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1 hour ago, offshoremanxman said:

Just seen this on Manx Radio too on health care services. While abuse certainly shouldn’t be tolerated I know from my own experience that being much less of a total bitch with people when they ring up is usually a good way to ensure that customers don’t get unreasonable too.


I appreciate that they are snowed under with work and demands, they are stressed too. I personally send Palatine an email for issues and prescriptions, which are sent to a local pharmacy. Getting appointments are a nightmare. Overall the nursing staff, doctors and reception are very good, efficient and professional under trying conditions, not of their making. The politicos and the ‘big bosses’ have a lot to answer for. It’s going to take years and a lot of investment.

I have been to Nobles and RCH on a few occasions for bloods, Radiology and minor procedure over the last year. Very good service by everyone, all things considering. It’s a shame our politicos and Manx Care managers can’t pull their fingers out and address the issues - it’s not as though they are starved of funds.

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1 hour ago, Roxanne said:

So, you think he's a liar then?

Not in the general sense, but he is good at distorting and bending the truth to suit the situation. Also he thinks and portrays himself as an expert. Super smug. Not Chief Minister material.

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28 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Not in the general sense, but he is good at distorting and bending the truth to suit the situation. Also he thinks and portrays himself as an expert. Super smug. Not Chief Minister material.

Surely a contradiction in terms...? 😂

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35 minutes ago, 2112 said:

I appreciate that they are snowed under with work and demands, they are stressed too. I personally send Palatine an email for issues and prescriptions, which are sent to a local pharmacy. Getting appointments are a nightmare. Overall the nursing staff, doctors and reception are very good, efficient and professional under trying conditions, not of their making. The politicos and the ‘big bosses’ have a lot to answer for. It’s going to take years and a lot of investment.

I have been to Nobles and RCH on a few occasions for bloods, Radiology and minor procedure over the last year. Very good service by everyone, all things considering. It’s a shame our politicos and Manx Care managers can’t pull their fingers out and address the issues - it’s not as though they are starved of funds.

They are not starved of funds they are starved of staff at the coalface, to many sitting on their fat asses doing fuck all to help with the backlog, they "the upper management" are the problem costing an absolute fortune annually and producing nothing to show for the money spent and Ashford is as much to blame as any of the rest because he agreed with introducing Manx care and sold the idea to Tynwald who took the bait hook line and sinker. We do not need another level of bureaucracy.

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3 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

We’re all stressed and tensions are running high but it seems that it’s only the health and public sector that expects to be isolated from it all. The number of difficult situations I’m dealing with at the moment don’t lead me to think that people are being rude arseholes - they lead me to accept that a lot of people have had a really bad time in the last 18 months and they’re not angry at anything I’ve done they’re just angry with the world which totally fell apart and hasn’t re-assembled itself properly yet. That’s why most people are stressed and annoyed at not being able to get things done.

There’s also the point that we apparently gave up our jobs to protect the NHS and yet it’s still in a mess and unable to provide us with basic services as it should be able to. So what’s been the point of a lot of it?

While more than a few small businesses are reeling from 18-20 months of minimal or non-existant support, loss of income and spiraling costs in insurance and now (wait for the new IOM government) probably a hike in NI (or the levy or whatever they label it) there had better be a marked improvement.

One of the things I have noticed are empty GP waiting rooms, like literally no-one, when I went in to drop or pick up paperwork etc. This wasn't the height of the waves but during one of the prolonged zero cases in the community periods.

They need to get a grip on the basics like being able to get through to make an appointment within 20 minutes* and prescriptions. Why the hell does it take 5 days to sort out a repeat prescription FFS?

*Often find it is way quicker to walk in and book it face to face.


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5 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

They all need to get a grip. Many times I’ve heard the excuse ‘well it’s all down to covid isn’t it?’ Well no it isn’t. That was literally a good six months ago. Anyone using it as an excuse now is simply making up excuses for crap service or lazy staff who got used to not working and don’t really want to be going back to working too hard now. 

Using COVID really is a crap excuse. I've (cleverly) had two episodes of gout, my local surgery in Penryn has been wonderful. We're fully staffed, operating well and the phone support excellent. The repeat prescription for the second attack took a few minutes on the 'phone with a superb GP.


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20 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:


There’s also the point that we apparently gave up our jobs to protect the NHS and yet it’s still in a mess and unable to provide us with basic services as it should be able to. So what’s been the point of a lot of it?

it's probably less of a mess than it would have been ,  spin, spin, spin, spin,   it can always be worse.

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18 hours ago, CallMeCurious said:

While more than a few small businesses are reeling from 18-20 months of minimal or non-existant support, loss of income and spiraling costs in insurance and now (wait for the new IOM government) probably a hike in NI (or the levy or whatever they label it) there had better be a marked improvement.

One of the things I have noticed are empty GP waiting rooms, like literally no-one, when I went in to drop or pick up paperwork etc. This wasn't the height of the waves but during one of the prolonged zero cases in the community periods.

They need to get a grip on the basics like being able to get through to make an appointment within 20 minutes* and prescriptions. Why the hell does it take 5 days to sort out a repeat prescription FFS?

*Often find it is way quicker to walk in and book it face to face.


The issues with getting an appointment pre-date Covid by a long shot.

I used to be with Snaefell Surgery years ago.  Even then you were required to phone from 8.30 on the day for an appointment that day.  You could not arrange for a non-emergency appointment, say, later that week or the next, or whenever, you still had to phone on the day.  I spoke to the practice manager and explained that this presented difficulties as at 8.30 I was on the road, dropping kids off at school and on to work so it really wasn't good for me.  By the time I got to work, all appointments had invariably gone. The reply was that it worked for them and that was that!

I spoke to someone at the then DHSS but there was no real help or even a nudge to go through a complaints process.  Therefore, I moved to another practice and never had a problem since.  That must have been 15 + years ago. 


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Again, not good 'optics', as they say.

I have been supporting someone with a complaint and they still have not had all the information requested from medical records - nearly 3 years later !!

Isn't it the public Manx Care Board meeting next week - not seen any announcement yet so maybe papers have not been finalised yet.


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