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Manx Care


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Apparently Mr Hooper had no imagination , it would cost that much and need 13 extra staff. Then maybe ha can justify  why on earth did he, and everyone else, vote for it then. Have they all been conned ?


or maybe he has  just realised that the staff at RDCH might not like whats coming next and is getting ready for the electoral backlash.

DA trying to justify all the posts being transferred and the market rate for these new people. And all this in the middle of a global pandemic and massive vaccination programme with the hospital being in the state it is now in after the last 5 years of, in my view, poor management. 

Well that should bring the HNWI's flocking here. 

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On 12/17/2020 at 9:03 AM, asitis said:

Does this have a parallel in the airport, where we pay a raft of senior managers who seek now to employ consultants to tell them how to do the job they are supposed to be doing ! The overheads of both, which add nothing to the sharp end must be immense !

I don't know about he airport but sounds about right for DHSC.

The final amendments from Leg Co went through unopposed this morning in an extra HoK session, which surprisingly finished almost bang on at 1 pm. 


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Quote "The public are invited to give their views on proposals which will ensure greater honesty and transparency for patients and service users when things go wrong with their treatment and care.
A new statutory duty of candour is included in the Manx Care Bill, requiring organisations that provide health and care services to be open and honest, as recommended by Sir Jonathan Michael’s independent health and social care review. The Bill also requires a formal procedure for when an incident occurs which has caused, or is likely to cause, harm to an individual."

Just 2 comments on this:

1. Surely our DHSC are open, honest and transparent with patients and families already. If not, why not?

2. If it is enshrined in law already then what is the point of a public consultation? 

I am all for replacing the useless DHSC complaints process and welcome any (hopefully) new requirements on Public Interest Disclosure. Leaving this issue / consultation till over the Christmas period could suggest they don't want too many comments or to highlight the past and current lack of openness.   

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6 hours ago, Apple said:

Quote "The public are invited to give their views on proposals which will ensure greater honesty and transparency for patients and service users when things go wrong with their treatment and care.
A new statutory duty of candour is included in the Manx Care Bill, requiring organisations that provide health and care services to be open and honest, as recommended by Sir Jonathan Michael’s independent health and social care review. The Bill also requires a formal procedure for when an incident occurs which has caused, or is likely to cause, harm to an individual."

Just 2 comments on this:

1. Surely our DHSC are open, honest and transparent with patients and families already. If not, why not?

2. If it is enshrined in law already then what is the point of a public consultation? 

I am all for replacing the useless DHSC complaints process and welcome any (hopefully) new requirements on Public Interest Disclosure. Leaving this issue / consultation till over the Christmas period could suggest they don't want too many comments or to highlight the past and current lack of openness.   

As well s normal with IOMG they will consult then totally ignore and implement plans at great expense.

in 3 years we will get more consultants in and change system again 

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1. We are throwing good money (3.5 Million) after bad money (one Mill spent already)into 'Manx Care' 

2. There will be Zero tangible benefit to the public

3. Will end in tears

4. A limited number of people are laughing all the way to the bank

5. We'll end up with a significantly worse service costing much more

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5 hours ago, Dr. Grumpy said:

1. We are throwing good money (3.5 Million) after bad money (one Mill spent already)into 'Manx Care' 

2. There will be Zero tangible benefit to the public

3. Will end in tears

4. A limited number of people are laughing all the way to the bank

5. We'll end up with a significantly worse service costing much more

I’d like to say you’re a cynical old grump and your predications are wide of the mark. Yeah...I’d like to say it...

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When you desperately need medical help, the last thing you need are beauracrats ! We seem great at recruiting rafts of pen pushers all over the island whilst the sharp ends go to hell ! There are parallels in everything government touch, vast expense and poor results ! The health service needs funding properly, and rafts of medics, not pencil necks telling the medics what they can and cannot do which from personal experience seems to be the situation. The current administration is one of the worst we have had in terms of employing and encouraging the wrong people to flourish, whilst the end result of so much is horrendous. Sloping shoulders the lot of them ! My views mean little as I cannot run a health service, but then again neither can they !!

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On 12/24/2020 at 6:51 AM, asitis said:

he health service needs funding properly, and rafts of medics, not pencil necks telling the medics what they can and cannot do which from personal experience seems to be the situation. The current administration is one of the worst we have had in terms of employing and encouraging the wrong people to flourish, whilst the end result of so much is horrendous.

Health and Social Care Minister David Ashford said: ‘By making a decision about whether a patient needs to be seen or should have a phone consultation, GPs are doing what we have asked of them. It is not about minimising the numbers coming to the surgery, it is about allocating each patient the most appropriate appointment and protecting those who may not be in the best of health. And it helps ensure that patients who need to be seen by a GP can do so.”

I think this is the new (as yet unspoken of ) format for screening patients OUT of ther system by receptionists. This is how Manx Care is going to operate.

A tier system next for phone call to be screened by volunteer groups, then charity groups, then receptionists, then GP nurses and maybe eventually get an appointment to actually see the GP.  

The way forward, not. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/23/2020 at 11:46 AM, Dr. Grumpy said:

1. We are throwing good money (3.5 Million) after bad money (one Mill spent already)into 'Manx Care' 

2. There will be Zero tangible benefit to the public

3. Will end in tears

4. A limited number of people are laughing all the way to the bank

5. We'll end up with a significantly worse service costing much more

And we go boldly forth in the middle of the worst Pandemic in recent history <facepalm>

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I received a letter yesterday informing me of a telephone out patient appointment call from one of the 'Consultant's team. Time and date my be subject to change. 

Can anyone explain what use is that. 

Clinical staff need to see and feel things for themselves. Am I supposed to know what I am looking for, or use the right terminology to describe symptoms and parts of my anatomy? 

And as for knowing who is on the other end of the phone then how am I to know.Are they who they say they are (believe me I know enough to be dubious) Is the call recorded? Do they have my notes in from of them? 

I am going to try and re arrange for a face to face appointment. This is not the way forward.

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I had an out patient appointment for this Thursday and just phoned to either cancel it or get a telephone appointment 'cos I don't want to go to the hospital and chance infection. 

I don't dis-agree with your view at all just on balance of risk for myself don't want to take the chance.

FWIW. The telephone receptionist couldn't have been kinder or more helpful. Good for her, thankyou.

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1 hour ago, Apple said:

I received a letter yesterday informing me of a telephone out patient appointment call from one of the 'Consultant's team. Time and date my be subject to change. 

Can anyone explain what use is that. 

Clinical staff need to see and feel things for themselves. Am I supposed to know what I am looking for, or use the right terminology to describe symptoms and parts of my anatomy? 

And as for knowing who is on the other end of the phone then how am I to know.Are they who they say they are (believe me I know enough to be dubious) Is the call recorded? Do they have my notes in from of them? 

I am going to try and re arrange for a face to face appointment. This is not the way forward.

They are cancelling all face to face at hospital as far as I know, wife & mother both had calls saying you will be called at same time as original appointments.

As far as I know procedures like colonoscopy etc are still proceeding 

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5 hours ago, Banker said:

They are cancelling all face to face at hospital as far as I know, wife & mother both had calls saying you will be called at same time as original appointments.

As far as I know procedures like colonoscopy etc are still proceeding 

Yeah, pain in the arse isn’t it. 😇

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