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Exclusive Rights for Post Office?


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1 hour ago, Mr Newbie said:

IOM Post and online retailers refusing to pay the rates IOM Post expect to get resulting in less online shopping options in the IOM. 

I've always found Royal Mail and IOM Post to be cheaper that the delivery services? Apart, of course, from ''Free Delivery''.

OK, we've lost the battle of the High St against online ordering, nothing can change that but 'We' can try to make the best of the situation?

An exclusive < 1 kg. requirement would not be out of place for an interim measure. Allows the PO to develop a future stratergy for the future, stops us wasting money on a service that is failing. At some point, there will be clarity, it isn't now, put the system in place and keep an eye on how it is going? Whats the problem?

Under the proposed system it would be encumbent on IOM Post to let Amazon and E Bay 'sellers' know what is available to them regards IOM deliveries

Too many Amazon '' Doesn't post to the IOM' sellers out there?

Without the Common Purse agreement, I would propose an 'Import Tax'!!!

Edited by Kopek
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15 minutes ago, Kopek said:

An exclusive < 1 kg. requirement would not be out of place for an interim measure. Allows the PO to develop a future stratergy for the future, stops us wasting money on a service that is failing. At some point, there will be clarity, it isn't now, put the system in place and keep an eye on how it is going? 

Just picture a great big map on the wall in Jeff Bezo’s office. It shows where they’re delivering to globally. But then someone points out ‘But the Isle of Man has this protective post system that means that we can’t deal with our usual contracted providers there for anything under a certain weight. We have to renegotiate with IOM Post directly’. How do you think that conversation will end?

Alternatively if I was Hermes or Manx Indy why not leave them free to sign contracts with whoever to deliver to the IOM then just let them take a 20% handling fee to pass on all your collections to IOM Post to deliver. Money for nothing. Just became an intermediary for IOM Post deliveries without any of the operating costs of actually delivering anything if they want the delivery franchise? 

Edited by Mr Newbie
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4 minutes ago, Kopek said:

Allows the PO to develop a future stratergy for the future

They already have a 5 year strategy:


Quote: "IOMPO wants to remain self-funding and does not want to be subsidised by the taxpayer, taking resources from other vital services."

Giving them a monopoly for another class of delivery (in addition to letters) is an indirect subsidy that will be paid by local residents.

As their strategy states "The cost of IOMPO's pension scheme is also increasing and is not sustainable in its current form and therefore needs to be addressed."

They need to fix this if they are to be the sustainable operation they aspire to be.


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14 minutes ago, Kopek said:

Can't do twitter! What did he say???

Just follow the link, but here it is...

I’ve just seen this report from the economic policy review committee - they only took evidence from the Post Office, so it’s unsurprising their recommendations are particularly one sided! Hoping Tynwald take the sensible route on this one - more monopolies surely isn’t healthy

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8 minutes ago, w_n_f said:

Just follow the link, but here it is...

I’ve just seen this report from the economic policy review committee - they only took evidence from the Post Office, so it’s unsurprising their recommendations are particularly one sided! Hoping Tynwald take the sensible route on this one - more monopolies surely isn’t healthy

If you actually read the report that’s bollocks, there’s evidence from sub postmasters and others, the committee was appointed by Tynwald to report back.

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31 minutes ago, w_n_f said:

Just follow the link, but here it is...

I’ve just seen this report from the economic policy review committee - they only took evidence from the Post Office, so it’s unsurprising their recommendations are particularly one sided! Hoping Tynwald take the sensible route on this one - more monopolies surely isn’t healthy

You've obliviously not read many 'Scrutiny  Committee' repots then?

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1 hour ago, Kopek said:

Under the proposed system it would be encumbent on IOM Post to let Amazon and E Bay 'sellers' know what is available to them regards IOM deliveries

Too many Amazon '' Doesn't post to the IOM' sellers out there?

I'm sorry to say this but I believe you are completely out of touch. Especially with your male over-focus on Amazon and eBay.

The actual issue is all of the online retailers and most especially, but not exclusively, all of the clothing suppliers which most people under about 70 are using today. That's where most people now buy their clothes.

And the practical economics and logistics of distribution means one size fits all delivery solutions. Not some special exception for people who happen to live on an island which most people in Britain could not point to on a map.

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The only way this could possibly work is if IoM Post become the Hermes agent for the island. I can't see it happening somehow, c.50p a package up to 1kg, then what about the rest of the larger deliveries, is some poor Hermes guy going to have to deliver the large and fewer parcels for buttons?

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