defamatory use of the word queer.  Much in the same way as the black population have tried to do with the N word.

It's really interesting to look at how language has evolved and been manipulated over the years.  Just consider the word "fag".  It could be a contraction of the word "faggot" referring to a bundle of sticks or a derogatory term for a homosexual male but it can also refer to cigarette. 


48 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Do you use the n word to refer to black people?

It's about taking control of the terms that have been used in a defamatory way and removing the sting from them.

The word is nigger. If you can't bring yourself to write it, then don't use it and don't refer to it.

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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

I was told that the term fag for homosexual originated from the bundle of sticks used on fires when witch burning was in vogue.  Apparently, they would throw homosexuals on the fire with the faggots, hence the term.  Shocking, eh?

Indeed and thankfully shows us how far we have come on the subject of rights for non-heterosexual individuals. 

1 hour ago, Gladys said:

No, the term is very specific, which is why I have suspicions about the desire to disrupt it. 

Taking a cynical view,  it may mean formalisation of the abrogation of parental responsibility that dogs many disadvantaged socio-economic groups.  Or a more charitable view may be that it is really seeking to replicate the missing extended family support network to the "displaced" nuclear family, whether that has one or two parents in situ. 

However, as far as BLM IOM is concerned, would it be controversial to opine that many of the marchers were driven to the march by one or other of their nuclear parents, in their nuclear SUVs?

I suppose it would be a question for the leaders of the BLM campaign.  I can only provide you with my interpretation and maybe I am just not so cynical as you.  I suppose as I lost my father at a young age I am more inclined to believe that an extended family group or social support network is vital for families, especially for those from disadvantaged socio-economic groups where a single parent (lets be blunt that is what we are talking about) cannot afford childcare to allow them to work full time and is therefore reliant on the local community, after school groups etc to help them.

What I do wish to get away from, and I am not targeting this at you, is the stereotypical view that black men abandon their partners more than white men.  There have been plenty of white men throughout history who have got a woman pregnant and walked away and we must avoid falling into thinking that one racial group is better or worse on that score than anyone else.  Every race and ethnic group has people who do not take responsibility for their actions.  


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23 minutes ago, Declan said:

It's bizarre the things that trigger some people.

Yes, it is bizarre. I do believe that other than on this forum, maybe once?, I have never written the word.

Oh, and the last time I ever said it was when I was 9 years old. We used to call a lad at school 'Nigger', it was his nickname. Oh, don't worry laddie, the guy was white and his real name was Nigel.  

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13 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Indeed and thankfully shows us how far we have come on the subject of rights for non-heterosexual individuals. 

I suppose it would be a question for the leaders of the BLM campaign.  I can only provide you with my interpretation and maybe I am just not so cynical as you.  I suppose as I lost my father at a young age I am more inclined to believe that an extended family group or social support network is vital for families, especially for those from disadvantaged socio-economic groups where a single parent (lets be blunt that is what we are talking about) cannot afford childcare to allow them to work full time and is therefore reliant on the local community, after school groups etc to help them.

What I do wish to get away from, and I am not targeting this at you, is the stereotypical view that black men abandon their partners more than white men.  There have been plenty of white men throughout history who have got a woman pregnant and walked away and we must avoid falling into thinking that one racial group is better or worse on that score than anyone else.  Every race and ethnic group has people who do not take responsibility for their actions.  


I do not dispute the value of the extended family, having been a single parent for a long time without an extended family to call upon for much of that time.  We were a nuclear family, just with one parent, much like yours I guess ( and I am sorry to hear about your Dad,  that is tragic for you as a child but also your Mum, hats off to her).  An extended family and nuclear family are not mutually exclusive terms, just about proximity of relationship (in a genetic way).  I just can't get my head round why you would want to disrupt the nuclear family, rather than encourage support through the extended family or social network. 

You are right, I am not making any racial stereotypes regarding abandonment or shirking of parental responsibility, and there are many white parents who sidestep their parental responsibility, but the disruption objective does raise questions in my mind as to the real agenda. 

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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

I was told that the term fag for homosexual originated from the bundle of sticks used on fires when witch burning was in vogue.  Apparently, they would throw homosexuals on the fire with the faggots, hence the term.  Shocking, eh?

Damn right it's shocking.

Especially when you have a perfectly decent hillside to chuck the witches down....

I think the point you made about BLM that "If you're not with us you're against us" is a very valid and dangerous one. Forcing people to take sides is coercion pure and simple.

I have no intention of supporting BLM on the island simply because I totally disagree not so much with their cause but very much with their methods. I mean, deliberately ringing a poor, confused pensioner late at night with the sole purpose of coming away outraged, despite the rather silly and tame exchange, and then generating a social media shitstorm the following day by more faux outrage by the hard of thinking to force others to drop the poor pensioner in the brown and smelly.

Nasty people.

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12 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

 Sounds like that was written by someone pretty young to me. 

Look at the co-founders, all seem to be educated, articulate and achievers.  They are not your typical young student with dreamy ideologies of a better world.  Given their background, then surely to God they could come up with a well articulated and understandable set of objectives?

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Gladys, I thought better of you than spreading 'false news':

'There is an urban legend, called an "oft-reprinted assertion" by Douglas Harper, that the modern slang meaning developed from the standard meaning of faggot as "bundle of sticks for burning" with regard to burning at the stake. This is unsubstantiated; the emergence of the slang term in 20th-century American English is unrelated to historical death penalties for homosexuality.'

Source: Wikipedia

Edited by Utah 01
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11 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Look at the co-founders, all seem to be educated, articulate and achievers.  They are not your typical young student with dreamy ideologies of a better world.  Given their background, then surely to God they could come up with a well articulated and understandable set of objectives?

You want to try reading some of the manifesto's from the UK Political parties....  

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6 minutes ago, Gladys said:

You had me right up to the "poor, confused pensioner" bit!  From what I have seen of Stu, he still has the majority of his faculties, knows how to operate a smart tv and is quite good with money! :D

Yes. Well, if you lose your sense of humour everything immediately becomes twice as difficult.



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2 hours ago, Gladys said:

Yes, what does that mean in reality?  The use of "queer" I thought was now viewed as a pejorative for the LGBT community. The entire manifesto is full of buzz words and terms, yet the whole world is being asked to actively support this movement, and many do.  If you don't support the ill-phrased terms and objectives, you are racist.  




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Western Society, but certainly UK, and most certainly Isle of Man, is based on the nuclear family. It provides stability for society as a whole and gives members of the family support through extended family relationships etc. Some call that a 'white privilege'. Hence it is being attacked.


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