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Manx Care


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22 hours ago, Boris Johnson said:

What I see is people who have got into quite high positions of power due to no other reason than they have been there since they left school with 2or 3  O levels.

Anyone with a mind of their own and wanting to improve things is ignored and or shut out and after a while don't bother or quit.

Spot on.  I note the papers carrying the front page comparing Abbotswood and IOSPC.  It will be the same heads chasing Abbotswood that devised the border controls for IOMSPC. Reminds me of Salisbury saga where DHSC wanted to take over the building.  
 needs an independent investigator. 


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4 minutes ago, buncha wankas said:

Spot on.  I note the papers carrying the front page comparing Abbotswood and IOSPC.  It will be the same heads chasing Abbotswood that devised the border controls for IOMSPC. Reminds me of Salisbury saga where DHSC wanted to take over the building.  
 needs an independent investigator. 


Needs, but won’t get!

Its Isle of Man where you can ............. fix, fiddle, obstruct and make up the rules as you go along. Not to mention that if you don’t like the rules, you can use your powers to legislate. Don’t worry our current crop of politicos will legislate on the nod without scrutiny or debate, unless the pitchforkers on Facebook are demanding.

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51 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

Presumably come 1st April all currently employed DHSC staff will be transferred to Manx Care? Will that be on the same terms of employment or will their contracts differ? And what about new employees? Will they have different contracts of employment?

God knows

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57 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

Presumably come 1st April all currently employed DHSC staff will be transferred to Manx Care? Will that be on the same terms of employment or will their contracts differ? And what about new employees? Will they have different contracts of employment?


6 minutes ago, Dr. Grumpy said:

God knows

Wrighty is fine. 

My understanding is that clinical staff at least will notice no difference in the changeover except perhaps it’ll say Manx Care instead of DHSC on the payslips. There’s certainly not been any contract changes or having to apply for one’s own jobs etc as far as I’m aware. 

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13 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

Presumably come 1st April all currently employed DHSC staff will be transferred to Manx Care? Will that be on the same terms of employment or will their contracts differ? And what about new employees? Will they have different contracts of employment?

Ashford said there would be no difference at the beginning in terms and conditions. What Manx Care do later for 'operational reasons', including pay rises for staff (are they getting one this year) will probably be out of the DHSC's remit.

Have been reading the proposed "Duty of Candour" briefing notes. Starts when a health care professional decides harm or death has occurred, not by patient or family. Not related to complaints. Missed opportunity for patients to benefit from transparency.

Due to be before Tynwald for final nod next week. We will hear from Ashford, yet again, that the original vote for it was "unanimous", despite at that time not being totally aware of what it contained.  

First step in the privatisation of the IOM Health Service in my opinion, and that is what this administration and HQ will be remembered for. 

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There have been no comprehensive benefits outlined for  implementing this system.  It will remove any last vestige of accountability from the Government (that is what arms length really means). 

Manx Care will get a budget (with a penalty clause built in I gather)) and expect a full delivery of services overseen by CQC (a dubious organisation)  for a fee. 

What about the costs of implementation ( c£20 million) and what exactly are the benefits to such a small island. All of these and more questions have not been asked, not answered when asked, and totally ignored by all our politicians in their "unanimous" support for this Bill.

That in itself does them all no credit.

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7 minutes ago, Apple said:

Manx Care will get a budget (with a penalty clause built in I gather)) and expect a full delivery of services overseen by CQC, for a fee...

Will they actually be accountable? Surely to guidelines only? No compunction to follow to letter? 

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The finer details of what and how the CQC will operate and report to the DHSC have not to my knowledge been fully made public.  (it is not something the Minister has gone publicly into in great depth apparently).

Most of the final drafts will presumably only be made public when published for Tynwald tomorrow, unless it is now already on the government website (draft only went out to members a couple of weeks ago I was told). So, the public will only have a few days to read and digest the final products of what their health and social services will look like for years to come (until we either revert back as in the UK or com mission another "provider" to deliver our services.

The reconstruction of our health and social services could have been performed more effectively and efficiently given the levels of experience and expertise we have here on the island. It seems that the CM's dogma of Manx solutions for Manx problems only applies to pandemics.

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Just a quick update.

Tynwald tomorrow will probably nod through the Manx Care Bill, Duty of Candour and the new IRB Regulations (some can accessed from last weeks order Paper 3.

The Duty of Candour does not though apply to complaints about treatment or care. There are separate Regulations (No, I don't know why either.)

I am assuming that procedures for both will be available on a separate Manx Care website from this week given the length of time and extra finances that they have had to compile the new procedures. 

Hopefully there will be no confusion in who, and how to complain and the new systems will work better for patients, the public and for the DHSC itself.

Here's hoping all of this is going to create better systems for the planning and delivery of health and social services in the future. Given the huge investment it really should. 🙂

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