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Exclusive Rights for Post Office?


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I know someone who was interested in taking it on, at first, but was put off by the negative talk from some of the politicos

who it seemed had determined PSM were going to lose it come hell or high water. 

Maybe a new one could go into a rebuilt Bay Queen ?

( I wonder how the resident's car parking on the Promenade will cope with all the wagons and trucks etc which that project will generate? )



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I know that the PO have a fair few people advising on the implementation of cuts and savings as part of a transition from a "letters with parcels" business to a "parcels with letters" business in order to try and bring profitability. Any money on the likes of Kirk Michael PO being next too?

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Juan has posted this on his Facebook page about PSM PO:

If you feel strongly, please write to julie.edge@gov.im or simon.kneen@iompost.com, perhaps also the candidates for Chief Minister?

I basically read that as passing the parcel!

Edited by Will Halsall
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Julie has a sore throat so the listeners had the pleasure of Thomas waffling on about the Post Office on Mannin Line today.   That man cannot string two words together and I doubt anyone was any wiser at the end of his mumblings.   Apparently one of the gripes was the short length of the advertising strategy, two weeks, but there does seem a lot of concern amongst people living there mostly pensioners I think.   I have no idea what is happening going forward but I suspect it will be closed.

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42 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Julie has a sore throat so the listeners had the pleasure of Thomas waffling on about the Post Office on Mannin Line today.   That man cannot string two words together and I doubt anyone was any wiser at the end of his mumblings.   Apparently one of the gripes was the short length of the advertising strategy, two weeks, but there does seem a lot of concern amongst people living there mostly pensioners I think.   I have no idea what is happening going forward but I suspect it will be closed.

What are you unclear about? You are hardly unbiased commentator. There is nothing in your comment to enlighten anyone where you are unclear. You do state you understood that Ms Edge had a sore throat, and so therefore you seem to realise I phoned in given the suggestion made on Mannin Line that the Post Office had not responded.

Edited by Chris Thomas
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13 minutes ago, Chris Thomas said:

What are you unclear about? You are hardly unbiased commentator. Nothing in your comment above except that you understood clearly that Ms Edge had a sore throat and that I phoned in given what was said on Mannin Line about post office comment.

Didn't listen to MR today so where do you stand on these closures CT. Do you regard any part of their services provision need to be a protected public service or not ?

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11 minutes ago, Chris Thomas said:

What are you unclear about? You are hardly unbiased commentator. Nothing in your comment above except that you understood clearly that Ms Edge had a sore throat and that I phoned in given what was said on Mannin Line about post office comment.

Ooooomph, I thought you were a touch more pachydermic Christopher. I am actually unclear about what you are trying to say above?

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24 minutes ago, Apple said:

Didn't listen to MR today so where do you stand on these closures CT. Do you regard any part of their services provision need to be a protected public service or not ?

What services provision? Access to cash is important. DfE should report to Tynwald in October on that but does not seem to be doing so. Community hubs are important, and Southlands seems to be Welcome Centre pilot site in south. Social security and pensions payment matters, and Treasury are evolving arrangements. Vehicle licensing is the responsibility of DoI and it has promised many times to report on what it plans but as yet plans remain opaque. Postal services are evolving. New access points and methods are being introduced all the time. The independent retail network includes sub-post offices. The Port St Mary changed situation has been known about for more than a year. The local MHKs and Commissioners have tried to make alternative arrangements. The Post Office has always welcomed clarity and certainty from Tynwald and Government about plans and acknowledged all the good will from the local partners which have kept that sub-post office open.

Edited by Chris Thomas
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21 minutes ago, Will Halsall said:

Ooooomph, I thought you were a touch more pachydermic Christopher. I am actually unclear about what you are trying to say above?

Thanks for compliment. I am thick-skinned. Added in a few more words of explanation for people who did not listen to Mannin Line today about Port St Mary Post Office retirement and possible closure. My basic point was that Hissingsid did listen apparently but didn't mention anything about what was said in the programme.

Edited by Chris Thomas
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10 minutes ago, Chris Thomas said:

The local MHKs and Commissioners have tried to make alternative arrangements.

Thanks CT for the reply. It appears then the MHKs and Commissioners have failed and the public are yet again left in the dark about the future. 

15 minutes ago, Chris Thomas said:

The Port St Mary changed situation has been known about for more than a year.

Not done much good in that time have they. The planning and announcement of any alternative provisions to meet local needs ( Yes access to cash is important for locals ) seems to be way behind the decision making, yet again. 

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16 minutes ago, Chris Thomas said:

Thanks for compliment. I am thick-skinned. Added in a few more words of explanation for people who did not listen to Mannin Line today about Port St Mary Post Office retirement and possible closure. My basic point was that Hissingsid did listen apparently but didn't mention anything about what was said in the programme.

It wasn’t a compliment.


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2 hours ago, Will Halsall said:

perhaps also the candidates for Chief Minister?

This is the problem. We get caught navel-gazing while the world burns around us. 

Bollocks to the Post Office. We manage with banks in the 4 major towns. Why do we need 22 Post Offices? (well 21 once PSM closes down). 


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I thought the picture of Mr Squeaker and Michelle Haywood with the glum faces was extremely false. One thing though, both are the areas MHKs, why didn’t they work with the Commissioners to perhaps relocate the PO somewhere else? Maybe the Commissioners Office perhaps? Doesn’t PSM own that infamous Manxonia Building? Instead of the false and faux outrage, perhaps they should show others, have gumption and set up community facilities. Watterson the ‘accountant’ should be first leading from the front. Lazy, pompous and arrogant if you ask me, not a person who inspires much confidence in. Perhaps he could have negotiated the mobile postman Pat van to park a couple of hours to provide pension and postal services, and tax disc provision?

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