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Exclusive Rights for Post Office?


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9 hours ago, Banker said:

How would fulfilling a basic postal service including sub post offices keep it profitable? Have you read the report and previous submissions? The basic postal service of letters is in massive decline and together with sub post offices makes large losses! The management numbers have greatly declined in last 2/3 years

if your ok with your taxes subsidising these losses then leave everything as is.

Clearly a case for worker ownership - why won't anyone accept this?

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1 minute ago, Donald Trumps said:

Clearly a case for worker ownership - why won't anyone accept this?

There’s a case to be stated that it’s already in worker ownership. They weathered a strike and little material seems to have changed to their terms and conditions since despite a clear will from the top to drive change. If they’ve called in external consultants that’s positive I suppose. But institutionally it appears that the people who are holding most of the cards still are the employees not the board. 

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Julie E.

Brave of you to come back on here after the pasting you got last time!!!

Have you formed a business model for this proposal? Have you been in touch with Online Retail associations? Will they promte our model to their members with the benefits? outlined, small market but sales not to be lost?

Have UK PO agreed to take our 1kg packages to, where? Skelmerdale for us to pick up there?

Most importantly, have you worked out how many retailers would stop sending to the Island under the proposal?

Edited by Kopek
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They weathered a strike and little material seems to have changed to their terms and conditionssince despite a clear will from the top to drive change

if you don’t count major changes to pension scheme, 5 day week & all allowances removed then I suppose no changes!!

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Just now, Banker said:

How would you propose they fund the purchase, more taxpayers money?

If we were the equivalent of 1990s Russia we’d have emerging oligarchs. Immensely intelligent people within government who have built up relationships within the public sector and politics who realize the system is quickly fragmenting and who decide to take the opportunity to buy it all out at rock bottom prices before it folds as they see the future opportunity value. But sadly all we have here still is largely a bunch of thick greedy twats with their hands out who haven’t realized yet that the taxpayer cash point is now broken. 

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