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17 minutes ago, quilp said:

Ah, thanks for that. But after reading those links they only serve to compound the problem of biased and politically motivated reportage, from all sides. And now it appears that the shock and outrage, or support and excuse-making for what she published has diminished to nothing. So nothing to see here (except for her other historical statements in the twittersphere). Just "abolition whiteness" whether that be socially or figuratively and we'll all get along just fine. 

But how much more coverage should it have gotten? She's a nutter with fringe views. Perhaps the less attention the better!

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4 minutes ago, woolley said:

Why not to the same extent? If you are flat broke skint, it matters not what colour you are. You can't rock up to a sports club and tell them you want to exercise your white privilege for some free equipment. There's a lot of BLM propaganda being thrown around without any scrutiny.

I've not seen anyone claim that to be the case. And certainly class privilege is also a gigantic problem. I suppose the main difference being that a person can change their class (though obviously there are non-changeable factors that make that easier or harder for individuals...)

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5 minutes ago, wrighty said:

No, I refer to this in my later contribution, but just because most top sprinters are black, does not imply blacks in general can run better than whites.  I understand that most top sprinters originate from a similar region of Africa.  But the other point I made is that it is in sports that are minimally technical and need the least gear and organisation that black athletes do well, because those events don't rely so much on money/class/family to become good.

Most top sprinters are on drugs.

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2 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

You're assuming that black people always share the same aspirations, values and goals as the white and privileged. The fact is that many of them don't. We don't live in a mono-culture where everyone shares the same yardstick of success. Most black kids don't want to be the next Olympic swimming champion; the next Lewis Hamilton, or win an IOM TT. It's not primarily white privilege or class that's stopping them, so much as how they define status and success. Many black kids totally reject what they see as mainstream white culture and tradition.     

Absolutely right. It's a similar thing with women in the boardroom, or in Parliament and government where they have even gone so far as having all female selection lists for candidature in a vain attempt to equalise the figures. Then we don't get the best representative, we get any representative so long as she doesn't have a penis. (Although maybe she might have one if she is trans or gender fluid.)

I shake my head when the MSM reports, still only 25% female representation in this, that or the other field, and we must try harder etc. What if most women are simply not interested in doing these things? What if they have more meaningful things to do with their lives that are more important to them and more fulfilling for them? If there is one thing that the liberal establishment is extremely good at, it is being prescriptive about other people's lives. They always know better than you what is good for you.

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4 minutes ago, wrighty said:

No, I refer to this in my later contribution, but just because most top sprinters are black, does not imply blacks in general can run better than whites.  I understand that most top sprinters originate from a similar region of Africa.  But the other point I made is that it is in sports that are minimally technical and need the least gear and organisation that black athletes do well, because those events don't rely so much on money/class/family to become good.

I think the massive success of the Ethiopians would disagree with you.

Plus I seem to recall from waaaay back that Homo Sapiens can run further than any other animal. A physiological necessity for a successful hunter/ gatherer. And as we originated out of Africa, the Olduvai Gorge being in Tanzania, it's surely reasonable to expect that folks from there have an innate advantage.

Like the Sherpas being able to stand the thin air at altitude so much better than a European.

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2 minutes ago, Max Power said:

Contentious point, some may be?

I don't think there is anything contentious about it. They're all at it. Current world champion Christian Coleman is about to get banned, I could probably write a list of 20 'top' sprinters who are known drug cheats without even thinking about it.


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22 minutes ago, HeliX said:

I've not seen anyone claim that to be the case. And certainly class privilege is also a gigantic problem. I suppose the main difference being that a person can change their class (though obviously there are non-changeable factors that make that easier or harder for individuals...)

I think you are struggling with the basic problem of hanging all of this inequality on the race peg here. Anyone can change their position, but it isn't easy. That goes for blacks and whites quite obviously, because there are black people who have done very well for themselves indeed. I'm from the back streets of one of the most deprived areas of England, and I've done well in life and I'm happy with my lot. I'm not under any illusions though. You can be upwardly mobile, but you can't really change your "class" for want of a better word. Just like a black man from Brixton, I'm never going to walk with the aristocracy! The problem with the BLM "poor me" philosophy is that it encourages black people not to try because they are wasting their time as long as there is "white privilege". It's a convenient excuse not to try to make the best for yourself.

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1 minute ago, woolley said:

I think you are struggling with the basic problem of hanging all of this inequality on the race peg here. Anyone can change their position, but it isn't easy. That goes for blacks and whites quite obviously, because there are black people who have done very well for themselves indeed. I'm from the back streets of one of the most deprived areas of England, and I've done well in life and I'm happy with my lot. I'm not under any illusions though. You can be upwardly mobile, but you can't really change your "class" for want of a better word. Just like a black man from Brixton, I'm never going to walk with the aristocracy! The problem with the BLM "poor me" philosophy is that it encourages black people not to try because they are wasting their time as long as there is "white privilege". It's a convenient excuse not to try to make the best for yourself.

I wasn't suggesting that ethnicity is the only thing that makes changing class hard, I was suggesting you can change class but not ethnicity.

The argument of white privilege isn't that all white people are born into rich families, it's that white people in general will have less obstacles thrown in their way in general life & career.

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5 minutes ago, woolley said:

The problem with the BLM "poor me" philosophy is that it encourages black people not to try because they are wasting their time as long as there is "white privilege". It's a convenient excuse not to try to make the best for yourself.


And the same with a lot of minorities, they hang a label on themselves and become victims.

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2 minutes ago, woolley said:

I think you are struggling with the basic problem of hanging all of this inequality on the race peg here. Anyone can change their position, but it isn't easy. That goes for blacks and whites quite obviously, because there are black people who have done very well for themselves indeed. I'm from the back streets of one of the most deprived areas of England, and I've done well in life and I'm happy with my lot. I'm not under any illusions though. You can be upwardly mobile, but you can't really change your "class" for want of a better word. Just like a black man from Brixton, I'm never going to walk with the aristocracy! The problem with the BLM "poor me" philosophy is that it encourages black people not to try because they are wasting their time as long as there is "white privilege". It's a convenient excuse not to try to make the best for yourself.

I think you're trying to say that you can't change where you come from in the social strata as was.

But hey, if Alf Tupper can make it as a successful runner anyone can...

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