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50 minutes ago, Boo Gay'n said:

Given the long history of problems that Ms Inglis had created and the hospital investigations undertaken at considerable public expense even before this long hearing at the Tribunal, it was evident that the Claimant was blind to her imperfections and seemingly too often in denial concerning problems that she had created, some of them deliberately. Too often, her evidence was unreliable and, in some instances, unfortunately, it was false and unbelievable.


It was rhetorical. Not sure there are any parallels in Tindell 

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2 hours ago, Boo Gay'n said:

The staff bulletin isn't public, Juan, and there has been no press release

That's right. I wonder why ?

It was sent out by email and people asked to pass it on to staff who did not have email.

Announcements are usually reserved for Fridays but someone has decided not to wait until then.

Funny as well as she was not invited to any press conferences about Covid iirc. Again, why not?

PS - I wish I was on Juan's money. 😀 Wig wouldn't suit.

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8 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

One of the more bizarre facts about the cut-and-paste job that was done on the Wigan document was that they actually changed the name to Mohammed.

Ah yes, but from Ibn Salman Raquamani Saud al Braddani.

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7 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Indeed it was during Couch and Morris's appearance before the Public Accounts Committee that all this came out[1] and Morris was the nominal 'author' of the plagiarised document.  But it was symptomatic of a 'photocopy culture' in the Manx Civil Service where they expect to be paid not much less than their English counterparts for mindlessly just copying what they do and write.

It's probably wise not to take everything that Stinky says entirely seriously, though you might argue that under the new Manx Care regime, being in Wigan is actually the only chance will get of having your concerns dealt with.

Murray was always expected to go when the new system came in, as John says I think she was past retirement anyway and only hung on to run things in the post-Couch mess.  The surprise is the suddenness of it and the fact it seems to be immediate.  You'd have thought they could have waited till April and done everything politely.


[1]  We talk about the ineffectiveness of Tynwald in dealing with the Civil Service, but the PAC has been responsible for getting rid of the CEOs of DHSC and DESC in the last couple of years.  Of course that may just mean that CEOs (a fairly recent position anyway) have become disposable figureheads while the actual running of the Departments is done by others.


Pussy footing around her, the woman Murray is a tyrant and has spend years  cultivating her nasty culture, just ask the nurses at hospital and Murray’s mental health debacle when she managed that.   Shame that it took so long to get her out.  I hear she left kicking and screaming. 

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12 hours ago, buncha wankas said:

Pussy footing around her, the woman Murray is a tyrant and has spend years  cultivating her nasty culture, just ask the nurses at hospital and Murray’s mental health debacle when she managed that.   Shame that it took so long to get her out.  I hear she left kicking and screaming. 

I'm afraid I have seen, experienced and heard very similar versions of this. Why was it not corrected when it all became known. Some people did speak out and were not listened to.

I know some MHK's felt theycould not interfere if they wanted to work in Nobles post MHK but I personally found that unacceptable with what was happening at the time. The culture and leadership was for me nasty, certainly vindictive and protected to a higher level. 

The HR Department and above were certainly aware of things going awry.  The obsequiosness and deference shown to some of these people was incongruous.  

Finally, in my opinion, this step will benefit the DHSC and hopefully change the atmosphere that has grown over recent years. There are some that feel aggrieved at how they were treated, some were heartbroken, and tell me they have had careers badly affected. The loss of skills and experience, not to say history, has been sorely missed.

It is a privilege to work on the front lines in Nobles and elsewhere in parts of the DHSC. Ego, power broking, self promotion and empire building should have no place in health and social care. The problem though is who recognises that and who will deal with it.

Is the sleeping dog waking up or is this just another sacrifice to protect the hierarchy. ? 

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So...will we be bringing J. Michael back to overturn matters again? It seems we’re one English rehash behind the curve.





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On 2/9/2021 at 10:57 PM, buncha wankas said:

Pussy footing around her, the woman Murray is a tyrant and has spend years  cultivating her nasty culture, just ask the nurses at hospital and Murray’s mental health debacle when she managed that.   Shame that it took so long to get her out.  I hear she left kicking and screaming. 

Something is defiantly afoot at DHSC. The number of Tynwald questions, both oral and written, by several MHKs (10 alone from the Speaker) seems that someone is trying together to the bottom of something here.


Anyone know what the Niche report is all about , or what are the problems about safeguarding / social care ?

Also next Tuesday the long awaited report on whistleblowing, accepted in general by COMIN but to vote a couple of  amendments. 

BTB I see Chris Thomas isn't going to let things go. 


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On 2/13/2021 at 8:47 PM, Apple said:

Something is defiantly afoot at DHSC. The number of Tynwald questions, both oral and written, by several MHKs (10 alone from the Speaker) seems that someone is trying together to the bottom of something here.


Anyone know what the Niche report is all about , or what are the problems about safeguarding / social care ?

Also next Tuesday the long awaited report on whistleblowing, accepted in general by COMIN but to vote a couple of  amendments. 

BTB I see Chris Thomas isn't going to let things go. 


They are waking up now to validate themselves by asking questions on the way to elections. Pathetic attempt to show their worth. 

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Mr Quine MHK  questions and comments about the terms and conditions of ALMOs (arms length management organisation) like Steam Packet company and at the airport this morning show how much the idea is a bad one.

Mr Cannan reminded everyone they all voted for it (as does David Ashford does every time Manx Care in mentioned) in an effort to disp[erse the problems that these arrangement can give rise to - tax, national insurance and residency)

Mr Quine I think got a little heated and made comments about problems at the airport that he was asked to consider withdrawing, several times, by Mr Cannan and the President. (not reported in press yet?)

Mr Cannan said the benefit of ALMOs was to stop these sorts of questions being asked across the floor of the Court.

Embarrassing really when they do not realise what they are voting for, as Mr Cannan clearly displayed this morning and that some poor Health Minister will have to defend as a bad ideas in 5 years time.

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The  potential loss of another GP practice does not bode well on the eve of a major transition of the health service.

The transformation team is about to start a consultation process with the public about how people want their primary care services organised etc and this, along with any other practices considering their options would be a massive setback.

There is no turning back now. DA says the time is right.

Is he just unlucky ?



Edited by Apple
Covered by another thread, which I missed.
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