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On 7/22/2021 at 1:11 PM, Apple said:

Well, we pay for it so they must know what they are doing....

or as DA said repeatedly, it was a unanimous decision to vote to bring in Manx Care so the NHKs must have known we were going to be doubling up surely. They wouldn't have sanctioned anything they did not know about surely.

Well like today's vote on the borders, they were probably forced into it.  But in any case they were probably told that there would be no extra staff.  I was actually at a public meeting last year when this very point was raised with Ashford and he swore that there would be no extra people needed and the current staff would be split between DHSC and Manx Care with no more needed.

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On 7/22/2021 at 10:07 AM, John Wright said:

I just hope this is a taste of things to come

There are some, especially community mental health, referral lags that are appalling. Community Psychologists take 18 months from referral to being seen. Obviously need  half a dozen more psychologists.

Announced yesterday Manx Care are recruiting another 10 therapists/psychologists in 2021, with more in 2022, and training another 8 locally.

Sounds as if one is to be embedded within each GP practice.

Long overdue. Kudos to Ross Bailey and Teresa Cope for moving this forward 

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9 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Well like today's vote on the borders, they were probably forced into it.  But in any case they were probably told that there would be no extra staff.  I was actually at a public meeting last year when this very point was raised with Ashford and he swore that there would be no extra people needed and the current staff would be split between DHSC and Manx Care with no more needed.

Yet it was always admitted publicly that the additional administrative cost of the separation into a service commissioner and an arms length service provider would be £2,000,000 a year for at least the first 5 years.

Once you have such a system you have to have extra people commissioning and submitting the bids. Extra staff at CEO/Board level, and at commissioning were inevitable.

The agenda and board papers for the July Manx Care board meeting are revealing as to the difficulties caused by poor information systems and data collection and collation, but, where data is available, the low hanging fruit savings to be made by comparatively small changes. 

I hope it’s a sign of things to come. The Breast Cancer catch up initiative is great, but staff must be put in place so the job can all be done here. The mental health therapy staffing initiative is also good. Both make you wonder why the old DHSC delivery teams had allowed staffing to become so inadequate.

We now need to replace the locum consultants, specialists and nurses with full time substantive appointments. There’s a huge saving to be had there.

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3 hours ago, John Wright said:

Long overdue.

Too true. There were warning signs bu they were ignored by those who should have been doing something about it. There is still some  'repair' work to be undertaken as announced now that some of the "obstacles" have been removed and hopefully the next administration will continue to support the developments that have been and are sorely needed. We have a some way to go before mental and general health receive the same consideration outlined in Government policies. £20 million is a vast amount if we are to catch up.


2 hours ago, John Wright said:

The Breast Cancer catch up initiative is great, but staff must be put in place so the job can all be done here. The mental health therapy staffing initiative is also good. Both make you wonder why the old DHSC delivery teams had allowed staffing to become so inadequate.

It was indicated in Tynwald and from various sources regarding the process on 'managing people out of the service' and the detrimental effect it has had. But never mind, some people lost their jobs, some their confidence, some their health and some felt very unfairly treated. As for the patients these people were meant to be treating and caring for, one has to realise the importance of how the staff feel and perform their roles on outcomes. It is well documented. 

The environment had been toxic. It should not have been. Failures of bodies and politicians in my view are now being recognised. We have had 5 / 6  years in my view that portrayed the island as a negative place to be and not even Manx Care can change attitudes quickly. It will take time and vigilance.

On the other hand some though have been allowed to 'walk away' with financial packages intact. Jobs well done.  

Edited by Apple
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On 2/10/2021 at 2:07 AM, John Wright said:

What was the outcome for Ms Inglis. Not sure of the parallels.

After she was dismissed from DSHC she moved to Australia where she is currently the manager of a pathology lab in a public hospital. She is still up to her old tricks now with a new batch of scientists to terrorise. There is no justice in this world.

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21 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Well like today's vote on the borders, they were probably forced into it.  But in any case they were probably told that there would be no extra staff.  I was actually at a public meeting last year when this very point was raised with Ashford and he swore that there would be no extra people needed and the current staff would be split between DHSC and Manx Care with no more needed.

Load of shite, dozens of new rolls 




Edited by buncha wankas
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48 minutes ago, Disgruntled_scientist said:

After she was dismissed from DSHC she moved to Australia where she is currently the manager of a pathology lab in a public hospital. 

No mention of the IOM on her LinkedIn profile, funnily enough. You'd like to think the management there at least Googled her, but then I thought the same about Charters and he keeps on getting jobs.

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12 hours ago, John Wright said:

Yet it was always admitted publicly that the additional administrative cost of the separation into a service commissioner and an arms length service provider would be £2,000,000 a year for at least the first 5 years.

Once you have such a system you have to have extra people commissioning and submitting the bids. Extra staff at CEO/Board level, and at commissioning were inevitable.

Well lots of us know this and have been saying so for many years.  Government outsourcing of essential services, whether though privatisation, corporatisation or arm-length organisations, always carries a regulatory overhead which is mostly fixed cost, no matter how large or small the country.  So if your country is a tiddler you'd better make sure there's a lot of savings from doing it or it's going to cost a lot more than you save.  But somehow this had failed to get through to Ashford's mind as had all the information you refer to.

Or maybe he was lying. 

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9 hours ago, Sheldon said:

No mention of the IOM on her LinkedIn profile, funnily enough. You'd like to think the management there at least Googled her, but then I thought the same about Charters and he keeps on getting jobs.

The Tribunal findings were sent to HR of that company and all of her superiors plus most of the staff. She is a joke and still using her power to make others lives miserable.

How do these people get away with it?

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4 hours ago, Disgruntled_scientist said:

The Tribunal findings were sent to HR of that company and all of her superiors plus most of the staff. She is a joke and still using her power to make others lives miserable.

How do these people get away with it?

Ask any member of IOM gov.

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I see the answers in Tynwald to the Dr Tinwell question is available in Hansard. According to Ashford there is no real discernible outcome and we do not know what was behind the testament described quite eloquently in the Tribunal. 

Except the amount of money of course were are now having to pay out. Probably then another non disclosure agreement. 

Has anyone seen the. Manx Care Board public meeting stream yet? First impressions? 

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1 hour ago, Apple said:

I see the answers in Tynwald to the Dr Tinwell question is available in Hansard. According to Ashford there is no real discernible outcome and we do not know what was behind the testament described quite eloquently in the Tribunal. 

Except the amount of money of course were are now having to pay out. Probably then another non disclosure agreement. 

Has anyone seen the. Manx Care Board public meeting stream yet? First impressions? 

On the Tinwell question, I just had a skeet at Hansard, page 67.  You see the classical problem when politicians have small brains with slow processors - they flounder as soon as they are off script.  Look at this classic when the Boy Vampire is asked about 'a culture of bullying and managing out'.

In relation to the point in relation to culture, speaking personally, if I may, I do think there have been issues with culture. I think there have been some severe issues with culture. I have got to be honest that some of the things that I have read in relation to this I most certainly am not happy with, (A Member: Hear, hear.) and I do not believe it was appropriate behaviours whatsoever and it should not be appropriate or condoned in any organisation. (A Member: Hear, hear.) In relation to disciplinary matters, of course that is a staffing matter. A lot of the individuals that were referred to have now departed the Department, in one way or another, but I think that now what we need to do is ensure that we address any cultural issues. There have been cultural pieces ongoing certainly for the whole time that I have been Minister, which is now getting on for nearly four years, to try and address some of the issues. But most definitely I do not shy away from the fact that there are culture and behavioural issues that were long rooted in the Department that were completely unacceptable.

Does anyone know what that blather means?

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@Boo Gay'n

I take your point so please let me translate:

Would it not be something akin to :

These type of problems were first identified under the Chief Minister's term as Health Minister but he did nothing except to sod off to New Zealand with Mr Charmers. Boy, was that fun for both of them (best driver ?). They came back with a Map which we all were told to follow. Charters nearly lasted a full year but was got rid of let go before he became permanent. We got rid of the Social Services Director (she was doing too well and showing up the rest).

Then Quayle got CM and Beecroft came in, now we suspected she was set up to fail anyway.  Then several Senior Manager appointments were made but again generally there was still something missing. Some senior people fell out, people could not work in the same building, people went crying to the CM, Beecroft was retired on health grounds I hear  and I (David Ashford Project manager) came on board. Tah - Dah.

I took one look around and thought "Sod this for a game of soldiers" and went to Howard and Alf to ask for help. They set me up with Sir Johnny Micheals and eventually he did a fantastic report, but it was far too long really. They paid for it though. (nearly a million by the end of it I reckon). 

During that time though things still did not improve. So we set about changing the staff by using bullying and harassment style of management (the latest fad) on those we wanted out. We lost some good un's as well and we didn't care or realise the impact on other staff and certainly not the patients but we didn't count that as important. We rubbished people's reputations, shouted at one or two, ignored some others, kicked some out of office behind their backs, generally told them In or Out - make your mind up and get on board , or not. What fun it was in those days. 

Mental health services was an absolute riot, we never had so much fun. Then that Dr Dickenson had to do his first report. Couldn't have just stayed quiet, could he. Oh no, he had to alert everyone and his dog to what was becoming a bit of a dog's dinner. And after all the new build and those glossy wellbeing pamphlets we did. We closed beds, moved things around just to disorientate people, made staff work in areas they didn't want to and we took on agency and bank staff like no tomorrow.

We had read about the Tinwell situation but didn't do anything - these things just have to be left to run their course you know. I mean, now we knew it was all going per shaped but we thought she would just leave I think. Anyway, the comments about what some staff called the clients in the CAMHS team and their parents just was not true. It couldn't be really, could it?

Social services were just left to get on with it themselves. Social workers were drafted in as agency staff but the systems, practices and standards in the UK were different. Caused one or two problem I hear. They did their best though.

So we removed some people, played management Bingo with others, created some new structures and leadership groups, and moved some Managers out, showed others the door and meanwhile Treasury came up with the money for Jonathan Micheals white elephant of a UK style NHS that was slowly strangling the UK NHS to death. Manx solutions for Manx problems wasn't really the mantra then. But we had to go down that route, we had nowhere else left to go. 

So my answers are now that I have created and arranged for our statutory services, volunteer and charity groups and new off island "friend'  all working together means I  can have a cheaper more cost effective health and social care service, with written guidelines so managers can insist medical staff operate only as we tell them to and prescribe only what we wanyt patients to have etc etc. That what all these new Directors and Managers are for to tell our Consultants and GP's (not yet but eventually when they are all salaried)how to run a health and social services properly. 

As an example I have made arrangements for Spire to do out Breast cared ladies (that was the company that use our fried Mr Patterson who is now in prison) but let's not dwell on that. Its for our won good.

Now, I can claim to have sorted out our sadly failing health and social care services, new people , new money, and. no political accounytability involvement. I really don't know what the next health and  social care Minister is going to do to full their days. Nothing left for them to do. Manx Care has around 15 new Directors and they are all working jolly hard and "pieces of work" and working on capacity issues and Covid and working jolly hard when they come over to the island. Some have been over twice in 4 months so they may need a rest soon. 

As I keep saying - Manx Solutions for Manx problem (er...bring in the English).?


Caveat - Of course, none of this is remotely true and some details have been left out to protect the innocent. It is purely for fun.

Seriously though, there is one on the Manx Care Board member who stands out head and shoulders above the rest. I hope that person stays. 


Edited by Apple
typos and remove scurrilous gossip
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