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2 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

So, other than Hamilton how many black Formula 1 drivers are there?  

How many black Formula 1 drivers have there ever been?

Is it only white people who can drive cars fast around a circuit? 

There are no barriers to black or women drivers. The simple answer is that they just don't want to become racing drivers. Just like I never did. There are plenty of other goals in life besides racing cars round a track. Only an idiot would think the reason is racism.

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42 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

The sad pathetic one would be you. I have never seen anybody as keen to appease as you. Grow a pair will you and say it as it is not as people want you to say

Okay.  You are a misogynistic racist.  

2 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

There are no barriers to black or women drivers. The simple answer is that they just don't want to become racing drivers. Just like I never did. There are plenty of other goals in life besides racing cars round a track. Only an idiot would think the reason is racism.

So, why does becoming a racing driver, polar explorer or TT rider appeal more to white males?

Statistically speaking wouldn't there be as many black people as white people who aspire to these 'professions'? 

Surely there must be a good reason for it?  

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2 hours ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

How many black TT riders or Polar Explorers are there? I don't know of any barriers to entry based on colour.

No barriers based on colour, but F1, Polar Explorers, Equestrian Sports, Sailing, Rowing... Very few black competitors, let alone champions. And this is all about privilege and opportunity. Black competitors do well where you don’t need a load of expensive gear to take part - Boxing (always bet on the black guy - a quote from the Naked Gun film, but pretty fair), running, football, cricket... And this is all about social class, privilege and opportunity rather than colour or race.


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28 minutes ago, Grumble said:

Given the same cars, I think Verstappen would win every time. He has more raw talent and hunger than Hamilton.

This/last year I don't think I'd agree. I think he has more single-lap pace, but Hamilton is effectively a robot out there. Lap after lap of consistency.

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6 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

So why no black T.T. riders, or pro cyclists Wrighty ? Golfers, snooker, darts players, etc. These have long been open to, or have always been working class sports. I think you're on the wrong track.  

Most of those sports (save for maybe darts & snooker) require your family to be pretty well off when you're a kid.

I'd say most sports are the domain of families who are at least well off enough not to have to sweat the small stuff, and to be able to make sufficient time for sporting activities.

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4 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

So why no black T.T. riders, or pro cyclists Wrighty ? Golfers, snooker, darts players, etc. These have long been open to, or have always been working class sports. I think you're on the wrong track.  

TT - tradition, basically here and Ireland where a relatively small proportion of the population is black. Are there any white TT winners from London?

Pro-cyclists - There will be. But gear and opportunity are things with this too.  

Snooker/Darts - white working class pub culture tradition

Golf - it’s only recently that it’s opened up to working class. Golf is very much traditionally a middle class bank manager/accountant/hospital consultant pastime. 

I don’t think I am on the wrong track. Privilege isn’t all class and money either. It’s sometimes pushy/supportive parents - Tiger Woods, Lewis Hamilton and the Williams sisters being examples of where black competitors have excelled in white majority events due to their fathers. 

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39 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Most of those sports (save for maybe darts & snooker) require your family to be pretty well off when you're a kid.

I'd say most sports are the domain of families who are at least well off enough not to have to sweat the small stuff, and to be able to make sufficient time for sporting activities.

So much shite in one post

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1 hour ago, wrighty said:

No barriers based on colour, but F1, Polar Explorers, Equestrian Sports, Sailing, Rowing... Very few black competitors, let alone champions. And this is all about privilege and opportunity. Black competitors do well where you don’t need a load of expensive gear to take part - Boxing (always bet on the black guy - a quote from the Naked Gun film, but pretty fair), running, football, cricket... And this is all about social class, privilege and opportunity rather than colour or race.


It's strange, there have been a few black TT riders and motor cycle racers in general. There are black race team owners, including Michael Jordan, one of the wealthiest sportsmen in the world, but he hasn't employed a black rider?

I often wondered if it's something they don't generally tend to excel at, a bit like swimming etc? There are less expensive forms of motorsport and some very wealthy black people, not many white people from low income backgrounds can get involved so it's a bit unfair to say that it's solely white privilege. In countries where motor sport is popular there is a white majority which skews it further.      

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1 hour ago, HeliX said:

Hamilton is effectively a robot out there

Actual robots would be excellent. What a fantastic event that would be.

Properly autonomous. Not being remotely controlled from the pits like today's human drivers.

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2 minutes ago, pongo said:

Actual robots would be excellent. What a fantastic event that would be.

Properly autonomous. Not being remotely controlled from the pits like today's human drivers.

Slight tangent, but tell you what is cool...


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4 hours ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

How many black TT riders or Polar Explorers are there? I don't know of any barriers to entry based on colour.

Well the first person to get the North Pole (probably) was black.  Indeed of the party of six that first got to the North Pole, only one was white.  Guess which one gets his name in the history books?

But wrighty is basically correct.  A lot of it is because, for a lot of sports and occupations you have to be well-off and/or well-connected to get into the field.  So those will exclude all but a small minority of black people and even those may not feel welcome.  Of course a lot of white people will be similarly excluded, but not to the same extent.

There may be other factors.  Sometimes cultural factors may have some part, even where wealth is less of an issue - as with darts.  There may even be geographic reasons - motorcycling isn't a sport or even a pastime of city centres but of small towns and outer suburbs.  To some extent this is true of cycling as well, though I suspect it is starting to change as urban cycling becomes more popular.

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