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Exclusive Rights for Post Office?


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25 minutes ago, Boris Johnson said:


I may be lucky with our Hermes MIC guy or our Hermes delivery lady, they are both really nice people and go out of their way to get stuff delivered on time and to a safe place.


same for me, both drivers we get are spot on, the scooby doo van could do with a polish though.

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8 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

IOMPO have no clue about real life supply chain management operations and absolutely missed the boat with forging relationships with global operators in the early days. 

they didn't want the work  but in the beginning they had enough letters so weren't threatened, then THEY pushed people towards online renewals and of course email reduced letters volume and now they are overstaffed and underworked .

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8 minutes ago, WTF said:

they didn't want the work  but in the beginning they had enough letters so weren't threatened, then THEY pushed people towards online renewals and of course email reduced letters volume and now they are overstaffed and underworked .

Not quite...their Parcels volume has increased massively <50%, which they struggle with now, most of which happened over lockdowns but which now seems to be here to stay. 

But they have the usual PS inverted triangle staffing structure; with the salary levels as expected at the top. Didn't they have 3 people at the top at one point with only 2 ever coming into work, for example?

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41 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

What I find mildly amusing about this is the IoM PO complaining about the unfairness of competing against the "gig" economy whilst increasingly using "gig" ZHC and part-time workers themselves including replacing retiring full-timers with same.

So we effectively have one gig industry unable to compete with another gig industry. Clearly then, the first gig industry must have overheads that are burdening it to the point of being uncompetitive in its now chosen direction of market. So how can this be?

Maybe it's due to the volume of management positions and population of the office block next to the Sorting Office up Spring Valley?

Very true, IOMPO employ gig economy workers just like their competitors, mainly in the backroom operations. The problem they have are the unions rather than the poor buggers with no contract and being paid £8 odd per hour! I detest the gig economy but the PO shouldn't start criticising others for using it!

41 minutes ago, Boris Johnson said:

Manx Indy for bulky Hermes stuff or Hermes couriers deliver my Amazon stuff far better and quicker than the local  PO.

If I track a package from Amazon and it says "Royal Mail" I accept that it will be here in about 7 to 10 days - slow mail, really slow and lots go missing, far more don't turn up with the Royal Mail than don't turn up with Hermes.

I have actually had a IOM PO postman moaning to my face that they are "sick of delivering so many boxes from Amazon" !!!!!!!! WTAF

On Amazon, If it says Hermes, it will be here a day after it is shown as out for delivery in "Bolton" for some strange reason which is usually 2 days from order placement.

I may be lucky with our Hermes MIC guy or our Hermes delivery lady, they are both really nice people and go out of their way to get stuff delivered on time and to a safe place.


To be fair, it's not IOMPO who are the problem here, it's the 'Royal Mail' who basically let them down, it seems to have fits and starts, sometimes worse than others.

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56 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

What I find mildly amusing about this is the IoM PO complaining about the unfairness of competing against the "gig" economy whilst increasingly using "gig" ZHC and part-time workers themselves including replacing retiring full-timers with same.

So we effectively have one gig industry unable to compete with another gig industry. Clearly then, the first gig industry must have overheads that are burdening it to the point of being uncompetitive in its now chosen direction of market. So how can this be?

Maybe it's due to the volume of management positions and population of the office block next to the Sorting Office up Spring Valley?

The fact is that IOM post office pay all staff the living wage plus sick pay & pension, MIC & Hermes don’t. 

MIC & others also do not have sub post offices to support so can obviously do basic deliveries cheaper, try contacting Hermes when a parcel goes missing.

I guess it comes down to do residents want jobs with proper terms & conditions on Island or do they want the cheapest.

If it were job being given to someone doing it with no inadequate conditions would you be happy or would you accept a pay cut, give up pension to keep the job?

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11 minutes ago, Max Power said:

sometimes worse than others.

but othertimes better than others???

With the hold ups and inconsistencies, is it possible to say thast one service is 'better' than another??

<<i try to avoid Amazon, Jeff has enough money without me contributing to it but >I have always thought the alternative deliveries were just fine!

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15 minutes ago, Banker said:

The fact is that IOM post office pay all staff the living wage plus sick pay & pension, MIC & Hermes don’t. 

MIC & others also do not have sub post offices to support so can obviously do basic deliveries cheaper, try contacting Hermes when a parcel goes missing.

I guess it comes down to do residents want jobs with proper terms & conditions on Island or do they want the cheapest.

If it were job being given to someone doing it with no inadequate conditions would you be happy or would you accept a pay cut, give up pension to keep the job?

They most certainly do not! They are just as guilty of utilising the scummy zero hours and gig economy as anyone. 

I'm a supporter of the IOMPO but not of their restrictive practices and union bollocks, or their top heavy government management structure. It could have a great future if they could sort some of these hereditary issues out! 

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13 minutes ago, Banker said:

The fact is that IOM post office pay all staff the living wage plus sick pay & pension

Miles adrift I'm afraid, and it's not been like that for a good few years now. They've got a small army of ZHC now doing everything from sorting, to deliveries themselves with no sick pay, pension rights or anything else other than the £8-odd per hour. Retiring full timers are being replaced by them as they leave.

It's a race to the bottom as far as local pay and conditions go and along with the cuts in services to the GMP, what's it all for? To keep those at the top in clover.

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9 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

That’s simply not true. They pay support staff £8.50 an hour on flexible contracts which is not the living wage. The lower rates of pay will likely be no different between Manx Indy and IOM PO. The PO is also pensioning off workers on full salary and pension contracts and replacing them with staff on flexible hourly based contracts very similar to Hermès.

Sorry but that’s bollocks , there have been a number of full time jobs advertised recently all offering higher pay then you quoted plus pension.

My son worked there at Xmas on a casual contact earning c£9ph

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1 hour ago, Banker said:

Sorry but that’s bollocks , there have been a number of full time jobs advertised recently all offering higher pay then you quoted plus pension.

My son worked there at Xmas on a casual contact earning c£9ph

They are advertising for casual employees now, offering £8.72 per hour.

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5 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

They are advertising for casual employees now, offering £8.72 per hour.

On their website there’s a casual job at £9.45 ph , it’s bank work so it normally appeals to those who are between jobs or have another job looking for extra money. Perhaps you can advise where the £8.72 job is advertised ?

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