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Funniest post of the day that Holte End !

Just to spool back a bit....The breakdown of the nuclear family and changes to child-rearing and nurturing patterns has done untold damage in Western societies. Warts and all, the nuclear family plus extended family and other support networks, is still the best form of bringing up kids, particularly in the early years; and we devalue it or abandon it at our peril. I've read about many black nuclear families in America and Britain where both parents are giving their all to give their kids a good upbringing. It ain't easy but I take my hat off to anybody who puts their family before themselves. We see the failure to do this in our streets, schools and communities every day and night.

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This is possibly one of the most virtue-signalling “we’re not racist” examples I’ve come across -


The band Lady Antebellum have changed their name to Lady A since ‘Antebellum’ has slavery connotations. How? Well antebellum means before the war, and in the Southern US refers specifically to the American civil war. They apparently saw the word on a mansion formerly owned by a Southern slaver, and thought it would be cool in a band name. They’ve only just thought it might be a bit racist, although I’m not sure anyone else did.

It get’s funny when it turns out that Lady A already exists, as a singer, and she is black. Her real name is Anita White. The band didn’t check if it was ok with her to use her name, which she has rights to. She’s now accused the band, who are of course all white, of ‘putting their knee on the neck of another black artist’ to support black lives matter, which clearly didn’t until George Floyd was killed and they wanted to make a statement. 

As the Daily Mail might say - You couldn’t make it up!

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1 hour ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Funniest post of the day that Holte End !

Just to spool back a bit....The breakdown of the nuclear family and changes to child-rearing and nurturing patterns has done untold damage in Western societies. Warts and all, the nuclear family plus extended family and other support networks, is still the best form of bringing up kids, particularly in the early years; and we devalue it or abandon it at our peril. I've read about many black nuclear families in America and Britain where both parents are giving their all to give their kids a good upbringing. It ain't easy but I take my hat off to anybody who puts their family before themselves. We see the failure to do this in our streets, schools and communities every day and night.

Except the nuclear family is essentially a product of the mid C20. Before that it was extended family. And despite your rose tinted rear view they didn’t necessarily give good child rearing and nurturing. 

Up to the start of the C20 mortality rates were high. One or both parents frequently died before their youngest attained adult hood. No divorce left many kids in abusive dysfunctional family units. Poverty split families up, workhouse. Children were out to work at 12 or 14. Parents in town worked 12 hour days. Most families lived in slums.

If you were upper class you didn’t have a relationship with family as you were farmed out to public schools, most of which were like borstals or approved schools.

Nuclear is middle class and less common than claimed. I was brought up in a single parent household, by my father, from age 7 and my sister age 3. A quarter of my primary class were non nuclear in the early 1960’s and about the same in A form grammar school from 1967. My best friend, 3 doors down from us had both father and mother. His Dad was drinking himself into financial oblivion and terrorised the rest of the family. 

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44 minutes ago, wrighty said:

The band Lady Antebellum have changed their name to Lady A since ‘Antebellum’ has slavery connotations. How? Well antebellum means before the war, and in the Southern US refers specifically to the American civil war. They apparently saw the word on a mansion formerly owned by a Southern slaver, and thought it would be cool in a band name. They’ve only just thought it might be a bit racist, although I’m not sure anyone else did.

It get’s funny when it turns out that Lady A already exists, as a singer, and she is black. Her real name is Anita White. The band didn’t check if it was ok with her to use her name, which she has rights to. She’s now accused the band, who are of course all white, of ‘putting their knee on the neck of another black artist’ to support black lives matter, which clearly didn’t until George Floyd was killed and they wanted to make a statement. 

I'm sorry wrighty but what this band is saying is just nonsense. The word 'antebellum' has been very much used for a long time as a way of referring to the pre-Civil War South, especially in its more soft-focused aspects - all mansion verandahs and mint juleps.  I'm aware of this and I'm a bloke sitting in the Isle of Man.  If a band from Tennessee[1] is using it, they're trying to give themselves a bit of a Gone With The Wind vibe, if nothing else.   It may be they didn't think it through or that they didn't think it would matter and it was the sort of thing that would appeal to country music audiences.  But to pretend they didn't know the implications is just disingenuous.  Bands use their name to send out a message about the sort of music they play and who they are.

As to changing the name without checking that someone else was using it professionally, that is just sloppy.  You can see how this thing might happen in the 60s and a band wouldn't know there was another of the same name at the other end of the country till they saw it in Melody Maker, but we have the internet now.  I don't know if this is White Privilege, but it's certainly Privilege - like those companies that try to force a small business to change its name even though it was called that decades before the big guy.  They seem to have resolved their differences now and no doubt the original will benefit from the publicity.

Probably no harm done in the long run, but it's amazing how cases of White People Being a Bit Stupid At Best are being transformed into White People are the Real Victims Here in certain sections of the media.


[1] I had to look them up, though I had heard the name before and wondered at what sort of message they were trying to send out.

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

He posts the same sort of stuff on FB, same atavar. 

Never had you down as a stalker...


actually, yes I did.

Edited by Neil Down
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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

It was a pre-emptive strike that was ill-thought out  by not checking on other performers, and a bit of a virtue-signal opportunity.  


1 hour ago, TheTeapot said:

Lady Antebellum is music-by-numbers soft-pop-country shite. It's no surprise that they've made a mess of this cos their whole act has been pulled from a marketing executives ass.

Call me an old cynic. I never paid much attention to this crew, but looking up their discography and various activities online, it seems that their most popular work and era is well behind them. Same with a lot of the ragtag of characters jumping on the bandwagon to make "look at me" apologies for misdemeanours real or imagined against slaves hundreds of years ago.  Many of them seem to fall into the category of has-been. If they want to change their name to something uncontroversial, I suggest "Irrelevant" would cover it as well as anything.

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2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

I'm sorry wrighty but what this band is saying is just nonsense. 

No need to apologise to me Roger - I’m not their manager, nor am I trying to defend them. I just play a couple of their songs in one of my bands, and when I heard about this at rehearsal last night I thought it was a funny story to share on MF. Didn’t expect a full-on critical analysis of my post, but then again, that is what you do :rolleyes:

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